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研究生(外文):CHOU, YAO-WEI
論文名稱(外文):Development of "UAV Search and Rescue System" Based on Beacon Detection
指導教授(外文):WU, TER-FENG
外文關鍵詞:Disaster reliefmulti-rotor dronesbeaconsBLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)
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伴隨著各項軟體、硬體科技日新月異的發展,集結電力系統、自動控制、通訊系統以及機電系統於一身的無人機得以乘勢躍居於全球各國科技發展的關注重點之一,不論是在戰爭或是物流、娛樂、救災等領域皆大幅開始使用無人機,使得無人機的發展持續的受到各界密切關注,在救援應用方面2023年的加拿大森林大火、2024年4月的地震花蓮災區皆有無人機被投入應用於災難救援的實例,綜上所述無人機的應用範圍廣泛,而此篇研究將會結合無人機與BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy低功耗藍芽) 信標通訊系統並且應用於搜救搜尋用途之上。

關鍵字 : 救災、多旋翼無人機、信標、BLE(低功耗藍芽)

With the rapid development of various software and hardware technologies, drones that integrate power systems, automatic control, communication systems, and electromechanical systems have taken advantage of the situation to become one of the focuses of scientific and technological development in various countries around the world, whether in war Or logistics, entertainment, disaster relief and other fields have begun to use drones on a large scale, making the development of drones continue to receive close attention from all walks of life. In terms of rescue applications, the Canadian forest fires in 2023 and the earthquake-stricken Hualien area in April 2024 have all There are examples of drones being used in disaster relief. In summary, drones have a wide range of applications, and this study will combine drones with BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) beacon communications. The system is also used for search and rescue purposes.
Reconnaissance drones that are commonly used for disaster relief today often carry out rescue through images, but this is still difficult to achieve in some use environments. Therefore, using methods other than image search to achieve rescue has become the main focus of research. The purpose of the research is to integrate information into the beacon system is installed on the drone and searches for people on the ground wearing beacons to obtain the relative distance to the target within the range. Compared with the traditional personal positioning device PLB, the BLE search and rescue system has the ability to operate in an environment without satellite signals and with the characteristics of longer-term broadcasting, the research can be mainly divided into two parts: UAV platform and BLE search system. The research uses four-axis multi-rotor as the platform to carry BLE communication equipment, ground-side wearable beacon device and UAV base station. and other equipment to implement positioning detection and search systems. The purpose of this study is to use a four-axis multi-rotor aircraft equipped with a BLE search system to search for wearable BLE carried by personnel, and the UAV searched data is transmitted to the base station on the ground through wireless transmission to facilitate ground personnel observation and flight planning. This system simulates the use of disaster relief drones to search for missing people and items wearing beacon devices.

摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝詞 IV
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 X
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 前言 1
第二節 動機與目的 2
一、山難事故對救援機構造成重大壓力 2
二、難環境地形氣候多變造成救援困難 2
三、無人機是提高搜救效率的重要工具 3
第三節 文獻回顧 4
第四節 研究貢獻 5
第五節 本文架構 6
第貳章 搜救用途無人機之探討與規劃 7
第一節 林區搜救之基本要素 7
第二節 無人機與救災應用的結合發展 8
第三節 市面上既有之搜救無人機實例探討 10
第四節 搜救無人機之研究重點 12
第參章 信標偵測無人機之軟、硬體架構建置 14
第一節 基於信標偵測「無人機搜救系統」之系統架構 14
第二節 無人機平台之種類與其特性 16
第三節 多旋翼無人機之建置 19
第肆章 信標偵測系統之設計 25
第一節 信標偵測系統之系統架構 25
一、 信標偵測系統之理論基本架構 25
二、 於平地之無人機實際應用 30
三、 於坡地之無人機實際應用 31
四、 以光達測繪圖與QGIS地理資訊系統協助坡地地區信標定位 32
五、 以坡地地區三角定位之範例解析量測過程 34
六、 將RSSI信號強度進行距離換算 40
第二節 目標信標端(信標端)之硬體架構 46
第三節 無人機搜索信標端(搜索端)之硬體架構 47
第四節 信標無人機監控平台(地面站端)之系統架構 50
第伍章 模擬與實驗 51
第一節 信標搜索系統之模擬測試 51
一、 信標連線信號強度模擬測試 52
二、 城南校區平地三角定位模擬測試 64
三、 礁溪林場之三角定位模擬測試 67
第二節 實驗場域之設計規劃 71
一、 無人機飛控系統調教 72
二、 平地測試環境規劃 72
三、 坡地測試環境規劃 73
第三節 信標無人機於不同地形、場域之信標接收測試 74
一、 於城南校區不同飛行高度信標接收測試 74
二、 於礁溪林場之不同飛行高度信標接收測試 78
三、 於城南校區之三角信標接收測試 83
四、 礁溪林場之空對地三角信標接收測試 88
第陸章 實驗結果與結論 95
第一節 飛行測試數據分析 95
一、 於城南校區不同飛行高度信標接收測試數據分析 95
二、 於礁溪林場之不同飛行高度信標接收測試數據分析 96
三、 於城南校區之三角定位信標接收測試 96
四、 礁溪林場之三角定位信標接收測試 99
第柒章 結論 101
第一節 結論 101
第二節 未來展望 102
參考文獻 103

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