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論文名稱(外文):Introduce the material properties of matrix and reinforcement into finite element method to predict the mechanical properties of carbon fiber composite materials
外文關鍵詞:Carbon fiber laminateFinite element analysis (FEA)Static load performanceAtair HyperWorks OptiStruct
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入至 Multiscale Designer 模組中建立材料參數並配合有限元素套裝軟體 Atair
HyperWorks OptiStruct2022.3 建構與碳纖維疊層板相同之疊構模型進行分析,最
時可以同時在壓力釜製程與真空輔助樹脂轉注製程中,以 Normal X 結果能獲得
誤差在 3%內的拉伸模數結果與 6%內的極限應力分析結果,當纖維與負載產生
夾角,查看 von-Mises 結果在壓力釜極限應力的部分至[45]20、[90]20疊層誤差皆
在 2%內,真空輔樹脂轉注應力誤差則大於 10%,推測為碳纖維布內固定用玻璃
以誤差 6%作為參考性標準,壓力釜法極限應力中各項分析結果具有參考性。

Carbon fiber composites are widely used in modern industry due to their high
specific strength, high specific modulus, and light weight. Modern product
lightweighting involves either changing geometric shapes to reduce material usage or
altering structural materials to make them lighter. Composite materials exhibit superior
performance and lightweight characteristics, and they are formed by stacking multiple
layers. Changing the angles of these layers can result in different mechanical properties.
This study aims to analyze the performance of carbon fiber laminates under static loads
using finite element analysis (FEA) and compare the results with experimental data.
In this research, autoclave and vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM)
methods were used to form [0], [45], and [90] carbon fiber laminates. Tensile and
compression tests were conducted on the resin and carbon fiber of the laminates. The
experimental data were input into the Multiscale Designer module to derive material
parameters, and the finite element software Altair HyperWorks OptiStruct 2022.3was
used to develop models with the same laminate for analysis. Finally, the analysis results
were compared with the experimental results to determine the discrepancies between
the experiments and the analysis.
Based on the comparison between experimental and finite element analysis (FEA)
results, it was found that using the experimentally measured parameters for carbon fiber
and resin in [0] layups, both in the autoclave process and the vacuum-assisted resin
transfer molding process, achieved tensile modulus results with an error within 3% and
ultimate stress analysis results within 6% when viewed under Normal X. When there
was an angle between the fiber and the load, examining the von-Mises results showed
that the maximum stress error in the autoclave process for [45]20 and [90]20 layups was
within 2%, while the vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding process had stress errors
greater than 10%. This discrepancy is speculated to be caused by the glass fiber used
for fixing the carbon fiber fabric.
Using a 6% error margin as the reference, all analytical results in the autoclave
method's ultimate stress tests are considered reliable.

摘要 I
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XII
符號說明 XIV
第 1 章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
第 2 章 理論介紹 4
2.1 複合材料概論 4
2.1.1 基材(Matrix) 5
2.1.2 補強材(Reinforcement) 6
2.1.3 高分子基複合材料預浸材(Prepreg) 7
2.1.4 高分子基複合材料成型製程 7
2.2 複合材料力學 11
2.3.1 Altair Multiscale Designer 模組 13
第 3 章 實驗材料與設備 14
3.1 實驗材料 14
3.1.1 碳纖維複合材料 14
3.1.2 試片成型與製作相關耗材 17
3.2 實驗設備 23
3.2.1 研究試片成型與製作相關設備 23
3.2.2 研究相關設備 30
第 4 章 實驗程序與方法 39
4.1 實驗流程 39
4.2 試片製備 40
4.2.1 纖維試片 40
4.2.2 樹脂試片 42
4.2.3 碳纖維疊層板試片 46
4.3 參數量測 50
4.4 有限元素分析 58
4.4.1 Multiscale Designer 模組 59
4.4.2 幾何建立 64
4.4.3 網格建立 65
4.4.4 材料設定 68
4.4.5 邊界條件設定 72
4.4.6 非線性設定 76
4.4.7 求解設定 80
4.4.8 求解 81
第 5 章 結果與討論 83
5.1 纖維與樹脂量測結果 83
5.1.1 纖維試驗結果 83
5.1.2 樹脂試驗結果 85
5.2 碳纖維疊層板量測結果 88
5.3 有限元素分析疊層板設定參數表 93
5.4 疊層板拉伸與有限元素分析 94
5.4.1 Normal X 座標軸補正 95
5.4.2 疊層板 0 度拉伸 99
5.4.3 疊層板 45 度拉伸 107
5.4.4 疊層板 90 度拉伸 115
5.4.5 誤差比較 123
第 6 章 結論與未來工作 126
6.1 結論 126
6.2 未來工作 127
第 7 章 參考文獻 128
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