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論文名稱:國軍學員生呼吸肌肉表現影響因素與 G耐力相關性之先驅性研究
論文名稱(外文):A Pilot Study on the Association between Respiratory Muscle Performance Factors and G tolerance of Military Cadets
指導教授(外文):Lin, Fu-HuangLai, Chung-Yu
口試委員(外文):Chang, Heng-ChengLin, Fu-HuangLai, Chung-Yu
外文關鍵詞:Respiratory muscle performanceMaximum inspiratory pressureMaximum inspiratory flow rateForced inspiratory volumeHigh G-tolerance training
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研究方法:本研究採用橫斷性研究,比較飛行生與非飛行生的呼吸肌肉表現(包括最大吸氣壓力、最大吸氣流速及用力吸氣容積),並探討其與高G耐受性之間的關係,所有受試者接受呼吸肌肉表現測驗,飛行生進行高G耐力訓練,非飛行生則無生理訓練。透過自填問卷蒐集基本資料,使用電子血壓計和非侵入式呼吸肌訓練器(Power Breathe K5, UK)收集生理參數和呼吸肌肉表現,本研究排除條件為無法配合受試者和有呼吸系統疾病者。結果進行描述性和推論性統計分析,包括次數分配、百分比、平均值±標準差、四分位距、獨立樣本t檢定、卡方檢定、費雪精確檢定、無母數檢定、相關係數和線性迴歸。
研究結果:研究對象共51位,飛行生24位(男性22位、女性2位),非飛行生27位(男性19位、女性8位),平均年齡為24.33歲及22.93歲,飛行生的呼吸肌肉表現優於非飛行生,其最大吸氣壓力、最大吸氣流速和用力吸氣容積分別為158.15 cmH2O、8.5 L/s和3.45 L,非飛行生則為93.11 cmH2O、5.14 L/s和3.14 L,年齡、身高、體重、身體質量指數(body mass index, BMI)及地面收縮壓與最大吸氣壓力平均值相關係數為(0.283、0.449、0.554、0.370、0.677);與最大吸氣流速平均值相關係數為(0.305、0.445、0.556、0.373、0.667);與用力吸氣容積平均值相關係數為(0.440、0.504、0.332、0.424)皆達顯著相關。多元線性迴歸分析中,結果顯示身份別、性別及BMI與最大吸氣壓力有相關(β=-56.571, p<0.001、β=-25.214, p=0.012、β=2.941, p=0.020);身份別、性別及BMI與最大吸氣流速有相關(β=-2.364, p=0.001、β=-1.241, p=0.016、β=0.155, p=0.018);用力吸氣容積平均值與身份別、性別有關(β=-0.129, p=0.445、β=-0.609, p=0.006)。三項呼吸肌肉表現對飛行生的高G耐力訓練結果無顯著影響,但身高、BMI與鬆弛性G耐力及緊張性G耐力具有高度相關性(r=-0.656、r=-0.546;r=0.445、r=0.449)。
Background and Objective: Respiratory muscle performance is a crucial indicator of lung function, essential for ensuring proper organ operation. Air Force pilots, subjected to high physical standards, face increased respiratory muscle strain due to prolonged exposure to high G-forces and altitude changes. This study aims to investigate the differences in respiratory muscle performance among military personnel from various backgrounds, particularly comparing general military academy cadets and pilot trainees exposed to high G-force environments. The study evaluates influencing factors and adaptability to high G environments, compares respiratory muscle performance between pilots and non-pilots, and explores the relationship between respiratory muscle performance and high G endurance. The ultimate goal is to provide guidance for enhancing high G-force endurance in Air Force personnel, thereby improving combat effectiveness and survivability.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted to compare respiratory muscle performance, including maximum inspiratory pressure, maximum inspiratory flow rate, and lung capacity, between pilots and non-pilots. The relationship between these metrics and high G endurance was examined. All subjects underwent respiratory muscle performance tests, with pilots receiving high G endurance training. Basic information was collected via self-administered questionnaires, and physiological parameters and respiratory muscle performance were measured using an electronic sphygmomanometer and a non-invasive respiratory muscle trainer (Power Breathe K5, UK). Exclusion criteria included subjects unable to cooperate and those with respiratory system diseases. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were performed, including frequency distribution, percentages, mean ± standard deviation, quartile ranges, independent sample t-tests, chi-square tests, Fisher's exact tests, non-parametric tests, correlation coefficients, and linear regression.
Results: A total of 51 case were included in this study, 24 pilots (22 males and 2 females) and 27 non-pilots (19 males and 8 females), with an average age of 24.33 and 22.93 years, respectively. Pilots demonstrated superior respiratory muscle performance compared to non-pilots, with maximum inspiratory pressure, maximum inspiratory flow rate, and lung capacity recorded at 158.15 cm H2O, 8.5 L/s, and 3.45 L, respectively, compared to 93.11 cmH2O, 5.14 L/s, and 3.14 L for non-pilots. Correlation coefficients for maximum inspiratory pressure with age, height, weight, body mass index, and ground systolic blood pressure were 0.283, 0.449, 0.554, 0.370, 0.677, respectively. For maximum inspiratory flow rate, the coefficients were 0.305, 0.445, 0.556, 0.373, and 0.667. For lung capacity, the coefficients were 0.440, 0.504, 0.332, and 0.424. In the multiple regression, identification, gender, and BMI had the significant effects on maximum inspiratory pressure (β=-56.571, p<0.001; β=-25.214, p=0.012; β=2.941, p=0.020), maximum inspiratory flow rate (β=-2.364, p=0.001; β=-1.241, p=0.016; β=0.155, p=0.018), and lung capacity (β=-0.129, p=0.445; β=-0.609, p=0.006; β=0.049, p=0.076). However, respiratory muscle performance had no significant impact on high G endurance, while height and BMI showed a high correlation with relaxed G tolerance and strain G tolerance (r=-0.656, r=-0.546; r=0.445, r=0.449).
Conclusion: This study explores the impact of respiratory muscle performance on high G tolerance, revealing significant differences between pilots and non-pilots. However, respiratory muscle performance did not influence high G endurance training results. These findings contribute to understanding the role of respiratory muscle training in enhancing lung function and combat effectiveness.
目錄 I
表目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
中文摘要 VII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與重要性 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究目的 6
第四節 名詞解釋 7
第二章 文獻探討 12
第一節 肺功能指標與吸氣肌力表現 12
第二節 呼吸肌訓練對於肺功能及運動表現之影響 15
第三節 G力對飛行員的影響 21
第四節 影響飛行員 G耐力因素 27
第五節 抗 G動作或抗 G能力與肌肉適能之相關研究 33
第三章 研究方法 36
第一節 研究設計與架構 36
第二節 研究假設 38
第三節 研究對象選取與資料收集 39
第四節 研究工具 41
第五節 研究變項與操作型定義 45
第六節 資料處理與統計分析 48
第七節 研究倫理 50
第四章 研究結果 51
第一節 研究樣本之特性 51
第二節 研究對象呼吸肌肉指標分布情形 57
第三節 呼吸肌肉指標之影響因子 97
第四節 呼吸肌肉表現與 G耐力相關 103
第五章 討論 131
第一節 基本人口學與呼吸肌肉表現 131
第二節 生理參數與呼吸肌肉表現 135
第三節 健康行為與呼吸肌肉表現 137
第四節 呼吸肌肉表現影響因素與 G耐力之相關可能因素 142
第一節 研究限制與優勢 146
第六章 結論與建議 148
第一節 結論 148
第二節 建議 150
參考文獻 151
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