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研究生(外文):LE VAN RE
論文名稱(外文):Preparation of MnOOH-Based Materials and Their Applications in Antibiotic Removal from Wastewater
指導教授(外文):CHENG-DI DONG
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環丙沙星(CIP)是第三代氟喹諾酮類抗生素,通常用於治療抗藥性微生物引起的疾病。 由於未消化的 CIP 的生物降解不充分,在城市廢水、製藥廢水、廢水和地表水中都發現了它。 因此,必須採用有效的方法在抗生素釋放到環境中之前將其去除。 最近,基於硫酸根的高級氧化製程(SR-AOP)被認為具有強大的潛在氧化能力和對彈性有機物分解的有效性。 在先前的研究中,已知一維亞錳酸鹽(MnOOH)具有高表面活性位點、大量表面羥基位點和高電子轉移率,可以成為SR-AOP用於抗生素降解的潛在材料。 因此,本論文旨在開發MnOOH以及MnOOH與其他材料的組合,以提高水中抗生素的降解效率。 在第一項研究中,透過在 MnOOH 奈米棒上塗覆 1%、5%、10% 和 20% NiCo2O4 NPs 有效合成了催化劑 NiCo@MnOOH,以提高 CIP 降解的催化活性。 結果表明,20% NiCo@MnOOH 作為過一硫酸鹽(PMS)活化劑具有最佳的 CIP 降解性能。 在 100 mg L-1 的 20% NiCo@MnOOH 和 200 µM PMS 下反應 30 分鐘後,CIP (20 µM) 的降解率為 97.8%。 結果表明,NiCo@MnOOH + 中貢獻了硫酸根(SO4●-)、氧自由基(O2●-)、羥基自由基(●OH)等自由基氧化物種和單線態氧(1O2)等非自由基物種。用於 CIP 降解的 PMS 系統。
在第二項研究中,為了製造具有高表面積、良好導電性、高穩定性和減少金屬浸出的催化劑,透過將NiCo2O4 和MnOOH 固定在活化PMS 進行CIP 降解的氧化石墨烯(GO) 上,成功合成了NiCo@MnOOH/GO。 。 結果表明,NiCo@MnOOH/GO 在 CIP 降解中表現出最高的性能,其次是 MnOOH/GO 和 MnOOH。 在 0.2 mM PMS 和 0.15 g L-1 NiCo@MnOOH/GO 下,30 分鐘後,CIP (0.02 mM) 的去除效率為 95%。 NiCo@MnOOH/GO + PMS 系統的動力學速率常數(kobs)為 17x10-2 min-1,分別是 MnOOH + PMS 和 MnOOH/GO + PMS 系統的 7.5 倍和 4.5 倍。 結果表明,NiCo@MnOOH/GO 活化的 PMS 中產生1O2、SO4●-、O2●-、●OH,並負責 CIP 降解。
在第三項研究中,設計和合成的ZIF-67@MnOOOH@GO三元複合材料可以改善活性表面位點、金屬浸出和比表面積,從而實現有效的電子轉移和PMS活化,從而產生豐富的反應物種CIP 降解。 研究了催化劑劑量、PMS 劑量、pH 值和溫度對 CIP 降解的影響。 結果表明,在 0.2 mM PMS 和 50 mg L-1 ZIF/Mn/GO 劑量下反應 20 分鐘後,CIP (0.02 mM) 的分解率為 97.8%。 不同催化劑下CIP降解kobs大小為:ZIF/Mn/GO (43.4x10-2 min-1) > ZIF/MnOOH (18.3x10-2 min-1) > ZIF/GO (13.8x10-2 min-1) > ZIF-67 (8.8x10-2 min-1) > MnOOH@GO (6.2x10-2 min-1) > MnOOH (4.1x10-2 min-1)。 此外,結果顯示ZIF/Mn/GO/PMS體系中存在SO4●-、O2●-、●OH和1O2。 , 1O2 是一種主要的活性氧(ROS),有助於CIP 降解。
此外,透過將石墨烯量子點(GQDs)附著在MnOOH奈米棒表面,成功合成了催化劑GQDs/Mn,以促進抗生素的催化臭氧化,例如CIP。 結果表明,GQDs/Mn/O3 系統具有最大的 CIP 去除效果,其次是 MnOOH/O3 和僅 O3。 在 9.6 mg L-1 O3 存在下,由 12.5 mg L-1 GQDs/Mn 催化,0.02 mM CIP 在 30 分鐘內降解效率為 99.9%。 動力學速率常數的順序為:GQDs/Mn/O3 (0.161 min-1) > MnOOH/O3 (0.079 min-1) > O3 (0.055 min-1)。 此外,GQDs/Mn 可增強 CIP 降解並抑制不同水源中 BrO3- 的形成。 結果表明,O2●-、●OH和1O2參與了GQDs/Mn/O3系統的CIP降解。 這些發現證明了基於 MnOOH 的催化劑在增強 PMS 活化和水中抗生素降解催化臭氧化方面的催化活性的潛在應用。

Ciprofloxacin (CIP) is a third-generation fluoroquinolone antibiotic that is commonly used to treat diseases caused by resistant microbes. Due to the insufficient breakdown of undigested CIP, it has been detected in municipal wastewater, pharmaceutical wastewater, effluent, and surface water. Hence, employing an efficient approach to eliminate antibiotics prior to their discharge into the environment is crucial. Lately, sulfate radical-based advanced oxidation process (SR-AOP) has been known to have strong potential oxidation capability and effectiveness for the breakdown