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論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Social Support from Athletic Trainers on Rehabilitation Adherence and Emotional Responses in High School Athletes
外文關鍵詞:Sports InjurySports PsychologyInjury RehabilitationAthletic Training System Development Program
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Athletic trainers are the main point of contact for injured athletes during treatment and rehabilitation, providing important assistance that significantly aids athletes during the rehabilitation phase. According to psychological models related to sports injury rehabilitation, an athlete's psychological response to injury is influenced by both personal factors and situational factors, with social support being a key situational factor. Therefore, social support from athletic trainers is important for injured athletes. Purpose: The study aims to investigate the differences about social support provided by athletic trainers, the rehabilitation adherence, and the emotional responses in injured high school athletes across different background variables. Moreover, this study aims to explore the relationships among social support from athletic trainers, rehabilitation adherence, and emotional responses of injured athletes. Methods: A total of 102 injured student-athletes from high school were recruited, data will be collected by online questionnaires. The research tools include "Basic Information", "Rehabilitation Social Support Scale", "Sports Injury Rehabilitation Adherence Scale", and "Positive and Negative Affect Scale." Results: There are differences in perceived social support from athletic trainers, rehabilitation adherence, and emotional responses among injured high school athletes with different background variables. Social support provided by athletic trainers is positively correlated with rehabilitation adherence and positive emotions in injured high school athletes. The social support provided by athletic trainers and the positive emotions of injured high school athletes can jointly influence rehabilitation adherence, with emotional support having the greatest influence. Conclusion: The more social support injured high school athletes perceive from athletic trainers and the more positive emotional responses they have after injury, the higher their rehabilitation adherence.
誌謝.................................................... IV
圖目錄................................................ VIII
第壹章 緒論.............................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機............................... ....1
第二節 研究目的.........................................7
第三節 研究問題.........................................8
第四節 研究假設.........................................9
第五節 名詞解釋........................................10
第貳章 文獻探討..........................................12
第一節 運動傷害後心理狀態..............................12
第二節 復健依從性對受傷運動員的影響....................22
第三節 社會支持對受傷運動員的影響......................27
第四節 運動防護員提供的社會支持........................35
第參章 研究方法..........................................44
第一節 研究程序........................................44
第二節 研究架構........................................46
第三節 研究對象........................................47
第四節 研究工具........................................49
第五節 施測流程........................................51
第六節 資料處理與分析..................................52第肆章 研究結果..........................................53
第一節 研究參與者背景資料分析......... ................53
第二節 各變項之描述性統計分析及差異分析................55
第三節 各變項之相關分析................................65
第四節 社會支持與正向情緒對復健依從性的影響... ... ....67
第伍章 討論............................. ................69
第一節 不同背景變項受傷高中運動員在知覺運動防護員的社會支
第二節 運動防護員提供的社會支持、受傷高中運動員的復健依從
性與傷後情緒反應的關聯........ ................75
第陸章 結論與建議....................... ................78
第一節 結論....................... ....................78
第二節 研究限制........................................79
第三節 研究建議........................................80
第四節 實務建議........................................81參考文獻
附錄一 研究工具使用同意書................................99
附錄二 同意研究證明書...................................100附錄三 參與者同意書..................... ...............101附錄四 問卷範例.................................... ....105

表 3-3-1 研究參與者背景資料分析. ... .......... ..........48
表3-6-1研究假設與統計分析.......................... ....52
表4-1-1研究對象背景資料.... ........................ ... 54
表4-2-1研究變項描述性統計表.... ...................... .56
表4-2-2研究參與者性別在各研究變項之差異分析......... ...58
表4-2-3研究參與者復健次數在各研究變項之差異分析.... ...59
表4-2-4運動防護員的性別在各研究變項之差異分析... ......60
表4-2-5運動防護員的年齡在各研究變項之差異分析... ......61
表4-2-6有無手術開刀在各研究變項之差異分析.......... ... 62
表4-2-7每次復健時間在各研究變項之差異分析..... ..... ... 63
表4-2-8與運動防護員相處年數在各研究變項之差異分析...... 64
表4-3-1 各變項之相關矩陣摘要表...................... ... 62
表 4-4-1社會支持各構面共線性診斷表.. .. .. .. ... ....... 67
表 4-4-2復健依從性多元迴歸分析摘要表.. .. .. ... ... ..... 68
表 5-1-1 研究假設檢定結果摘要表....... ............. ... 70

圖2-1-1 生物心理社會模式........................................13
圖2-1-2 運動傷害與復建過程之心理反應綜合模式........................................15
圖3-1-1 研究流程........................................45
圖3-2-1 研究架構圖........................................46

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