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研究生(外文):Yun-De Huang
論文名稱(外文):Bacterial chemotaxis in random environment
指導教授(外文):Hsuan-Yi Chen
外文關鍵詞:E. colibacterialchemotaxis
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Run-and-tumble bacteria have evolved two distinct modes of movement in order to navigate toward more favorable living environments. These movement states are primarily controlled by internal proteins. Additionally, it has been observed that run-and-tumble bacteria exhibit distinctive moving behaviors at solid boundaries. In this thesis, the motion of a chemotactic bacterium in a two-dimensional environment with immobile random circular obstacles is simulated to study the effect of random solid boundaries that a bacterium encounters in its natural environment. The results show that when the average distance between the obstacle walls is sufficiently small, the influence of the solid boundaries makes it more advantageous for bacteria to find a suitable environment for survival. On the other hand, the chemotactic motion in the limit of small densities of obstacles is slower as the density of obstacles increases. There is a critical average distance between the obstacle walls at which the chemotactic motion has the smallest average velocity. Our results suggest a way to control bacterial behavior by manipulating the randomness of the environment.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 acterium-wall interaction 5
2 Model 6
2.1 Equations of motion 6
2.2 Transitions between different moving states 7
2.3 Receptor activation and methylation level 8
2.4 Arranging solid disks in the simulation box 11
3 Results: average velocity of run-and-tumble particles in random environments 17
3.1 elocity and Effective Channel Width 17
3.2 Two possible mechanisms that leads to the vx − Weff relation at Weff < Wth 19
3.2.1 Total tumbling time versus Weff 20
3.2.2 Path length versus Weff 21
3.3 Probability of moving toward regions with higher chemoattractant concentration 22
4 Summary 27
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