of resilient organic matters. One-dimensional manganite (MnOOH) is known to have high surface-active sites, a lot of surface hydroxyl sites, and a high electron transfer rate among prior investigations, which can be potential material for SR-AOP for antibiotics degradation. Thus, this thesis aims to develop MnOOH and combination of MnOOH with other materials for enhance efficiency degradation of the antibiotics in water. In the first study, by coating MnOOH with 1%, 5%, 10%, and 20% NiCo2O4 NPs, the catalyst NiCo@MnOOH was successfully produced to improve its catalytic efficiency for the decomposition of CIP. The findings showed that the optimum CIP decomposition performance was achieved using 20% NiCo@MnOOH as the activator of PMS. The decomposition of CIP was 97.8% during a 30-minute reaction at 100 mg L-1 of 20% NiCo@MnOOH and 200 µM of PMS. The result demonstrated that radical oxidative species such as sulfate radical (SO4●-), oxygen radical (O2●-), hydroxyl radicals (●OH), and non-radical species as singlet oxygen (1O2) were influenced in NiCo@MnOOH/PMS system for CIP degradation.
In the second study, to create the catalyst with high surface area, good conductivity, high stability and reduced metal leaching, NiCo@MnOOH/GO was successfully manufactured by coating NiCo2O4 and MnOOH on the graphene oxide (GO) that activated PMS for CIP degradation. The best performance in CIP decompositon is exhibited by NiCo@MnOOH/GO, followed by MnOOH/GO and MnOOH, according to the findings. After 30 minutes at 0.15 g L-1 of NiCo@MnOOH/GO and 0.2 mM PMS, the degradation of CIP (0.02 mM) was 95%. The kobs of the NiCo@MnOOH/GO/ PMS system was 17x10-2 min-1, which was 7.5 and 4.5 times higher than that MnOOH/PMS, and MnOOH/GO/PMS system. The findings demonstrated that PMS activated by NiCo@MnOOH/GO produced 1O2, SO4●-, O2●-, ●OH, which oversaw CIP decomposition.
In the third study, the ternary composites of ZIF/MnOOOH@GO designed and synthesized that can improve active surface sites, metal leaching, and specific surface area resulting in efficient electron transfer and PMS activation, which generates an abundance of reactive species for CIP degradation. The impact of catalyst dose, PMS dose, pH, and temperature on CIP degradation was examined. The findings showed that the degradation of CIP reached 97.8% after a 20-minute reaction using a dosage of 0.2 mM PMS and 50 mg L-1 ZIF/Mn/GO. The kobs of CIP degradation under different catalysts was in the order: ZIF/Mn/GO > ZIF/MnOOH > ZIF/GO > ZIF-67 > MnOOH/GO > MnOOH. Moreover, the results exposed the presence of sulfate radical (SO4●-), O2●-, ●OH, and 1O2 were generated in ZIF/Mn/GO/PMS system, 1O2 is a predominance ROSs that contributes to CIP degradation.
