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研究生(外文):I-Ting Wang
論文名稱(外文):How to Facilitate Talent’s Creativity in New Ventures: Stability and Flexible Benefits as Moderators
指導教授(外文):Chen, Min-Nan
外文關鍵詞:New venturesSelf-directed learningGrowth mindsetCreativityEmployee benefitStabilityFlexibility
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研究結果發現:1. 自我導向學習對創造力有正向的影響。 2. 成長心態對創造力無影響。 3. 調節變項穩定型福利「特別休假」對自我導向學習以及創造力間的關係有負面影響,同時也對成長心態以及創造力間的關係有負面影響。 4. 調節變項彈性型福利「遠距工作政策」對成長心態以及創造力間的關係有負面影響。 5. 調節變項穩定型福利「團體保險」對成長心態以及創造力之間的關係有負面影響。
As the development of new ventures community in Taiwan, the government has paid more and more attention to this type of firms, and the topic of talent in new ventures has been highly discussed, regarding which, the employees’ creativity is often considered as a key for new ventures to sustain, as their products are usually new ideas or technology, thus, the conditions that have positive effects on creativity are essential for new ventures while designing their human resources policies. In this study, we analyze the relationship between self-directed learning, growth mindset and creativity, and the moderating effects by adding the moderators of stability and flexibility benefits.
The findings of this study supported that: 1. Self-directed learning correlates positively with creativity. 2. Growth mindset does not correlate with creativity. 3. The moderator annual leave has negative effects on the relationship between self-directed learning and creativity, the same effects could be observed between growth mindset and creativity. 4. The moderating effect of remote work policy affects negatively the relationship between growth mindset and creativity. 5. Group insurance, as a moderator, enhances the relationship between growth mindset and creativity negatively.
學位論文審定書 i
摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
1. Introduction - 1 -
2. Theoretical background - 4 -
2.1 Self-directed learning - 4 -
2.2 Growth mindset - 5 -
2.3 Creativity - 7 -
2.4 Self-directed learning and creativity - 9 -
2.5 Growth mindset and creativity - 10 -
2.6 Stability and flexibility benefits - 10 -
3. Research Method - 16 -
3.1 Participants - 16 -
3.2 Target Company - 16 -
3.3 Measures - 17 -
3.4 Model Specification - 18 -
4. Results - 20 -
5. Discussion and conclusion - 65 -
6. Limitations and Future Research - 67 -
References - 69 -
Appendix: Measurement Scales of Questionnaire - 73 -
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