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研究生(外文):Chia-Fang Chang
論文名稱:準 Z 源結合切換電感電容之單開關高升壓轉換器
論文名稱(外文):A Single Switch High Step-Up DC–DC Converter Utilizing Quasi-Z-Source Combined with Switched Inductor and Capacitor
指導教授(外文):Kuo-Kai Shyu
中文關鍵詞:準 Z 源架構切換電感電容高電壓轉換比直流–直流轉換器非隔離式轉換器
外文關鍵詞:Quasi-Z-SourceSwitched Inductor-CapacitorHigh Voltage Conversion RatioDC-DC ConverterNon-Isolated Converter
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所提出的電路架構以二次升壓轉換器為基礎,將準 Z 源架構套入取代電感,使轉換器保有輸入電流連續的特性,同時降低電容的電壓應力,並且在較小的工作週期內,達到高電壓轉換比;再藉由切換電感電容拓撲,使轉換器可模組化成多階結構,根據應用層面擴增結構,以達到目標高電壓輸出;整體電路使用單開關做切換,因此只需單個控制信號及驅動電路,降低架構複雜度。
This thesis proposes a novel architecture that combines the quasi-Z-source and switched inductor-capacitor frameworks for high step-up converters, which are applicable in solar power generation systems. High step-up DC-DC converters are essential in solar power systems to elevate the low source voltage to the predetermined high voltage level.
The proposed circuit architecture is based on quadratic boost converter, where the quasi-Z-source framework is incorporated to replace the inductor. This design ensures the continuous input current characteristic while reducing the voltage stress on the capacitors. Additionally, it achieves a high voltage conversion ratio within a smaller operating duty cycle. By integrating the switched inductor-capacitor topology, the converter can be modularized into multiple stages to achieve the desired high voltage output based on application requirements. The overall circuit utilizes a single switch for switching operation, resulting in simplified architecture with a single control signal and driver circuit.
Detailed calculations and analysis are conducted in this thesis to determine the parameters and specifications of the proposed converter architecture. Relevant calculation formulas are provided for practical implementation convenience. Furthermore, simulation and experimentation are conducted to implement the circuit and compare it with other high step-up topologies. The purpose is to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed converter architecture.
摘 要 ......................i
Abstract ..................ii
誌 謝 .....................iii
圖目錄 ....................vii
表目錄 ......................x
第一章 緒論 .................1
1-1 前言 ...................1
1-2 研究動機與目的 ..........5
1-3 論文架構 ...............6
第二章 升壓型轉換器 .........7
2-1 傳統升壓轉換器介紹 ......7
2-2 二次升壓轉換器介紹 ......8
2-3 Z 源轉換器介紹 .........10
第三章 轉換器電路設計 .......13
3-1 電路主架構分析 .........13
3-2 電路切換時序說明 .......15
3-3 電壓轉換比推導 .........20
3-4 元件設計 ...............22
3-4-1 電感設計 .............22
3-4-2 電容設計 .............23
3-5 元件電壓應力 ...........25
3-5-1 開關電壓應力計算 ......25
3-5-2 二極體電壓應力計算 .....25
3-6 元件電流應力 ............27
3-6-1 二極體電流應力計算 .....27
3-6-2 開關電流應力計算 .......28
第四章 電路模擬分析 ..........29
4-1 PSIM 電路模擬 ...........29
4-2 轉換器模擬波形 ..........30
4-2-1 結合準 Z 源與切換電感電容架構之二級轉換器 .........30
4-2-2 結合準 Z 源與切換電感電容架構之三級轉換器 .........35
4-3 架構比較 .........................................39
4-4 轉換器非理想元件分析 .............................45
4-4-1 本論文轉換器之功率損耗 ..........................47
4-4-2 本論文轉換器之效率及非理想增益估算 ...............53
4-5 PSIM 模擬非理想電路 ...............................55
第五章 電路實作與實驗結果 ..............................59
5-1 電路實作 ..........................................59
5-1-1 STM32F103 微控制器 ..............................60
5-1-2 轉換器電路設計 ...................................60
5-2 結合準 Z 源與切換電感電容架構之二級轉換器實驗結果 .....62
5-2-1 結合準 Z 源與切換電感電容架構之二級轉換器電路波形 ...62
5-2-3 轉換器效率 .......................................68
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 ...............................70
參考文獻 ...............................................72
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