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論文名稱(外文):Kinematic Analysis and Verification of Triple Z-axes Positioning Stage
外文關鍵詞:Kinematic AnalysisPositioning StagePosture SimulationZ-axis Stage
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Nowadays, operators encounter the need of adjusting the posture of flat tooled objects in manufacturing process, they usually use positioning pin for manual adjustment. However, most of the embedded module in automation equipment, i.e., Stewart stage, is too complex to operate and expensive. The XXY stage could meet the needs of planar movement and rotation, but cannot adjust the spatial posture freely. The triple Z-axes stage can adjust the spatial posture, but the less application due to the lack of control algorithm. Therefore, this research focuses on the design of control methods for the triple Z-axes stage, then verifies it for attitude adjustment and point positioning of this stage. The stage plane attitude control algorithm can be considered into different attitude of the rotation of  x or  y through the movement of the three-axis z module. The three-axis movement of each posture can be calculated through the front and side view of the stage posture analysis. Therefore, the required movement of the three-axis z can be calculated by θx or θy to achieve the purpose posture of the triple Z-axes stage. The stage positioning point coordinate transfer algorithm can be designed to calculate the coordinates from the spatial rotation matrix to obtain the moved coordinate of this point with the specified posture of θx or θy. The maximum possible movement range of the center point can be calculated from the maximum movement of each z-axis. The stage posture adjustment with rotating θx, θy, θx, and θy were simulated to show a maximum error of +0.0002°. However, the results of experimental verification of the stage posture adjustment were obtained through tilt measurement, and the stage posture control results with the error of +0.014° in θx rotation and the error of +0.017° in θy rotation.

摘要 ii
目錄 v
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
一、緒論 1
1.1研究背景及目的 1
1.2文獻探討 4
1.3研究架構 7
二、研究設備與作動原理 9
2.1研究設備 9
2.1.1平台細部介紹 9
2.1.2平台部件命名 10
2.2平台作動原理 12
2.3電控設備 14
三、平台平面姿態演算法 17
3.1平面演算法設計 17
3.1.1 y軸旋轉公式 19
3.1.2 x軸旋轉公式 21
3.1.3 設計Z1、Z2、Z3軸公式 23
3.2其他應用討論 25
3.2.1上、下極限 25
3.2.2旋轉軸心並非平台上平板中心點 26
3.3軟體模擬與實際驗證 27
3.3.1模擬軟體 27
3.3.2實際驗證 36
3.3.3驗證結果 39
四、平台單點定位演算法 41
4.1空間旋轉矩陣 41
4.2平台中心點移動討論 43
五、結論 51
六、未來展望 52
參考文獻 53

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