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論文名稱:包容性領導對員工內部創業的影響: 創造性自我效能與知覺組織支持創新的調節式中介模式
論文名稱(外文):The effect of inclusive leadership on employee intrapreneurship: A moderated mediation model of creative self-efficacy and perceived organizational support for creativity
指導教授(外文):CHU, CHIH-CHIEH
外文關鍵詞:Employee IntrapreneurshipInclusive LeadershipSocial Cognitive TheoryCreative Self-EfficacyPerceived Organizational Support for Creativity
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The study explores the impact of inclusive leadership on employee intrapreneurship based on social cognitive theory, and examines the moderating role of perceived organizational support for creativity and the mediating mechanism of creative self-efficacy. A questionnaire survey method was adopted, with questionnaires distributed in three stages at one-month intervals, collecting a total of 216 valid responses from full-time employees in the United States. Regression analysis using SPSS and hypothesis testing using PROCESS were conducted. The findings of this study are as follows: (1) Inclusive leadership is positively associated with employee intrapreneurship; (2) Inclusive leadership is positively associated with creative self-efficacy; (3) Creative self-efficacy is positively associated with employee intrapreneurship; (4) Creative self-efficacy mediates the positive relationship between inclusive leadership and employee intrapreneurship; (5) Perceived organizational support for creativity moderates the positive relationship between inclusive leadership and creative self-efficacy. When perceived organizational support for creativity is high, the positive relationship between inclusive leadership and creative self-efficacy is stronger, and vice versa; (6) Perceived organizational support for creativity moderates the mediating effect of inclusive leadership on intrapreneurship through creative self-efficacy. When perceived organizational support for creativity is high, inclusive leadership is more likely to influence intrapreneurship through creative self-efficacy. Finally, the study discusses the research findings, elucidates theoretical contributions, explains managerial implications, and discusses research limitations and future directions.

第一章 緒論...1
第二章 文獻探討...3
第一節 社會認知理論(Social cognitive theory)...3
第二節 員工內部創業(Employee Intrapreneurship)...4
第三節 包容性領導(Inclusive Leadership)...6
第四節 創造性自我效能(Creative self-efficacy)...7
第五節 知覺組織支持創新(Perceived Organizational Support for Creativity)...8
第六節 創造力、創新、員工內部創業定義比較...8
第七節 假設推論...10
第三章 研究方法...14
第一節 研究對象及發放程序...14
第二節 研究變項衡量...14
第三節 資料分析...17
第四章 研究成果...19
第一節 未回應偏差...19
第二節 驗證性因素分析...19
第三節 各研究變項之相關...21
第四節 包容性領導、創造性自我效能、員工內部創業...23
第五章 討論與結果...30
第一節 研究結果與討論...30
第二節 研究貢獻...32
第三節 研究限制及未來研究方向...34
表2-1 創造力、創新、員工內部創業特性比較表...9
表3-1 包容性領導量表...15
表3-2 知覺組織支持創新量表...15
表3-3 員工內部創業量表...16
表3-4 階層迴歸分析模式...18
表4-1 研究架構測量模式之適合度比較(N=216)...20
表4-2 敘述性統計與相關係數矩陣...22
表4-3 包容性領導對員工內部創業之迴歸分析結果...24
表4-4 包容性領導對創造性自我效能之迴歸分析結果...25
表4-5 創造性自我效能對員工內部創業之迴歸分析結果...26
表4-7 H6之條件間接效果關係...29
圖 1-1 研究架構圖...2
圖 2-1 社會認知理論架構圖...4
圖 4-1 包容性領導與知覺組織支持創新對創造性自我效能的交互作用...28

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