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研究生(外文):Tsu-Ning Fang
指導教授(外文):Dachrahn WuShou-Yung Yin
中文關鍵詞:實價登錄房價泡沫房價基值GSADF 檢定
外文關鍵詞:Actual price registrationHousing price bubbleFundamental house priceGSADF test
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近年來,臺灣房地產市場持續熱絡,房價上漲幅度遠超過民眾所得增加速度,使得購屋成為許多家庭和年輕人的沉重負擔。居高不下的房價不僅讓有購屋需求的民眾望而卻步,也引發社會各界對於房價是否存在泡沫現象的擔憂。臺北市作為臺灣的行政首都,房價水準尤為高昂,為了更好地理解臺北市的房價動態並檢驗是否存在泡沫現象,本研究使用內政部實價登錄資料,並應用Hamilton(2018)提出的時間序列分解方法,估算臺北市各行政區的房價基值,最後再透過Phillips et al.(2015)提出的GSADF檢定進行分析。
In recent years, Taiwan's real estate market has remained active, with housing prices rising far beyond the growth in people's incomes, making home ownership a heavy burden for many families and young people. The persistently high housing prices not only deter prospective homebuyers but also raise concerns across society about the potential existence of a housing bubble. As the administrative capital of Taiwan, Taipei City has particularly high housing prices. To better understand the dynamics of Taipei's housing prices and to examine the potential existence of a bubble, this study utilizes data from the Ministry of the Interior's actual price registration. It applies Hamilton's (2018) time series decomposition method to estimate the fundamental housing prices for each district in Taipei and subsequently uses the GSADF test proposed by Phillips et al. (2015) for analysis.
The empirical results show that the actual housing prices in all districts of Taipei City are generally higher than their fundamental values. The test results indicate that Xinyi, Daan, Songshan, Wanhua, Wenshan, Nangang, and Neihu districts have significantly higher risks of housing price bubbles, whereas Beitou, Shilin, Zhongzheng, Datong, and Zhongshan districts exhibit relatively stable housing prices. These findings provide important data support for understanding the housing price trends and bubble risks in various districts of Taipei City.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 4
1-3 研究架構 5
第二章、文獻回顧 6
2-1 基要價值理論 6
2-1-1資產現值模型 6
2-1-2 家戶可支配所得為基礎的基要價值模型 7
2-1-3房價基值受總體經濟因素影響 7
2-2 泡沫檢定方法 8
第三章、資料 9
3-1 資料來源與原始特徵 9
3-2 資料預處理 9
第四章、實證分析流程 18
4-1 資料處理與特徵選取 18
4-2 預期價格模型 22
4-3 泡沫檢定 24
第五章、實證結果與分析 26
5-1 預期房價結果分析 26
5-2 泡沫檢定結果分析 27
第六章、結論與建議 32
6-1 結論 32
6-2 建議 33
參考文獻 34
附錄一 37
附錄二 41
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