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研究生(外文):SUN, YU-CHIEN
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Process and Effects of Integrating Tablets into Seventh-grade Living Technology Instruction in Junior High Schools
指導教授(外文):Chen, Chun-Yu
口試委員(外文):Hsuan-Liang LinTzu-Chiang Lin
外文關鍵詞:Integrating Tablets into InstructionLiving TechnologyPerceptions of the Learning EnvironmentSAMR Model
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This study explores the process and effectiveness of integrating tablets into seventh-grade living technology instruction. Using design-based research, two iterative course implementations were conducted, utilizing the SAMR model to assess levels of tablet integration. Data included classroom observation records, teaching reflection notes, worksheets, post-lesson feedback evaluations, learning environment perception questionnaires, and the SAMR checklist. The subjects were 35 seventh-grade students from two classes, focusing on graphics and computer software drawing applications.
Results showed all four SAMR levels were exhibited. Strategies for tablet integration were categorized into "theoretical explanation," "creative and interactive ideation," "practical activities," and "integration of digital tools." Challenges included "hardware issues," "learner conditions," "teaching design problems," and "time consumption." Although statistical analysis showed no significant differences in students' perceptions of the learning environment, there was a significant improvement in learning outcomes. The researcher offers recommendations for teachers and future researchers based on these findings.
目    錄
目    錄iii
表    次v
圖    次vi
第一章 緒  論1
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 研究目的6
第三節 名詞釋義7
第四節 研究範圍與限制9
第二章 文獻探討11
第一節 平板融入教學的模式與研究11
第二節 生活科技之平板教學實踐26
第三章 研究方法與步驟31
第一節 研究方法31
第二節 研究流程33
第三節 研究場域及參與者37
第四節 研究工具40
第五節 資料處理與分析45
第四章 研究結果與討論47
第一節 運用平板在圖學課程上的SAMR教學歷程47
第二節 學生學習環境感受71
第三節 學生學習成效74
第五章 結論與建議77
第一節 結論77
第二節 建議81

附    錄
附錄一 教室觀察記錄及教學省思札記紀錄96
附錄二 學習單範本97
附錄三 課後評量範例99
附錄四 平板融入生活科技教學之學習環境感受問卷101
附錄五 「SAMR」專家意見彙整表104
表    次
表2-1  行動學習的定義12
表2-2  行動學習相關研究12
表3-1  專家名單42
表3-2  SAMR檢核表43
表3-3  資料編碼說明表45
表4-1  第一階段課程大綱與平板運用策略48
表4-2  第一階段SAMR檢核表整理52
表4-3  第二階段課程大綱與平板運用策略54
表4-4  第二階段SAMR檢核表整理57
表4 5  「平板融入生活科技教學之學習環境感受量表」各構面及總分之無母數成對樣本檢定分析72
表4 6  「平板融入生活科技教學之學習環境感受量表」經無母數成對樣本檢定後有顯著差異之題目73
表4 7  學生成績評量標準74
表4 8  學生成績之第一階段與第二階段之無母數成對樣本檢定分析74

圖    次
圖2-1  SAMR模型24
圖3-1  研究架構圖32
圖3-2  研究流程圖33
圖3-3  課程架構圖35
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