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研究生(外文):Chia-Hui Huang
論文名稱(外文):Improving Student Learning Effectiveness Through Personalized Interventions Using Generative AI
指導教授(外文):Stephen J.H. Yang
中文關鍵詞:生成式AI程式練習題干預輔導活動Fleiss Kappa圖靈測試
外文關鍵詞:Generative AIProgramming ExercisesInterventionFleiss KappaTuring Test
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為了實現符合學生的個人化程式回饋建議,此回饋基於學生編碼習慣去識別出的Coding pattern來產生相對應的回饋,並在每次課堂結束後給予學生個人化回饋以及考前的干預輔導活動,結果顯示有個人化干預回饋的幫助,學生學習成效確實有效提升。
為了評估題目的可信度,將透過生成式AI產生的程式練習題與人工題目混合並請專業人士進行評估,將評估結果進行Fleiss Kappa,而透過Kappa係數去驗證其題目的信度與一致性。同時在課堂中將生成式AI產生的題目與人工題目混雜著給學生在課堂上做練習題,並在每週課堂結束後,請學生透過自己在做題時的感覺猜測哪些題目為生成式AI出題哪些為人工出題,圖靈測試結果表明生成式AI產生的題目與人工題目在學生感受下是無法分辨的。
This study aims to explore how Generative AI technology can enhance personalized programming behavior feedback in programming education, enabling students to achieve better learning outcomes during classes compared to traditional review activities. Additionally, the study investigates whether programming exercises generated by Generative AI can achieve the same quality as those created by humans.
To provide personalized programming feedback, this feedback is based on identifying coding patterns from students' coding habits and generating corresponding feedback, which is given to students at the end of each class. The results show that the feedback helps improve students’ learning effectiveness.
To evaluate the reliability of the generated exercises, programming exercises produced by Generative AI will be assessed by professionals alongside manually created questions. The reliability and consistency of the questions will be validated using the Kappa coefficient of Fleiss' Kappa. During classes, both AI-generated and human-created questions will be mixed for students to solve. At the end of each weekly class, students will be asked to guess which questions were generated by AI and which were created by humans. The Turing test results indicate that it is impossible to distinguish between AI-generated and human-created questions.
The above findings demonstrate that the advent of Generative AI brings many conveniences and possibilities. In addition to reducing teachers' workload, it effectively helps students improve their learning outcomes. In the future, many applications will undoubtedly utilize extensive Generative AI.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
1. 緒論 1
2. 文獻探討 2
2.1. 生成式AI 2
2.2. 提示工程 3
2.3. Fleiss Kappa 3
2.4. 圖靈測試 4
3. 系統開發 4
3.1. 產生個人化程式行為回饋建議 4
3.2. 產生程式練習題 10
4. 研究方法 12
4.1. 課程設計 12
4.2. 學習系統 14
4.3. 基於Coding patterns的個人化干預 16
4.3.1. 回饋建議 17
4.3.2. 程式行為趨勢分析 18
4.3.3. 作答時間分析 19
4.3.4. 錯誤類型分析 20
4.4. 評估準則&評估題目流程 20
4.5. 學生課後題目評估(圖靈測試) 22
5. 結果 23
5.1. 接受生成式AI產生的個人化程式行為回饋建議干預的學生能否比接受傳統複習活動的學生有更高的學習成績 23
5.2. 程式練習題信度比較 25
5.3. 生成式AI出題與人工出題的差異分析 27
5.4. 討論 29
6. 結論 30
7. 未來研究與限制 31
附錄 33
參考文獻 35
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