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研究生(外文):Jeng-Chieh Cheng
論文名稱:從案例式學習以運算思維運用生成式人工智慧的 程式學習機制
論文名稱(外文):The mechanism of learning programming by applying computational thinking through case-based learning with generative ai
指導教授(外文):Yung-Yu Zhuang
外文關鍵詞:Human-AI interactionProgrammingGenerative AICase-based learning
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Learning programming has become a necessary and important skill, but it is not easy for learners to build a foundation from scratch and apply it in practice. The emergence of generative AI provides a tool to assist learners, but due to high dependency and the inaccuracy of generated results, it can negatively impact learning effectiveness and future use of the tool. By applying computational thinking, users can improve the understanding of generative AI by describing each detail of inputs, outputs, and processing methods through problem decomposition. This study proposes case-based learning to prevent learners from becoming highly dependent on generative AI and to avoid inaccuracies in generated results. By extending the application of learners' existing programming concepts through problem-solving experiences from past cases, this approach helps learners use generative AI with computational thinking, constructing problem-solving methods with precise natural language to improve their effectiveness in learning programming. This study designed a learning system based on this approach and conducted a thirteen-week experiment. The results showed that, compared to learners directly implementing and querying generative AI in a computer environment, learning programming using the system designed in this study had more significant effects on learning outcomes.
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題以及解決辦法 5
二、 文獻探討 9
2.1 運算思維 9
2.2 案例式學習 10
2.3 生成式 AI 與提示方法 11
三、 學習方法與實作 13
3.1 方法概述 13
3.2 系統介面 15
3.2.1 登入以及題目選擇介面 16
3.2.2 製作模組介面 17
3.2.3 生成結果以及修正介面 20
3.3 學習流程-遞迴的程式主題 23
3.4 系統實作 33
3.4.1 運算思維模組JSON與生成結果JSON 36
3.4.2 資料庫
四、 實驗設計 41
4.1 研究對象 41
4.2 實驗流程 41
4.3 學習內容 42
4.3.1 中測前實驗 43
4.3.2 中測後實驗 46
4.4 程式能力前、中、後測測驗 49
五、 實驗結果以及討論 53
5.1 描述統計分析結果 53
5.2 學習成效分析工具 54
5.2.1 常態分佈檢定 54
5.2.2 變異數同質性檢定 55
5.2.3 Mauchly’s 球形檢定 56
5.2.4 單因子相依變異數分析 57
5.2.5 成對比較 58
5.3 受試者回饋 60
5.4 學習成效結果討論 62
5.5 研究限制 63
六、 結論與未來展望 65
6.1 結論 65
6.2 未來展望 66
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