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研究生(外文):HSU, YEN-TING
論文名稱(外文):Association study of bisphenol A and its analogues exposure with thyroid function in Taiwanese adults
指導教授(外文):HUANG, HAN-BIN
外文關鍵詞:Bisphenol ABisphenol SBisphenol Fadultsthyroid function
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近年來因雙酚A(Bisphenol A, BPA)有嚴格的法規限制,因此逐漸開始有BPS(Bisphenol S)及BPF(Bisphenol F)出現,大部分皆探討雙酚A對於人體的健康風險的影響,而僅有少數研究針對替代物對成人族群產生不良健康效應(例如甲狀腺功能)進行探討且研究結果仍不明確。
二、分析臺灣成年人BPA(Bisphenol A)、BPS(Bisphenol S)、BPF(Bisphenol F)暴露與成人甲狀腺功能指標相關性。
本研究為橫斷性研究,使用臺灣環境毒物調查(Taiwan Environmental Survey for Toxicants , TESTs)資料庫來做分析,以臺灣一般成人族群為研究對象,收案時間為2013年5月至12月,並收集問卷、生物檢驗結果,分別使用血液及尿液檢測甲狀腺功能指標(如: TSH、T3、T4、FT4)及BPA、BPS、BPF濃度,計算其每日攝入量(Daily intake, DI),共採用262名成年人(18歲以上)進行分析,以廣義線性模型(generalized linear model, GLM)探討BPA、BPS、BPF與甲狀腺功能指標之關係。此外,使用Quantile g-computation(qgcomp)模型與貝葉斯核函數迴歸(Bayesian kernel machine regression, BKMR)估計整體雙酚物質暴露對於甲狀腺功能指標的影響。
臺灣成年人暴露於BPA濃度會與FT4 (β=0.027,95%CI : 0.002, 0.053) 及SPINA-GT (β=0.079,95%CI : 0.009, 0.148)呈正相關。BPA、BPS每日攝入量與T4呈正相關(β=0.054,95%CI : 0.016, 0.091 for BPA;β=0.039,95%CI : 0.006, 0.072 for BPS);BPA及BPS每日攝入量則與T3/ T4呈負相關(β= -0.047,95%CI : -0.092, -0.001 for BPA;β= -0.052,95%CI : -0.097, -0.007 for BPS);BPA每日攝入量和TSH/ T4 呈負相關(β=-0.144,95%CI : -0.265, -0.024),和SPINA-GT則呈正相關(β=0.115,95%CI : 0.033, 0.198)。而在BPA、BPS、BPF混合暴露的qgcomp模型中發現與T4 (ψ=0.025,95%CI : 0.001, 0.050)呈正相關,BPA、BPS、BPF每日攝入量增加與T4 (β=0.040,95%CI : 0.011, 0.069)呈顯著正相關,與T3/ T4(β= -0.041,95%CI : -0.080, -0.002)呈負相關。
Background :
In recent years, due to strict regulations on bisphenol A (BPA), bisphenol S (BPS) and bisphenol F (BPF) have gradually emerged. Most studies have focused on the health risks of BPA to the human body, while only a few have investigated the adverse health effects of alternatives in adult populations, such as thyroid function, with inconclusive results.
Objectives :
The aim of this study was to assess the exposure levels and daily intake of BPA, BPS, and BPF and the distribution of hazard indices in Taiwanese adults. It also aimed to explore the associations between exposure to BPA, BPS, and BPF, both individually and as a mixture, and thyroid function indicators in this population.
Methods :
This cross-sectional study used data from the Taiwan Environmental Survey for Toxicants (TESTs) database. Data collection was conducted during the period from May 2013 to December, encompassing both questionnaire-based information and biological samples. Blood and urine specimens were analyzed to determine thyroid function indicators, such as thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), and free thyroxine (FT4), as well as to quantify BPA, BPS, and BPF concentrations and daily intake (DI). A total of 262 adults (aged 18 and above) were included in the analysis. Generalized linear models (GLMs) were employed to examine the associations between BPA, BPS, and BPF exposure and thyroid function indicators. Furthermore, quantile g-computation (qgcomp) models and Bayesian kernel machine regression (BKMR) were applied to estimate the overall effect of exposure to the bisphenol mixture on thyroid function indicators.
Results :
We found that the concentration of BPA exposure in Taiwanese adults was positively correlated with FT4 (β=0.027, 95%CI: 0.002, 0.053) and SPINA-GT (β=0.079, 95%CI: 0.009, 0.148). Daily intake of BPA and BPS was positively correlated with T4 (β=0.054, 95%CI: 0.016, 0.091 for BPA; β=0.039, 95%CI: 0.006, 0.072 for BPS). However, daily intake of BPA and BPS was negatively correlated with T3/ T4 (β=-0.047, 95%CI: -0.092, -0.001 for BPA; β=-0.052, 95%CI: -0.097, -0.007 for BPS). Daily intake of BPA was negatively correlated with TSH/ T4 (β=-0.144, 95%CI: -0.265, -0.024) and positively correlated with SPINA-GT (β=0.115, 95%CI: 0.033, 0.198). In the qgcomp model of mixed exposure to BPA, BPS, and BPF, there was a positive correlation with T4 (ψ=0.025, 95%CI: 0.001, 0.050), and daily intake of BPA, BPS, and BPF showed a significant positive correlation with T4 (β=0.040, 95%CI: 0.011, 0.069) and a negative correlation with T3/T4 (β=-0.041, 95%CI: -0.080, -0.002). 
Conclusion :
Our results suggest that exposure to BPA, BPS and BPF may affect thyroid hormone balance in the general adult population. However, further follow-up studies are needed to confirm these findings.
目錄 I
表目錄 III
圖目錄 VI
中文摘要 VII
Abstract VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究必要性及重要性 2
第三節 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻查證 4
第一節 雙酚A (Bisphenol A, BPA)及其替代物使用情形 4
第二節 雙酚A及其替代物毒理特性 7
第三節 雙酚A及其替代物暴露評估 12
第四節 甲狀腺激素種類及功能指標 15
第五節 雙酚A及其替代物影響甲狀腺激素的相關生物機制 18
第六節 雙酚A及其替代物與甲狀腺激素相關流行病學 20
第三章 研究材料與方法 23
第一節 研究設計及對象 23
第二節 研究架構 24
第三節 研究假設 24
第四節 研究對象資料來源 26
第五節 研究工具 27
第六節 研究變項與操作型定義 30
第七節 資料處理與統計分析 34
第四章 結果 37
第一節 社會基本人口學資料分布情形 37
第二節 尿中BPA及其替代物濃度分布情形及生物標記間相關性 39
第三節 BPA及其替代物每日攝入量暴露分布情形 41
第四節 尿中BPA及其替代物濃度與甲狀腺功能指標之關係 42
第五節 評估代謝混合物和甲狀腺功能指標之關係 44
第六節 BPA及其替代物每日攝入量與甲狀腺功能指標之關係 46
第五章 討論 50
第一節 尿中BPA、BPS、BPF代謝物濃度探討 50
第二節 尿中BPA、BPS、BPF每日攝入量探討 53
第三節 BPA、BPS、BPF暴露與甲狀腺功能關係之探討 55
第四節 BPA替代物對於甲狀腺激素影響的可能生物機制探討 60
第五節 研究限制與優勢 62
第六章 結論與建議 65
第七章 參考文獻 66
附表 84
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