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論文名稱(外文):Effect of Neck Massage on Autonomic Nervous System of University Full-Time Teachers
外文關鍵詞:autonomic nervous systemmassageneckanxietyblood pressuresleep
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  設計與方法: 本研究以大學教師為對象,受試者研究參與頻率為一週兩次,共四週八次,每次接受頸部按摩15分鐘。受試者在按摩施作前後皆有量測HRV及血壓,在每次量測前皆靜坐10分鐘後測量。睡眠品質量及焦慮之評估則在首次施作前及第八次施作後填寫。
  結論: 中度力道頸部按摩可提升自律神經系統變異度,降低交感神經系統活性,亦可使心跳、收縮壓、焦慮顯著下降,並有益於睡眠品質改善。
  BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE: With limited time and busy work, university teachers are prone to anxiety and autonomic nervous system disorders due to high work pressure. They need methods to balance the body and mind to recover in a timely manner. Massage can soothe the body and mind and is one of the options. Therefore, this study The neck massage method is used to explore the impact on the autonomic nervous system, as well as its effects on blood pressure changes and sleep quality.
  DESIGN & METHODS: This study targeted university teachers. The subjects participated in the study twice a week for a total of eight times in four weeks, and received neck massage for 15 minutes each time. The subjects had their HRV and blood pressure measured before and after the massage, and they sat quietly for 10 minutes before each measurement. Assessments of sleep quality and anxiety were completed before the first treatment and after the eighth treatment.
  RESULTS: A total of 31 research participants were recruited for this study. There were 8 males and 23 females, and there were 3 participants who did not complete the study, all of whom were males. The actual number of cases completed was 28, including 5 men and 23 women. The average age is 49 years old. The research results showed that the activity of SDNN was significantly increased (p<0.000), RMSSD and PNN50 were both significantly increased (p<0.000), and LFn was significantly decreased (p<0.000). However, HFn did not change significantly, but increased (p=0.074) . In addition, systolic blood pressure and heartbeat decreased after massage, sleep quality improved but not significantly (p=0.058), and anxiety significantly decreased after massage (p<0.001).
  CONCLUSIONS: Moderate force neck massage can increase the variability of the autonomic nervous system, reduce the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, significantly reduce heartbeat, systolic blood pressure, and anxiety, and help improve sleep quality.
摘要 Ⅰ
目錄 Ⅴ
圖目錄 Ⅷ
表目錄 Ⅸ
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 2
1.3研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1大學專任教師的焦慮 5
2.2自律神經系統與心率變異 7
2.2.1自律神經系統 7
2.2.2心率變異 12
2.3按摩 18
2.4血壓 20
2.5睡眠 22
第三章 研究方法 24
3.1研究設計及流程 24
3.1.1研究設計 24
3.1.2按摩施作流程 25
3.1.3研究流程 27
3.2收案對象 29
3.3研究工具 30
3.3.1匹茲堡睡民品質量表 30
3.3.2焦慮自評量表 30
3.3.3心率變異分析儀 30
3.3.4血壓計 31
第四章 研究結果 32
4.1研究受試者資料 32
4.2心率變異的數值 34
4.3血壓 40
4.4睡眠品質的影響 42
4.5焦慮自評量表分析 43
第五章 討論 44
5.1按摩對自律神經系統的影響 44
5.2按摩與血壓的變化 45
5.3按摩對睡眠品質的效益 46
5.4按摩對大學專任教師的焦慮改善 47
第六章 結論 49
6.1結論 49
6.2研究限制 49
6.3研究建議 51
參考文獻 52
附錄 61
附錄1研究倫理審查通過證明 61
圖2.2.1自律神經系統 8
圖2.2.2 副交感神經系統與交感神經系統的作用 10
圖2.2.3心電圖 13
圖3.1肩頸肌肉示意圖 26
圖3.2研究步驟流程圖 28
圖3.3達楷隨身簡易型心電圖機 進階版 Model:CMH4.0 31
圖4.2.1 SDNN八次平均值前後測比較 35
圖4.2.2 LFn八次平均值前後測比較 38
圖4.2.3 HFn八次平均值前後測比較 39
表2.2.1自律神經系統失調的常見症狀 11
表2.2.2心率變異性時域測量 14
表2.2.3 HRV指標正常範圍值 16
表2.2.4心率變異性選定的頻域測量 短期紀錄分析(5分鐘) 17
表2.4血壓分類及數值 21
表4.1研究受試者基本資料 33
表4.2.1 HRV參數之分析 34
表4.2.2 SDNN八次統計比較 36
表4.2.3 RMSSD八次統計比較 36
表4.2.4 LFn八次統計比較 37
表4.2.5 HFn八次統計比較 39
表4.3.1收縮壓八次統計比較 40
表4.3.2舒張壓八次統計比較 41
表4.3.3心跳八次統計比較 41
表4.4 睡眠前後測數值 42
表4.5 焦慮自評量表前後測數值 43
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