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研究生(外文):Yi-Sin Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):How do employees cope with workplace ostracism? Investigating the effects of workplace ostracism on employee constructive and destructive coping strategies via affective rumination, problem-solving pondering: The moderating role of trait mindfulness
外文關鍵詞:Workplace ostracismtrait mindfulnessaffective ruminationproblem-solving ponderingcoping strategy
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職場排擠會嚴重傷害員工的工作態度與表現,然而,過去研究鮮少系統性整合並釐清員工遭職場排擠後,可能的建設性與破壞性因應策略。本研究探討員工遭遇職場排擠時,是否會透過情緒反芻導致人際偏差行為與人際迴避行為、或是引發問題解決反思,讓員工從事主動助人行為與尋求社會支持;同時,更納入員工正念特質的緩衝效果。本研究採取問卷調查法,共收集261份主管與員工的配對問卷,並在兩個時間點蒐集資料。本研究以Mplus 7.4版進行假設檢定,多層次路徑分析結果顯示:(1) 職場排擠會增加員工情緒反芻,進而增加員工的人際偏差行為與人際迴避行為;(2)職場排擠亦會增加員工問題解決反思,進而增加主動助人行為與尋求社會支持。(3) 最後,正念特質較高的員工會增強職場排擠對問題解決反思的正向關係,進而間接增加後續的主動助人行為與尋求社會支持。
Workplace ostracism can severely harm employees'' work attitudes and performance. However, past research has rarely systematically integrated and clarified the potential constructive and destructive coping strategies employees might adopt after being ostracized. This study explores whether employees, when encountering workplace ostracism, will engage in interpersonal deviant behavior and avoidance of contact behavior through affective rumination or will trigger problem-solving pondering, leading to proactive helping behavior and seeking social support. Additionally, the moderating effect of employees'' trait mindfulness is also considered. This study employed a questionnaire survey method, collecting 261 paired questionnaires from supervisors and employees, with data gathered at two points in time. The hypotheses were tested using Mplus version 7.4, and the results of the multilevel path analysis indicated that: (1) Workplace ostracism increases employees'' affective rumination, which in turn increases employees'' interpersonal deviant behavior and avoidance of contact behavior; (2) Workplace ostracism also increases employees'' problem-solving pondering, which in turn increases proactive helping behavior and seeking social support. (3) Finally, employees with higher trait mindfulness strengthen the positive relationship between workplace ostracism and problem-solving pondering, thereby indirectly increasing subsequent proactive helping behavior and seeking social support.
論文審定書………………....................………………………………….….......…. i
第 一 章 緒論………..............…………………....................……....…………..1
第 二 章 文獻探討與假設推導………...........………………………….....…....6
第一節 職場排擠的內涵與相關研究發現…………………………....……..6
第二節 員工因應職場排擠的破壞性與建設性策略…………………...…...7
第三節 職場排擠、情緒反芻與員工破壞性回應策略之關係 …………….9
第四節 職場排擠、問題解決反思與員工建設性回應策略之關係 ……...12
第五節 職場排擠、情緒反芻與人際偏差行為、人際迴避行為:正念特質的干擾式中介效果…..………..…..…….…..……..…..……...…..…….........14
第六節 職場排擠、問題解決反思程度與主動助人行為、尋求社會支持:正念特質的干擾式中介效果…..………..…..…….…..……..…..……..........16
第 三 章 研究方法………...........………………………………...…....…..…...19
第一節 研究樣本與施測程序........................………………………...…......19
第二節 研究工具.......................………………………....……......................20
(一) 職場排擠..................………………………...................................20
(二) 情緒反芻與問題解決反思..................…………...........................20
(三) 正念特質..................………………………...................................20
(四) 人際偏差行為..................……....……….......................................21
(五) 人際迴避行為..................……....……….......................................22
(六) 主動助人行為..................……....……….......................................22
(七) 尋求社會支持..................……....……….......................................22
(八) 控制變數..................………………………...................................22
第三節 資料分析方式.................……………………....……........................23
第 四 章 研究結果...……...........………………………………...…..................24
第一節 描述性統計與相關分析……………………………………...……..24
第二節 驗證性因素分析……………………………………………...…......24
第三節 假設檢定............................................................................………….26
第四節 補充分析............................................................................……….....30
第 五 章 討論與建議...……...........……………………………...…....…...…...32
第一節 研究貢獻與理論意涵......…………………………………....……...32
第二節 管理意涵…………………………................…………………….....34
第三節 研究限制與建議...............................................................…………..35
圖1-1 研究架構圖.............................................................................................5
圖3-1 路徑分析結果圖...................................................................................27
圖3-2 正念特質對職場排擠與問題解決反思之干擾效果...........................29
表4-1 各主要變項之敘述之敘述性統計與相關係數...................................25
表4-2 各模式驗證性因素分析之結果...........................................................26
表4-3 路徑分析結果表...................................................................................28
表4-4 正念特質對職場排擠透過問題解決反思影響主動助人行為的干擾式中介效果...............................................................................................................30
表4-5 正念特質對職場排擠透過問題解決反思影響尋求社會支持的干擾式中介效果...............................................................................................................30
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