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論文名稱(外文):To development of flavivirus vaccine by exploiting its Envelope dimer epitope sequence
指導教授(外文):LIAO, CHING-LEN
外文關鍵詞:FlavivirusEnvelope dimer epitope
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黃質病毒科 (Flaviviridae) 是一具有單鏈正股RNA的病毒家族,其中的黃質病毒屬 (Flavivirus)涵蓋了許多的法定傳染病病原體,例如:四型登革熱病毒 (Dengue virus)、茲卡病毒 (Zika virus)、 西尼羅河病毒 (West Nile virus)和日本腦炎病毒 (Japan encephalitis virus)等,這些病毒大多藉由蚊蟲類的叮咬完成傳染,登革熱病毒每年會造成約400萬人口的感染,且超過全球四分之一的人口都居住在登革熱病毒的流行區,然而目前並無登革熱的有效療法,因此疫苗開發的議題十分重要。
在2015年,一項研究發現了一個以前未知的表位,被稱為套膜二聚體表位 (EDE),此表位分布於成熟病毒顆粒上的套膜二聚體上,針對此EDE的單株抗體 (mAbs)能在登革病毒血清複合物中廣泛作用,並且能夠完全中和在昆蟲細胞或原代人類細胞中產生的病毒。在後續的研究中,發現EDE抗體結合到envelope domain I至domain III的多個抗原決定基。對這種具有強效中和能力和交叉反應性抗體的揭示了疫苗開發的全新策略的可能性,因此EDE的發現可能使未來疫苗中生成強效且廣效的中和抗體成為一個現實的目標,甚至可能實現使用單一通用免疫抗原的可能性。
因此本研究使用胜肽合成將EDE表位序列與先前實驗室所研究的bc loop進行排列組合共4個實驗組別,並以此作為免疫抗原進行實驗,利用佐劑與實驗組胜肽進行混合施打BALB/c小鼠,並測定其體外中和試驗及體內動物保護力試驗,結果顯示各週血清對DENV-1及DENV-3的中和能力較DENV-2及 DENV-4高,在動物保護力試驗方面,將各組中具有高中和能力之個體血清進行混合並施打觀測其保護效力,可以發現實驗組小鼠的病毒血症有下降的趨勢。總結, EDE作為免疫抗原雖然能誘導免疫反應,但其中和能力仍具有保護性不平衡的現象,而在後續小鼠實驗中,雖使用較佳個體血清能有效抑制病毒,但由於其個體血清的不一致性揭示了距離製作一成功的疫苗還需一段努力。

Flaviviridae is a family of viruses with single-strand positive-sense RNA. The genus Flavivirus covers many notifiable infectious disease pathogens, such as: Dengue virus type 1-4, Zika virus, West Nile virus, Japanese encephalitis virus. Most of these viruses are transmitted through mosquito bites. Dengue virus infects about 4 million people every year. And more than a quarter of the world's population lives in areas where dengue virus is endemic. However, there is currently no effective treatment for dengue fever, so the issue of vaccine development is very important.
In 2015, one previous study identified a previously unknown epitope, the envelope dimer epitope (EDE), that bridges two envelope protein subunits that make up the 90 repeating dimers on the mature virion. The mAbs to EDE were broadly reactive across the dengue serocomplex and fully neutralized virus produced in either insect cells or primary human cells. In subsequent studies, it was found that the EDE antibody binds to multiple epitopes in envelope domain I to domain III, The description of such potent and cross-reactive antibodies indicates a way for the development of subunit vaccines containing the desired epitope and possibly heterologous prime-boost strategies to recapitulate responses seen in natural sequential infections. The discovery of the EDE might make the generation of potent and broadly neutralizing antibodies a realistic goal for future vaccines and might even allow the possibility of a single universal immunogen.
Therefore, this study used peptide synthesis to combine the EDE epitope sequence and the bc loop into four experimental groups, and used these as immune antigens for experiments. The adjuvant was mixed with the experimental group peptides and administered to BALB/c mice. The in vitro neutralization test and the in vivo animal protection test were also measured. The results showed that the neutralizing ability of DENV-1, DENV-2 and DENV-3 in each week's serum was higher than DENV-4, but it also showed an imbalance in the protective efficacy. Subsequently, through the in vivo protective efficacy of the serum of the experimental group was measured in mice. The results showed that administration the higher NT50¬ level individual serum can reduce the viremia level in mice. In summary, although EDE can induce the specific immune responses, but there is a phenomenon of protective imbalance. In subsequent experiments on mice, although the use of high NT50¬ level individual serum can effectively inhibit the virus. However, the inconsistencies in individual serum indicate that we are still a long way from producing a successful vaccine.

二、黃質病毒結構介紹 3
三、抗體依賴性增強作用 (Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, ADE).......................4
五、套膜蛋白 (Envelope protein)介紹.......................7
六、 抗體表位:套膜二聚體表位 (Envelope Dimer Epitope, EDE).......................8
七、抗體表位:保守序列bc loop介紹.......................10




五、酵素結合免疫吸附分析法 (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA).......................19

六、病毒斑減少中和試驗 (50% Focus Reduction Neutralization Test, FRNT50).......................20



九、病毒血症測試 (Viremia Test).......................22
十、抗體依賴性增強試驗 (Antibody-Dependent Enhancement).......................23


三、體外實驗:抗體中和試驗FRNT50測定 (In vitro 50% Focus Reduction Neutralization Test, FRNT50).......................31

四、體內實驗:AG129小鼠保護力試驗 (In vivo AG129 mice Protective Efficacy test).......................32




附圖二、各實驗組胜肽序列結構及B cell epitope prediction結果圖.......................49







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