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論文名稱(外文):Design of Wearable Antennas and Quasi-Yagi Millimeter-Wave Phased Array Antennas with Trapezoidal Directors for Fifth-Generation Mobile Communication
外文關鍵詞:Wearable Device AntennaSize Reduced Dual-band Aperture AntennaPlanar Quasi-Yagi antennaIsolation StructureIntegrated Planar BalunMillimeter Wave Phased Array AntennaBeamforming
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本論文主要研究應用於第五代行動通訊之「具雙頻GPS(Global Positioning System )頻段集成式天線整合穿戴式裝置與具梯形導波器準八木毫米波相位陣列天線」之設計,操作頻段分別為5G Frequency Range 1及Frequency Range 2。
第一款為5G雙頻GPS(Global Positioning System )頻段集成式天線整合穿戴式裝置,應用頻段涵蓋GPS L1/L5、5G FR1 n1/n2/n3/n7/n25/n77/n78/n79、WLAN 2.4GHz/5GHz、Bluetooth。天線設計於金屬錶殼內側四面,以晶片電感、電容與傳輸線理論最佳化整體阻抗匹配,透過高頻電磁模擬軟體Ansys HFSS計算電磁波人體吸收比(SAR)的數值分佈,並以cSAR3D量測系統實測驗證。
第二款為具梯形導波器之準八木線性陣列天線,應用於5G FR2 n261頻段。單天線部分,將準八木天線結構拆解並探討提高增益之設計,其包含:整合式平面巴倫(bulun)、反射器錐形結構與導波器排列,雙天線單元部分,則是探討天線間的解隔離機制。另於四天線單元部分,利用相位陣列天線理論,藉由高頻電磁模擬軟體Ansys HFSS計算在各個相位差下,探討主波束(以半功率波束寬為基準)所涵蓋的角度,此亦為波束成形(Beamforming)技術,並結合波束成形器(Beamforming Box),以此驗證該款天線實際應用之可行性。

This thesis mainly studies the design of "Dual-band GPS (Global Positioning System) integrated antenna integrated wearable device and trapezoidal waveguide quasi-Yagi millimeter wave phased array antenna" for application in the fifth-generation mobile communication, with operating frequency bands being 5G Frequency Range 1 and Frequency Range 2.
The first one is a 5G dual-band GPS (Global Positioning System) integrated antenna integrated wearable device, with application frequency bands covering GPS L1/L5, 5G FR1 n1/n2/n3/n7/n25/n77/n78/n79, WLAN 2.4GHz/5GHz, Bluetooth. The antenna is designed on the inner four sides of the metal watch case, and the overall impedance matching is optimized with chip inductors, capacitors, and transmission line theory. The distribution of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) values of electromagnetic waves is calculated through the high-frequency electromagnetic simulation software Ansys HFSS, and verified by the cSAR3D measurement system.
The second one is a quasi-Yagi linear array antenna with trapezoidal waveguide, applied to the 5G FR2 n261 frequency band. For the single antenna part, the quasi-Yagi antenna structure is deconstructed and a design to increase gain is explored, which includes: integrated planar balun,cone-shaped reflector structure,and waveguide arrangement. The double antenna unit part examines the isolation mechanism between antennas. In the four antenna unit part, by using phased array antenna theory and by calculating at different phase differences through high-frequency electromagnetic simulation software Ansys HFSS, the coverage angle of the main beam (based on half-power beam width), which is also Beamforming technology, is explored. This is combined with a Beamforming Box to verify the feasibility of the actual application of this antenna.

摘要 I
誌 謝 IV
目錄 VI
表 目 錄 VIII
圖 目 錄 IX
第一章 序論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機與文獻導覽 2
1.3論文架構 3
第二章 應用於第五代通訊之具雙頻GPS頻段集成式天線整合穿戴裝置 4
2.1前言 4
2.2集成式天線配置架構與設計 5
2.2.1孔徑天線基礎理論 7
2.2.2 GPS L1/L5天線配置與設計 12
2.2.3 WLAN/Bluetooth天線配置與設計 15
2.2.4 5G FR1 n77/n78/n79天線配置與設計 17
2.2.5 5G FR1 n1/n2/n3/n7/n25天線配置與設計 20
2.3天線模擬、實測結果與參數探討 22
2.3.1模擬與量測結果 22
2.3.2解隔離機制探討 30
2.3.3參數探討 32
2.4電磁波人體吸收比 42
2.4.1電磁波危害與制定SAR規範 42
2.4.2各國SAR規範標準 43
2.4.3 SAR模擬與實測 44
2.5 GPS定位量測 47
2.5.1 GPS衛星定位概述 47
2.5.2 GPS衛星定位原理 48
2.5.3 GPS衛星定位實測結果 49
2.6章節結論 51
第三章 具梯形導波器準八木毫米波天線 52
3.1前言 52
3.2平面準八木偶極天線原理 53
3.3天線結構與設計原理 58
3.3.1天線設計原理 59
3.3.2天線結構參數探討 69
3.4章節結論 77
第四章 具梯形導波器準八木毫米波陣列天線結合波束成形器 78
4.1前言 78
4.2相位陣列天線原理 79
4.3雙天線單元之準八木毫米波天線 84
4.3.1解隔離結構設計 84
4.3.2天線特性模擬說明 90
4.4四天線單元之準八木毫米波天線 93
4.5四天線單元之準八木毫米波天線結合波束成型器 97
4.5.1波束成形器說明 97
4.5.2模擬與實測結果探討 98
4.6章節結論 103
第五章 研究總結 104
參考文獻 105

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