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研究生(外文):Hsiu-Yi Yang
論文名稱(外文):Graph Neural Network (GNN) Based Internal Node Control (INC) and Input Vector Control (IVC) Co-Optimization for Aging Mitigation
指導教授(外文):Yu-Guang Chen
外文關鍵詞:Internal Node Control (INC)Input Vector Control (IVC)Graph Neural Network (GNN)Negative Bias Temperature Instabilitygate replacementaging mitigation
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With the advancement of semiconductor processes, the issue of circuit aging is becoming increasingly prominent. One of the most severe aging effects is negative bias temperature instability (NBTI), which increases the threshold voltage and propagation delay of PMOS transistors. Over time, the increased delay may lead to timing violations and even system failures. To address the problems caused by NBTI, various aging mitigation techniques have been proposed, such as Internal Node Control (INC) and Input Vector Control (IVC). INC applies specially designed logic gates to mitigate aging effects, while IVC utilizes appropriate input vectors during circuit idle periods to alleviate the pressure from NBTI. However, INC incurs additional area costs and power consumption, while the structure of the circuit limits the controllability of IVC. Although various aging tolerance methods based on INC or IVC have been proposed in the past, only a few authors have considered the synergistic optimization between the two methods. In this thesis, we introduce a GNN-based INC and IVC co-optimization framework, leveraging the advantages of both methods to minimize aging-induced delays as much as possible. Our approach involves using a well-trained GNN to identify logic gates in the circuit significantly affected by aging, and then utilizing INC and IVC under given area constraints to mitigate aging effects. Experimental results indicate that adopting our method in the circuit can reduce additional propagation delay caused by aging by approximately 2.16 times compared to previous research results, while requiring only 29.5% additional area consumption compared to previous studies. Furthermore, the execution time of our method is also faster, accelerating by 2.6 times compared to previous approaches.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
Table of Contents iv
Table of Figures vi
Table of Tables viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Aging Issues 1
1.2 Mitigation Methods 2
1.3 Contributions 4
Chapter 2 Preliminaries 6
2.1 Aging Effect and Aging Model 6
2.2 Aging Mitigation Methods 7
2.2.1 Internal Node Control (INC) 7
2.2.2 Input Vector Control (IVC) 8
2.3 Graph Neural Network (GNN) for Electronic Design Automation (EDA) 9
2.3.1 Graph Neural Network (GNN) 10
2.3.2 GNN-Based Approaches for Mitigating Aging Issues 13
Chapter 3 Problem Formulation 15
3.1 Motivation 15
3.2 Problem Formulation 16
Chapter 4 GNN-Based INC and IVC Co-Optimization Framework for Aging Mitigation 17
4.1 Overall Framework 17
4.2 GNN-based Approach for INC Logic Deployment 18
4.3 GNN-based Co-Optimization with INC and IVC 21
4.4 Iterative GNN-based Co-Optimization with INC and IVC 22
Chapter 5 Experimental Results 25
5.1 Experimental Setting 25
5.2 Comparison of Aging-induced Degradation Improvement Rate (Dimp) 27
5.3 Comparison of Gate Replacement Rate 28
5.4 Comparison of Area Overhead (Ainc) 29
5.5 Comparison of Ratio of Delay Improvement over Area Overhead (Dimp/Ainc) 30
5.6 Comparison of Execution Time 31
5.7 Comparison of Leakage Power 33
Chapter 6 Conclusions 34
Reference 35
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