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研究生(外文):HUANG, CHI-TAI
論文名稱(外文):Research on the Synergy Effect between Life Insurance Institutions and External Training Institutions
指導教授(外文):Wen-Bao Lin
口試委員(外文):Long-Hui ChenChiang, Che Chao
外文關鍵詞:traininglife insurance institutiontraining institutionsynergyimpactperformance
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                  壽險行業在現代經濟金融體系中扮演著重要角色,為提升員工專業知識與銷售 技能,壽險機構除了内部培訓資源之外,通常還要外部培訓機構提供專業的培訓服 務協作。然而,如何有效協同壽險機構與外部培訓機構的力量,以達到最佳培訓效 果,是一個值得深入探討的課題。本研究旨在分析壽險機構與外部培訓機構之間的 協作模式,探索其可能的協同效應及影響,並尋求最佳實踐。
                  本研究的範圍是華人壽險培訓領域最大的兩個市場:台灣、中國大陸。研究循 序漸進以文獻探討與深度訪談的研究方式進行,為了讓訪談採擷的資料能真實反應 實情,研究結果具最佳的信度與效度,因此,訪談對象及其任職機構都是行業精英 模範,經驗豐富。本研究資料分析脈絡,從對壽險機構培訓部門任務功能、運作機 制與績效評估開始,解析培訓的重要性與影響、培訓部門的編制與運作機制,還有 培訓績效評估。其次,分析外部培訓機構的架構、運作機制與對壽險機構、銷售人 員的影響。最後,探討壽險機構與外部培訓機構的協同效應以及協作的困難、侷限 與未來發展。
     從本研究之研究發現及結論,總結出本研究的學術與實務貢獻共有四項:一. 協同效應應用在研究壽險業培訓領域;二.培訓對壽險機構及銷售人員的績效產生 深遠的影響,且與組織學習相關;三.壽險機構培訓部門的編制、運作機制、績效 評估,及面對的侷限困難的研究結論,對於壽險業界具有重要的實務貢獻;四.壽 險機構及外部培訓機構的協同效應研究,可以提供兩岸壽險培訓領域業者,許多實 務上的幫助參考。
                 最後,本研究在壽險機構與外部培訓機構的各種研究領域,也在學術及實務方 面提出多項建議,例如:未來可採用多方法整合研究、長期效應分析、中介變數和 調節變數研究等。還有强化培訓效果評估機制、多重視機構内部培訓師隊伍建設、 多利用科技技術培訓等。
     The life insurance industry plays an important rolein the modern economic and financial system. In order to improve employees'professional knowledge and sales skills, life insurance institutions usuallyrequire external training institutions to provide professional training servicecollaboration in addition to internal training resources. However, how to effectivelycoordinate the power of life insurance institutions and external traininginstitutions to achieve the best training effect is a topic worthy of in-depthdiscussion. This study aims to analyze the collaboration model between lifeinsurance institutions and external training institutions, explore its possiblesynergies and impacts, and seek best practices.
     The scope of this study is the two largest marketsin the field of Chinese life insurance training: Taiwan and Mainland China. Theresearch was conducted step by step through literature review and in-depthinterviews. In order to ensure that the data collected during the interviewscan truly reflect the actual situation, the research results have the bestreliability and validity. Therefore, the interviewees and their institutionsare all industry elite models with experience Rich. The data analysis contextof this study starts from the task function, operation mechanism andperformance evaluation of the training department of life insurance institutions,and analyzes the importance and impact of training, the establishment andoperation mechanism of the training department, and training performanceevaluation. Secondly, analyze the structure and operation mechanism of externaltraining institutions and their impact on life insurance institutions and salespersonnel. Finally, the synergy between life insurance institutions andexternal training institutions, the difficulties, limitations and futuredevelopment of collaboration are discussed.
From the research findings and conclusions of thisstudy, it can be concluded that this study has four academic and practicalcontributions: 1. The application of synergy effect in the field of research ontraining in the life insurance industry; 2. Training has a profound impact onthe performance of life insurance institutions and sales personnel. And relatedto organizational learning; 3. Research conclusions on the establishment,operation mechanism, performance evaluation, and limitations and difficultiesfaced by the training department of life insurance institutions have importantpractical contributions to the life insurance industry; 4. Collaborationbetween life insurance institutions and external training institutions Effectresearch can provide many practical references for practitioners in the fieldof life insurance training on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.Finally, this studyalso makes a number of suggestions in academic and practical aspects in variousresearch fields of life insurance institutions and external traininginstitutions, such as: multi-method integration research, long-term effectanalysis, mediating variables and moderating variable research can be used inthe future. There are also strengthening the training effect evaluationmechanism, paying more attention to the construction of the internal trainerteam of the institution, and making more use of science and technologytraining.
目 錄 
中文摘要.......................................................... I 
Abstract..........................................................  II    
目錄.............................................................  IV 
表次............................................................. VI           
圖次............................................................. VII    
第一章 緒論........................................................1 
    第一節 研究背景與動機..........................................1 
    第二節 研究目的與問題..........................................3 
    第三節 研究範圍................................................6 
    第四節 研究流程................................................7 
第二章 文獻探討....................................................8 
    第一節 兩岸人壽保險行業發展概況................................8 
    第二節 培訓的定位與功能.......................................15 
    第三節 壽險培訓...............................................22 
    第四節 協同效應...............................................35  
第三章 研究方法與架構.............................................38 
第一節 研究方法...............................................38 
    第二節 研究架構.................................... ..........45 
第四章 資料分析...................................................50 
第一節 訪談對象介紹...........................................50 
第二節 壽險機構培訓部門任務功能、運作機制與績效評估...........57 
    第三節 外部培訓機構的架構、運作機制,對壽險機構 
第四節 壽險機構與外部培訓機構協作的困難侷限及展望............101 
第五章 結論與建議................................................126 
第一節 研究發現..............................................126 
第二節 研究結論..............................................136 
第三節 研究貢獻..............................................150 
第四節 研究限制..............................................155 
第五節 研究建議..............................................157 
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Verma, S., & Goyal, R. (2011). A study of training in insurance and their impact on 
employees productivity. International Journal of Research in Economics and 
Social Sciences, 1(1), 31-45.  
Warner, L. M., Ziegelmann, J. P., Schüz, B., Wurm, S., & Schwarzer, R. (2011). 
Synergistic effect of social support and self-efficacy on physical exercise in older 
adults. Journal of aging and physical activity, 19(3), 249-261.  
Yin, R. K. (2003). Designing case studies. Qualitative research methods, 5(14), 359-386.  
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