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研究生(外文):Jr-Yu Chiou
論文名稱(外文):TinyissimoYOLOv5-P4-DA: A Depth Pruning, Auxiliary Network, and Quantization-Based Object Detection Model
指導教授(外文):Ching-Han Chen
外文關鍵詞:Depth PruningAuxiliary NetworkQuantizationObject DetectionTinyMLTFLITE
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物件偵測技術在計算機視覺領域應用廣泛,但其高計算需求通常依賴強大的硬體支持,對資源有限的微控制器是一大挑戰。本研究基於 YOLOv5 及 TinyissimoYOLO ,提出了一種改進的 TYv5-P4 模型,通過深度剪枝、輔助網路以及量化,成功將模型大小縮小至 334KiB,並命名為 TYv5-P4-DA 。在低解析度輸入的情況下,該模型仍能保持相對較高的準確度。
TYv5-P4-DA 的創新之處在於其 Backbone 僅保留三個 C3 層,並只使用單一輸出。這一方法不僅能在較低解析度輸入下提升準確度,還能有效減少模型大小。此外,與 TinyissimoYOLO 相比, TinyissimoYOLO 的 mAP 會隨輸入尺寸增加而下降,而 TYv5-P4-DA 的 mAP 則會隨輸入尺寸增加而提升。該模型採用高解析度圖像進行訓練,低解析度圖像進行推論,有效提高了物件偵測的準確性。
這一成果為低功耗、低成本的 TinyML 應用提供了新的可能性,並具有廣泛的實際應用價值。未來工作將集中於進一步優化模型性能,提升準確度和推理速度,以滿足更多實際應用場景的需求。
Object detection technology is extensively applied in the field of computer vision, yet its high computational requirements typically depend on robust hardware support, posing a significant challenge for resource-constrained microcontrollers. This research introduces an improved TYv5-P4 model based on YOLOv5 and TinyissimoYOLO. Through Depth Pruning, Auxiliary Networks and Quantization, the model size is successfully reduced to 334KiB, and it is named TYv5-P4-DA. This model maintains relatively high accuracy even with low-resolution inputs.
The innovation of TYv5-P4-DA lies in its Backbone, which retains only three C3 layers and uses only P4 as the output. This method not only enhances accuracy with lower-resolution inputs but also effectively reduces the model size. Furthermore, unlike TinyissimoYOLO, which experiences a decline in mAP as input size increases, TYv5-P4-DA's mAP improves with larger input sizes. The model is trained with high-resolution images and performs inference with low-resolution images, significantly enhancing object detection accuracy.
This accomplishment provides new possibilities for low-power, low-cost TinyML applications and possesses broad practical value. Future work will focus on further optimizing model performance, enhancing accuracy, and speeding up inference to meet the demands of more practical application scenarios.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgments iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Thesis Structure 3
Chapter 2 Related Work 4
2.1 TinyML 4
2.1.1 TensorFlow Lite (TFLITE) 5
2.1.2 Quantization 6
2.2 TinyissimoYOLO 9
2.2.1 Benchmark 9
2.2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of TinyissimoYOLO 9
2.3 Depth Pruning with Auxiliary Networks 11
2.3.1 Unstructured Pruning and Structured Pruning 12
2.3.2 Depth Pruning with Auxiliary Networks 13
2.4 YOLOv5 14
2.4.1 Convolution Mudule - ConvBNSiLU - CBS 19
2.4.2 CSPNet 19
2.4.3 SPPF (Spatial Pyramid Pooling Fast) 20
2.4.4 Mosaic Augmentation 22
2.4.5 CIoU Loss 22
2.4.6 Focal Loss 28
2.4.7 NMS 30
2.4.8 mAP 32
Chapter 3 TinyissimoYOLOv5-P4-DA 39
3.1 TinyissimoYOLOv5-P4-DA (TYv5-P4-DA) 39
3.2 Pratrain TYv5-P4 41
3.3 Transfer Learning 50
3.4 Depth Pruning and Auxiliary Network Learning 51
3.5 Quantization by Converting to TF Lite 55
Chapter 4 Experiments 56
4.1 Experimental Environment 56
4.2 Benchmark 56
4.3 Depth Pruning and Auxiliary Networks 57
4.4 Training with large images, inferring with small images 59
4.5 Creating pretrained weights using COCO 60
4.6 Comparison of inference results with different image sizes 64
Chapter 5 Conclusion 66
Chapter 6 References 67
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