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研究生(外文):Rang Lee
論文名稱(外文):Metamorphic Testing of High-Utility Itemset Mining
外文關鍵詞:data miningutility miningmetamorphic testingmetamorphic relationsoftware testing
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Because the internet and storage technology are developing rapidly, many new applications have emerged focusing on big data. Finding meaningful information from large amounts of data has thus become an important issue. In the past, utility mining was proposed to find significant itemsets based on their potential benefits. Because the utility-mining process is complex, judging the correctness of its program is very time-consuming and also crucial to its applications. In this paper, we adopt a famous software-testing technique called metamorphic testing to verify the correctness of a utility-mining program. The metamorphic testing uses metamorphic relations as an aid to test the correctness. When input conditions are changed, the program is correct with more confidence if the corresponding outputs follow the rules, but if they do not, errors certainly exist in the program. We design fifteen metamorphic relations for utility mining to verify the correctness of its programs. We categorize these relations into algorithm-independent (MR1 to MR7) and algorithm-dependent (MR8 to MR15). These relations are designed based on two aspects: changing the minimum utility threshold and modifying the content of a transaction database. In the experiments, we use a real dataset and a synthetic dataset to evaluate the proposed metamorphic relations by the mutation score. The experimental results show that the third and tenth metamorphic relations demonstrate the best performance because they are strict relations.
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Contents vi
List of Figures x
List of Tables xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Work 3
2.1. High-Utility Itemset Mining 3
2.2. Two-Phase Algorithm for High-Utility Itemset Mining 5
2.3. Metamorphic Testing 8
Chapter 3 Proposed Metamorphic Relations for Utility Mining 10
3.1. Notation 10
3.1.1. Source/Follow-up Input 11
3.1.2. Source/Follow-up Output 11
3.2. Algorithm-independent Metamorphic Relations 12
3.2.1. The First Metamorphic Relations: Decreasing the Minimum Threshold 12
3.2.2. The Second Metamorphic Relations: Increasing the Minimum Threshold 15
3.2.3. The Third Metamorphic Relation: Adding a New Item and a New Transaction 16
3.2.4. The Fourth Metamorphic Relation: Appending a New Item to Old Transactions 19
3.2.5. The Fifth Metamorphic Relation: Adding a New Item and a New Transaction (II). 22
3.2.6. The Sixth Metamorphic Relation: Adding a New Item and a New Transaction (III) 25
3.2.7. The Seventh Metamorphic Relation: Adding a New Item and a New Transaction (IV) 29
3.3. Algorithm-dependent Metamorphic Relations 32
3.3.1. The Eighth and Ninth Metamorphic Relations 32
3.3.2. The Tenth Metamorphic Relation: Adding a New Item and a New Transaction 36
3.3.3. The Eleventh Metamorphic Relation: Appending a New Item to Old Transactions 39
3.3.4. The Twelfth Metamorphic Relation: Adding a New Item and a New Transaction (II) 43
3.3.5. The Thirteenth Metamorphic Relation: Adding a New Item and a New Transaction (III) 45
3.3.6. The Fourteenth Metamorphic Relation: Adding a New Item and a New Transaction (IV) 49
3.3.7. The Fifteenth Metamorphic Relation: Removing an Item from Old Transactions (IV) 52
Chapter 4 Experiments and Analyses 58
4.1. Experimental Environment 58
4.2. Experimental Settings 59
4.3. Experimental Results for the Chess_utility Dataset 59
4.3.1. Influence of the Number of Transactions 60
4.3.2. Influence of Minimum Thresholds 61
4.3.3. Average Mutation Score of Each Metamorphic Relation with the Chess_utility Dataset 63
4.4. Experimental Results for the Synthetic Dataset 63
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 66
5.1. Conclusion 66
5.2. Future Work 66
References 68
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