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研究生(外文):Ngoc Yen TRINH
論文名稱(外文):Particle Swarm Optimization -based linear regression model for container throughput prediction at Kaohsiung Port
指導教授(外文):Hsien-Pin Hsu
口試委員(外文):Hsien-Pin Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Linear regressionParticle Swarm Optimizationcontainer throughput predictionKaohsiung Port
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港埠運量預測對港口營運及物流效率和競爭力之提升至關重要。本研究提出一個結合粒子群優化演算法(PSO)及線性迴歸(LR)的混合模型,簡稱PSO-LR,來對高雄港(台灣 最繁忙的貨櫃港口之一)的貨櫃吞吐量進行預測。利用數年來的歷史貨櫃吞吐量數據,我們首先以 PSO-LR 來優化LR模型參數並進行貨櫃運量之預測。本研究架構包括資料收集、預處理、使用 PSO 的模型訓練、驗證和效能評估。經由PSO-LR模型與 LR 的模型所產生的預測數據進行比較,結果顯示PSO-LR 較LR模型有較高之預測準確性。本研究豐富了港口管理優化技術的知識體系,並提出一個具體之模型來預測港埠的貨櫃運量。
Accurate throughput prediction is important for ports to enhance efficiency and competitiveness in maritime logistics. In this study, we propose a novel model, PSO-LR, which combines Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) with Linear regression (LR) as a predictive model for container throughput at Kaohsiung Port, one of the busiest container ports in Taiwan. Leveraging historical container throughput data spanning several years, we employ PSO to optimize the parameters of the LR model and forecast container throughput at Kaohsiung port. The research framework encompasses data collection, preprocessing, model training using PSO, validation, and performance evaluation. We compare the PSO-LR with the standard LR model to assess the effectiveness of PSO in improving predictive accuracy by analyzing the trends and patterns of the predictive model. The results show that the PSO-LR outperforms the standard LR model. The findings contribute to the body of knowledge on optimization techniques in port management and provide valuable insights for practitioners seeking to enhance port efficiency and performance.
Abstract 2
1.1 Background and Statement 9
1.2 Objectives and Motivation 9
1.3 Thesis Structure 10
1.4 Acronyms 11
2.1 Challenges and Trends in Container Port Management 12
2.2 Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning in Port Operations 13
2.3 Applications of Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning 14
2.4 Implications for Port Operations 15
3.1 Data Collection 16
3.3.1 Data sources 16
3.1.2 Container data type 16
3.1.3 Container data of Kaohsiung Port 17
3.2 Pearson correlation 18
3.3 Linear Regression Model 19
3.4 Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) 21
3.4.1 PSO introduction 21
3.4.2 Steps involved in implementing PSO for predictive modeling 21
3.4.3 Components of PSO 23
3.4.3 Velocity Update 23
3.4.5 Position Update 23
3.4.6 Position Update for Slope and Intercept 24
3.4.7 PSO parameter 24
3.5 Mean Square Error (MSE) 25
3.6 Weighted Mean Squared Error (WMSE) 26
3.6.1 WMSE Formula 26
3.6.2 Useful in scenarios for WMSE 27
3.7 Objective function value 27
3.7.1 Objective function formula 27
3.7.2 Interpretation and Use cases 28
3.8 Software Environment 28
Chapter 4 RESULTS 30
4.1 Analyzing Pearson Correlation Results 30
4.1.1 Observations: 30
4.1.2 The reasons for focusing on 2014 to 2023: 30
4.2 Prediction results 31
4.2.1 Model Application and Evaluation 31
4.2.2 PSO-LR and LR model performance 31
5.1 Interpretation of Results 35
5.2 Contributions 36
5.3 Limitation 36
6.1 Conclusion 38
6.2 Future work 38
References 39

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