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論文名稱:太陽能車Apollo IX之前方全寬撞擊安全性模擬分析
論文名稱(外文):Simulation of Full-Width Frontal Crashworthiness of Solar Car Apollo IX
指導教授(外文):WU, CHIA-CHIN
中文關鍵詞:前方撞擊試驗碳纖維複合材料太陽能車有限元素分析Atair HyperWorks Radioss
外文關鍵詞:Frontal crash testCFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer)Solar carFEA (Finite Element Analysis)Atair HyperWorks Radioss
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碳纖維複合材料(CFRP)有輕量化、高強度、耐腐蝕等優點,適合應用於車輛零件製作,目前各國多數太陽能車輛皆採用碳纖維複合材料做為車身鈑件。本研究利用有限元素分析套裝軟體Altair HyperWorks Radioss針對國立高雄科技大學阿波羅車隊之太陽能車Apollo IX模擬前方撞擊試驗,參考Euro NCAP中的前方全寬撞擊試驗規範進行分析設定。太陽能車Apollo IX之車身鈑件、車底板、主縱樑皆為碳纖維複合材料所製作;防滾籠、底盤系統、轉向系統、輪圈等零組件則是由不同金屬材料製作,如:鋁合金、不鏽鋼。在有限元素模型中,車身碳纖維鈑件皆採用2D四邊形殼元素建模,並針對碳纖維鈑件進行複合材料疊層設定;金屬防滾籠由空心管件製作,同樣採用2D四邊形殼元素建模;大部分的金屬底盤零件與輪圈則採用3D六面體元素建模。透過有限元素分析模擬太陽能車以等速度50 km/hr撞擊前方剛性牆,探討車身動態應力分布以及判斷碳纖維複合材料鈑件潰縮情況是否影響駕駛者安全,並以駕駛艙前後方兩橫樑之x軸向距離變化量作為安全依據。結果顯示,車輛經撞擊剛性牆後仍能保持駕駛艙的安全性,兩橫樑之x軸向距離變化量僅4.66 mm,且車身主縱樑吸收大部分的碰撞能量,其內能高達23,098.542 J,最大von Mises應力為2,559.343 MPa。本研究利用有限元素分析模擬太陽能車前方撞擊剛性牆,其分析結果應能提供後續車款設計方向參考。
CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers) have many advantages, such as lightweight, high strength and corrosion resistance, which are suitable to manufacture vehicle components. Many solar cars use CFRP for bodywork. This study used the FEA (Finite Element Analysis) package Altair HyperWorks Radioss to simulate the frontal crash test of NKUST solar car Apollo IX. The analysis setting was equivalent to the full-width frontal crash test conditions specified by Euro NCAP. The bodywork, floor and main keel of Apollo IX were made of CFRP. The roll cage, chassis components, steering parts, and wheels were made of different metallic materials, such as aluminum alloy and steel. In the FE model, the CFRP parts were modelled by 2D quadrilateral shell elements, and lamination settings were applied to CFRP parts. The roll cage was made of hollow pipes and was modelled by 2D quadrilateral shell elements as well. Most of the chassis components were modelled by 3D hexahedron solid elements. FEA was used to simulate the solar car impacting a rigid wall at a constant speed of 50 km/hr. This analysis aimed to investigate the dynamic stress distribution within the solar car and assess whether the deformation of CFRP parts had any effect on driver safety. The x-axis deformation between two crossbeams in front and behind of the cockpit was used to assess the safety. The analysis results showed that after the solar car impacting the rigid wall, the x-axis deformation between two crossbeams was only 4.66 mm, meaning the cockpit could maintain the safety. The main keel absorbed most of the impact energy, in which the internal energy reached 23,098.542 J , and the maximum von Mises stress was 2,559.343 MPa. This study used FEA to simulate the frontal crash test of a solar car, and the results can be provided as a reference guide for the future design on solar car.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
符號說明 xii
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.3 研究目的 6
1.4 論文架構 6
第2章 理論背景 8
2.1 Euro NCAP 8
2.2 複合材料力學 9
2.3 有限元素法 10
2.3.1 von Mises應力準則 12
2.3.2 顯式求解 12
2.3.3 網格描述法 14
第3章 研究方法 15
3.1 分析軟體說明 15
3.1.1 前處理軟體 15
3.1.2 求解器軟體 16
3.1.3 後處理軟體 16
3.2 分析流程 17
3.3 模型介紹 18
3.3.1 Apollo太陽能車 18
3.3.2 有限元素模型 19
3.3.3 碳纖維複合材料車體鈑件 23
3.3.4 金屬防滾籠 30
3.3.5 金屬底盤零件與轉向機構 32
3.4 邊界條件 34
3.4.1 接觸設定 34
3.4.2 負載設定 35
3.4.3 剛性牆設定 36
3.5 動態分析設定 37
第4章 結果與討論 39
4.1 碰撞分析結果 39
4.2 內能與動能結果 43
4.3 主縱樑等效應力與應變結果 58
4.4 金屬防滾籠等效應力與應變結果 60
4.5 駕駛艙變形量結果 61
第5章 結論與未來展望 63
5.1 結論 63
5.2 未來展望 64
第6章 參考文獻 66
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