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研究生(外文):Sheng-Bin Wang
論文名稱(外文):Positive effects of development-oriented paternalistic leadership on work and creative engagement: A cross-cultural examination between Taiwan and the States
指導教授(外文):Wang, An-ChihChi,Nai-wen
外文關鍵詞:paternalistic leadershipdevelopmental-oriented paternalistic leadershipLMXengagementpower distance
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Given that paternalistic leadership has prevailed for several decades, developmental-oriented paternalistic leadership (DPL) has emerged to reconcile the contradiction between the theory and empirical evidence. Previous research has primarily focused on scale development and has found a positive relationship between DPL and both in- and extra-role performance. In this study, I investigated leader–member exchange (LMX) as a crucial mediator in the relationship between DPL and two follower engagements (work engagement and creative process engagement). Furthermore, I propose using country as a proxy for culture values to moderate the relationship between DPL and LMX. A sample of 289 followers from Taiwan and 237 from the United States was collected via an online data collection platform. The result indicates that DPL is positively related to two follower engagements and shows a mediation effect of LMX, with DPL showing a stronger effect on LMX in the Taiwan sample. Moreover, the findings were consistently confirmed with power distance orientation as a moderator. This study contributes to the expansion of the nomological network of DPL and highlights its cultural specificity.
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Contents iv
Table of figures v
Table of tables vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Theory and Hypotheses 7
2.1 Revisiting the Complexity of Combined Paternalistic Control and Paternalistic Care of Classical Paternalistic Leadership 7
2.2 Developmental-Oriented Paternalistic Leadership: The Effect of Integration of Paternalistic Control and Care in the Contexts of Development 10
2.3 LMX and DPL 16
2.4 LMX Mediates the Relationship Between DPL and Work Engagement 18
2.5 LMX Mediates the Relationship Between DPL and Creative Process Engagement 21
2.6 The Moderation Role of Culture Value 23
Chapter 3 Method 27
3.1 Procedure and Sample 27
3.2 Measurement 30
3.3 Analysis Strategy 33
Chapter 4 Result 36
Chapter 5 Discussion 47
Reference 55
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2. 中國貨幣政策與國際資本市場的長期關係之結構性變化及其外溢傳導管道:來自新興與先進經濟體的證據
3. 建構組織人才培育機制:內部講師的員工工作體驗之探索研究
4. 知覺企業導入ESG對員工行為的影響:組織認同的中介作用與企業偽善的調節效果
5. 不招人妒是庸才?探討員工被良性與惡性妒羨對於後續任務績效及人際偏差行為的關係:追求地位與報復動機的中介效果、及挑戰性壓力源評估的干擾效果
6. 要接受或是被拒絕?探討接受與邀請同事參與下班後社交活動對員工職場人際行為之影響歷程:同事關係與地位及員工親和性的角色
7. 主管部屬工作內外關係交換品質與部屬績效:主管生活照顧行為的角色
8. 組織變革認知與工作投入對工作績效的影響-以個案K公司為例
9. 自願性與非自願性部分工時人員之心理契約與情緒耗竭之研究-以工作投入為中介效果
10. 直屬主管之差序格局對領導行為與領導效能影響之研究
11. 新冠肺炎疫情對企業經營之影響
12. 威權領導與逢迎行為關聯之探討
13. 應用兩階段資料包絡分析法評估經濟與ESG效率:以OECD國家為例
14. 綠色轉型領導與環境績效之研究:綠色人力資源管理、綠色創新與綠色文化之多重中介效果
15. 企業敵意接管攻防策略之研究