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研究生(外文):Chia-Hao Chang
論文名稱(外文):Process Design and Application Development of Flexible Printed Circuit Boards for Medical Wearable Devices Based on Additive Manufacturing Technology
指導教授(外文):Chao-Yaug Liao
外文關鍵詞:Additive ManufacturingFlexible Printed Circuit BoardMedical Wearable Devices
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Medical wearable devices can retrieve, generate and share the wearer’s physiological data, enabling medical personnel to provide remote diagnosis and treatment to patients through digital connections. The most important part of medical wearable devices is the flexible printed circuit boards, which has the advantages of being lightweight, thin and small. Current mainstream manufacturing technologies are more suitable for mass manufacturing of single specification applications. However, medical wearable devices need to be customized according to the different needs of patients. Using mainstream manufacturing technologies for customized production would significantly increase costs. Additive manufacturing technology, which builds layer by layer, can create complex three-dimensional structures and design internal structures within models. Due to its high degree of design freedom, this technology can meet the customization needs of medical wearable devices.
This research is based on additive manufacturing technology to develop a flexible, skin-friendly and customizable flexible printed circuit boards process, providing a solution for the customized application needs of medical wearable devices. The study utilizes high-resolution photopolymerization technology in additive manufacturing technology to produce flexible substrates and prints the designed circuit patterns onto the substrates. Next, conductive ink is printed using direct ink writing technology, which is then cured to form conductive circuits. A method for mounting electronic components is developed based on surface mount technology. Finally, flexible encapsulation material is printed onto the surface of the product using direct ink writing technology. After the encapsulation material is cured, it forms an encapsulation layer that protects the circuit and electronic components from external environmental influences, thereby extending the product's lifespan and enhancing its reliability.
After completing the aforementioned process, this research uses the medical wearable device for wound care as an example to design two application modules for wound care: a multispectral phototherapy module that accelerates wound healing and a bioimpedance measurement module that monitors wound healing. The modules are fabricated using the developed process, followed by functional testing under power, mechanical property testing, circuit stability testing under different bending conditions, and surface temperature stability testing during operation to verify the feasibility of the modules.
摘要 i
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-3 研究動機與目的 15
1-4 論文架構 16
第二章 研究與理論說明 17
2-1 印刷電路板簡介 17
2-2 直接墨水書寫技術簡介 22
2-3 光固化成型技術簡介 24
2-4 數位影像處理與機器視覺技術簡介 26
2-5 應用於慢性傷口護理的醫療穿戴式裝置 33
第三章 系統架構與製程說明 39
3-1 軟性印刷電路板的製造流程 39
3-2 系統設備簡介 47
3-3 使用材料簡介 51
3-4 機器系統與視覺系統的手眼校正方法 56
3-5 導電墨水沉積路徑規劃方法 61
3-6 電子元件貼裝路徑規劃方法 78
3-7 封裝材料沉積路徑說明 81
第四章 傷口護理的應用模組開發 82
4-1 傷口護理的應用模組設計 82
4-2 多光譜光療模組功能測試方法 90
4-3 生物阻抗量測模組功能測試方法 91
4-4 基板材料與封裝材料的拉伸試驗 94
4-5 不同曲率半徑下的電路穩定性測試方法 96
4-6 多光譜光療模組的表面溫度穩定性測試方法 98
第五章 實驗結果與討論 100
5-1 導電墨水沉積路徑規劃之列印結果 100
5-2 電子元件貼裝路徑規劃之準確性測試結果 102
5-3 多光譜光療模組功能測試結果 104
5-4 生物阻抗量測模組功能測試結果 105
5-5 多光譜光療模組與生物阻抗量測模組的組合使用 108
5-6 基板材料與封裝材料的拉伸試驗結果 109
5-7 不同曲率半徑下的電路穩定性測試結果 110
5-8 多光譜光療模組的表面溫度穩定性試驗結果 113
第六章 結論與未來展望 117
6-1 結論 117
6-2 未來展望 117
參考文獻 118
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