Moreover, graphene quantum dots (GQDs) were effectively bonded to the surface of MnOOH nanorods to create a catalyst GQDs/Mn, which enhances the catalytic ozonation of antibiotics, such as CIP. The outcome showed that the CIP removal efficacy of the GQDs/Mn/O3 system was the highest, followed by that of MnOOH/O3 and O3 alone. CIP was destroyed with 99.9% efficiency in 30 minutes when 12.5 mg L-1 of GQDs/Mn and 9.6 mg L-1 of O3 were present. The kobs was as follows: GQDs/Mn/O3 > MnOOH/O3 > O3. Furthermore, in some water sources, the GQDs/Mn may promote CIP breakdown and prevent BrO3-formation. The findings showed that the GQDs/Mn/O3 system generated ROSs as included ●OH, 1O2, and O2●-, which involved in CIP degradation. These results show how MnOOH-based catalysts may be used to increase catalytic activity in terms of PMS activation and catalytic ozonation for the breakdown of antibiotics in water.
Keywords: MnOOH, NiCo2O4, GO, ZIF-67, GQDs, Peroxymonosulfate, ciprofloxacin, sulfate radical, catalytic ozonation.

摘要 ii
1.1. Motivation 1
1.2. Objective 5
2.1. Overview of antibiotics 6
2.1.1. General introduction to antibiotics 6
2.1.2. Methodology to remove antibiotics. 10
2.2. Overview of advanced oxidation processes 11
2.2.1. Sulfate radical-based advanced oxidation process. 13
2.2.2. Catalytic ozonation process 18
2.3. Overview of MnOOH 23
3.1. Overview of research 25
3.2. Research contents 26
3.2.1. Characterizations and analytical methods 26
3.2.2. Chemical analysis 27
3.2.3. Phase 1: NiCo@MnOOH 27 Chemicals 27 Preparation of catalysts 28 Catalytic oxidation experiments 29
3.2.4. Phase 2: NiCo@MnOOH/GO 30 Chemicals 30 Preparation of catalysts 30 Catalytic oxidation tests 31
3.2.5. Phase 3: ZIF67@MnOOH@GO 32 Chemicals 32 Preparation of catalysts 32 Catalytic oxidation tests 33
3.2.6. Phase 4: GQDs/Mn 34 Chemicals 34 Preparation of catalysts 34 Catalytic oxidation experiments 35
4.1. Phase 1: NiCo@MnOOH 37
4.1.1. Characterization of catalyst 37
4.1.2. Catalytic activity as PMS activator 43
4.1.3. Effect of Operational parameters on CIP degradation 45 Effect of catalyst dose 45 Effect of PMS dosage 45 Effect of initial pH 47 Effect of temperature 49 Effect of inorganic ions 49 Effect of natural organic matter 50
4.1.4. Reusability and stability of catalysts 51
4.1.5. Mechanisms of NiCo@MnOOH for PMS activation 53
4.2. Phase 2: NiCo@MnOOH/GO 59
4.2.1. Catalytic activity of catalysts 59
4.2.2. Effect of operating parameters on CIP degradation 68 Effect of NiCo@MnOOH/GO dosage on CIP degradation. 68 Effect of PMS dosage on CIP degradation. 69 Effect of initial pH on CIP degradation. 70 Effect of inorganic ions on CIP degradation. 72 Effect of natural organic acids on CIP degradation. 74
4.2.3. Reusability and stability of NiCo@MnOOH/GO 75
4.2.4. Mechanisms of PMS activation on NiCo@MnOOH/GO 78
4.2.5. Mineralization of CIP and toxicity evaluation. 83
4.3. Phase 3: ZIF/Mn/GO 85
4.3.1. Properties of catalysts 85
4.3.2. Catalytic activity of ZIF/Mn/GO as PMS activator 93 Optimization ratio of ZIF-67/MnOOH 93 Comparison CIP degradation in different catalysts 95
4.3.3. The impact of experiment conditions on CIP degradation 97 Impact of catalyst dose 97 Impact of PMS dose 98 Impact of initial pH 99 Impact of temperature 100
4.3.4. Reusability and stability of catalysts 101
4.3.5. Mechanisms of PMS activation on ZIF/Mn/GO 103
4.3.6. Mineralization of CIP and Toxicity evaluation 108
4.3.7. Pathway of CIP degradation 109
4.4. Phase 4: GQDs/Mn 114
4.4.1. Characterization of GQDs/Mn 114
4.4.2. Activity of GQDs/Mn/O3 116
4.4.3. Effect of operating factors on CIP degradation 119 Effect of catalyst/O3 dosage 119 Effect of initial pH 120 Effect of temperature 121 Effect of foreign ions 123
4.4.4. Inhibition of bromate formation 124
4.4.5. Feasibility of catalytic ozonation application 126
4.4.6. Mechanisms of CIP degradation in catalytic ozonation 128
4.4.7. Proposed pathway of Cip degradation 131

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