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論文名稱(外文):Factors Influencing Customer Intention to Patronize Indonesian Restaurant in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chun-Ju Wang
口試委員(外文):Chun-Ju WangJyh-Liang GuanChing-Tsung Jen
外文關鍵詞:Indonesian RestaurantsAwarenessAssociationNoveltyIntention to Patronize Indonesian Restaurants
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在台灣很容易找到東南亞國家的餐廳。尤其是泰國、越南和印尼美食。不幸的是,印尼餐廳的受歡迎程度是其中最低的。根據對桃園、台中、新北三市92名台灣居民進行的網路調查顯示,只有33%的人曾在台灣的印尼餐廳用餐。 67%的受訪者表示他們曾在越南餐廳用餐,而87%的受訪者表示他們曾在泰國餐廳用餐。
本研究探討知曉、聯想、新穎性與光顧印尼餐廳意圖間的關係。透過線上問卷收集了 181 名受訪者的數據,透過 SPSS 使用描述性統計和推論統計進行資料分析。調查結果顯示,當地顧客對台灣印尼餐廳的知曉有限。然而,品牌聯想和新穎性極大地影響了造訪這些餐廳的意願。因此,鼓勵企業主加強提高知名度,並幫助台灣人更熟悉台灣的印尼餐廳。

關鍵詞 : 印尼餐廳、知曉、聯想、新穎性、惠顧意願

Restaurants from Southeast Asian nations are easy to find in Taiwan. Especially restaurants serving food from Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Unfortunately, the popularity of Indonesian restaurants is the lowest among those three restaurants. According to the findings of an online survey conducted among 92 Taiwanese residents of the cities of Taoyuan, Taichung and New Taipei, only 33% of them had eaten at Indonesian restaurants in Taiwan. 67% of respondents reported they had eaten at a Vietnamese restaurant, while 87% said they had eaten at a Thai restaurant.
This study examine the relationship among awareness, association and novelty to the intention to patronize Indonesian restaurants. The objective of this research is to obtain a complete understanding about factors that influence customers’ intention to patronize Indonesian restaurants.
This study employs a quantitative approach using survey methods. Data was gathered from 181 respondents through an online questionnaire, which covered aspects such as awareness, association, novelty, and the intention to visit Indonesian restaurants. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive and inferential statistics via SPSS. The findings indicate that local customers have limited awareness of Indonesian restaurants in Taiwan. However, brand association and novelty significantly impact the intention to visit these restaurants. Consequently, business owners are encouraged to intensify their efforts to raise awareness, helping Taiwanese people become more familiar with Indonesian restaurants in Taiwan.

Keyword: Indonesian Restaurants, Awareness, Association, Novelty, Intention to Patronize Indonesian Restaurants

摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iv
Table of Figures vi
Table of Tables vii
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Formulation of Problem 3
1.3 Research Motivation 5
1.4 Research Objectives 5
1.5 Research Scope 6
1.6 Research Limitation 6
1.7 Research Flowchart 7
2.1 Country of Origin 9
2.2 Brand Awareness 11
2.3 Brand Association 13
2.4 Variety Seeking 14
2.5 Novelty 17
2.6 Patronize Ethnic Restaurant 17
3.1 Research Design 19
3.2 Research Sample 19
3.3 Measurement 20
3.4 Data Collection 23
3.5 Data Analysis 23
3.6 Test Data Analysis 24
4.1 Descriptive Analysis 27
4.2 Description of Sample Research 27
4.3 Description of Research Variables 29
4.4 Quantitative Analysis 30
4.5 Instrument Test 30
4.6 Classic Assumption Test 33
4.7 Analysis of the Coefficient of Determination (R2) 36
4.8 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Test 37
4.9 Independent T test 43
4.10 Interpretation of Results 46
5.1 Conclusion 48
5.2 Practical Implications and Suggestions 50
5.3 Limitation 51
References 52
Appendix 58
Questionnaires 58
T Table 60

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