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研究生(外文):Kai-Lan Huang
論文名稱(外文):Feeling like a fraud? Exploring how impostor syndrome affects task performance and hierarchical plateau via fear of success and failure: The moderating effect of perceptions of insider status
外文關鍵詞:imposter syndromefear of successfear of failuretask performancehierarchical plateauperceived insider status
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本研究採問卷調查法,以兩個時間點、主管及員工兩個來源收集資料,共收集261份主管與員工配對資料,本研究使用多層次路徑分析進行假設檢定,研究結果顯示:(1) 冒牌者症候群會透過提升害怕成功,進而增加主管評估之任務績效;(2) 冒牌者症候群會透過提升害怕失敗,進而增加階層停滯的程度;(3) 當員工知覺組織圈內人地位程度高時,會增強冒牌者症候群與害怕成功間的正向關係,同時亦會增強冒牌者症候群透過害怕成功影響主管評估任務績效的正向間接效果;(4) 知覺組織圈內人地位程度高時,亦會增強冒牌者症候群與害怕失敗間的正向關係,進而增強冒牌者症候群透過害怕失敗影響階層停滯的正向間接效果。最後,本研究提供冒牌者症候群員工的相關的管理意涵供企業界參考,並對冒牌者症候群與任務績效及階層停滯的相關文獻做出貢獻。
Recent management research has increasingly focused on imposter syndrome, yet few studies examine its impact on employees'' job performance and career outcomes. This study explores how fear of success and fear of failure, induced by imposter syndrome, affect task performance and hierarchical plateau, considering perceived insider status as a moderating variable.
Using a questionnaire survey method, data were collected from supervisors and employees at two time points, totaling 261 matched pairs. Multilevel path analysis revealed that: (1) imposter syndrome increases supervisors'' task performance assessments by elevating fear of success; (2) imposter syndrome heightens hierarchical plateau by increasing fear of failure; (3) higher perceived insider status strengthens the relationship between imposter syndrome and fear of success, enhancing its positive effect on task performance assessments; (4) higher perceived insider status also intensifies the link between imposter syndrome and fear of failure, amplifying its impact on hierarchical plateau. Finally, this study offers management insights for dealing with employees experiencing imposter syndrome and adds to the literature on imposter syndrome, task performance, and hierarchical plateau.
致謝………………………………………………………………………….………… ii
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………...……………..1
第一節 研究背景與動機……………………...…………………………………..1
第二章 文獻回顧與假設推導……………………………………………….…………6
第一節 冒牌者症候群的定義、內涵及既有發現……………...………...……...6
第二節 冒牌者症候群與任務績效階層停滯的關係:害怕成功的中介效果……8
第三節 冒牌者症候群與任務績效階層停滯的關係:害怕失敗的中介效果.….11
第四節 知覺組織圈內人地位的干擾式中介效果…......…….………………....13
第三章 研究方法……………………...……………………………………...…….....16
第一節 研究設計、樣本及施測程序...…………………….………………..…16
第二節 研究工具…...……………………………………………………...……17
第三節 資料分析方式……..…………………...…………………………….…20
第四章 研究結果………………………...……...…………………………………….21
第一節 描述性統計與相關分析……………..………………...……………….21
第二節 驗證性因素分析………………………………………………………..23
第三節 假設檢定………………………..………………………………………25
第四節 補充分析………………………..………………………………………28
第五章 研究討論與建議………………………………...…………………………....30
第一節 研究發現與理論意涵……………..……………………………….…...30
第二節 管理意涵……………..……………………………….………….……..32
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議………………..…………………….……...33
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