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研究生(外文):Chih-Sheng Shih
論文名稱(外文):Feasibility Study of ε-Gallium Oxide-based Semiconductor Power Devices
外文關鍵詞:Mist-CVDε-Ga2O3Recessed GateMOSFETPower DeviceElectrical Analysis
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研究結果表明,MES的低特徵導通電阻,證明埋入式錫摻雜能有效增加ε-氧化鎵的導電性,MOS則證明閘極氧化層能夠有效降低閘極漏電流,RG-MOS具有最低0.075 Ω·cm²的特徵導通電阻與高達6個數量級的開關電流比,顯示出掘入式閘極對控制元件通道具有極大的優勢,同時顯示出ε-氧化鎵具有作為半導體功率元件的潛力。而DLRG-MES的元件電性仍需驗證其可行性。
This study investigates the electrical performance of ε-Ga2O3 power devices fabricated through Mist Chemical Vapor Deposition (Mist-CVD) with buried tin doping. The feasibility of ε-Ga2O3 as a power device material is evaluated by creating four different structures and analyzing their electrical properties.
Material analysis confirmed that the Mist-CVD deposited films are single-crystal ε-Ga2O3. Based on the result, four ε-Ga2O3 devices were fabricated: Buried Tin-Doped Lateral Ga2O3 MESFET (MES), Buried Tin-Doped Lateral Ga2O3 MOSFET (MOS), Buried Tin-Doped Recessed Gate Ga2O3 MOSFET (RG-MOS), and Dual-Layer Tin-Doped Recessed Gate Ga2O3 MESFET (DLRG-MES).
The results indicate that the MES’s low specific on-resistance demonstrates that buried tin doping can effectively enhance the conductivity of ε-Ga2O3.The MOS device shows that the gate oxide layer can effectively reduce gate leakage current. The RG-MOS exhibits the lowest specific on-resistance of 0.075 Ω·cm² and an on-off current ratio exceeding six orders of magnitude, highlighting the significant advantage of the recessed gate in controlling the device channel.This also demonstrates the potential of ε-Ga₂O₃ as a semiconductor power device. However, the electrical performance of the DLRG-MES still requires further validation of its feasibility.
In a comprehensive comparison , the RG-MOS demonstrated superior performance. Compared to β-Ga2O3 MOSFETs with a similar structure, the RG-MOS shows competitive performance in electrical characteristics.
This study is the first to fabricate recessed gate ε-Ga2O3 MOSFET using Mist-CVD, providing preliminary results for ε-Ga2O3 power devices and demonstrating its significant potential as a power device material.
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xiv
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2氧化鎵功率元件的發展 5
1-3實驗動機 6
第二章 元件製程與實驗 8
2-1 製程參數與步驟 8
2-1-1 Mist-CVD磊晶氧化鎵與沉積二氧化錫薄膜(Deposition) 8
2-1-2微影(Photolithography) 9
2-1-3熱蒸鍍金屬沉積(Thermal Evaporation) 10
2-1-4舉離(Lift off) 11
2-1-5感應耦合式電漿反應離子蝕刻(ICP-RIE) 11
2-1-6爐管熱退火(Thermal annealing) 13
2-2實驗一 埋入式錫摻雜氧化鎵MESFET元件製程 14
2-3實驗二 埋入式錫摻雜氧化鎵MOSFET與掘入閘極氧化鎵MOSFET元件製程 16
2-3-1埋入式錫摻雜氧化鎵MOSFET元件製程 16
2-3-2埋入式錫摻雜掘入閘極氧化鎵MOSFET元件製程 18
2-4實驗三 雙層埋入式錫摻雜掘入閘極氧化鎵MESFET元件製程 21
第三章 材料分析與元件量測 24
3-1材料分析 24
3-1-1 X光繞射儀(X-Ray Diffraction) 24
3-1-2橢圓偏光儀(Ellipsometer) 28
3-1-3二次離子質譜分析儀(Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) 30
3-1-4穿透式電子顯微鏡(Transmission Electron Microscopy) 31
3-2元件電性量測 33
3-3汲極偏壓應力測試(Drain bias stress test) 35
第四章 實驗一 埋入式錫摻雜ε-氧化鎵MESFET基本電性分析 36
4-1 ε-氧化鎵磊晶參數對MESFET元件電性的影響分析 36
4-2埋入式錫摻雜參數對MESFET元件電性的影響分析 38
4-3埋入式錫摻雜ε-氧化鎵MESFET基本電性 40
第五章 實驗二 埋入式錫摻雜ε-氧化鎵MOSFE與掘入閘極ε-氧化鎵MOSFET基本電性分析 42
5-1埋入式錫摻雜ε-氧化鎵MOSFET基本電性 42
5-2感應耦合式電漿蝕刻參數對元件電性的影響分析 44
5-3埋入式錫摻雜掘入閘極ε-氧化鎵MOSFET基本電性 46
第六章 實驗三 雙層錫摻雜掘入閘極ε-氧化鎵MESFET基本電性分析 48
6-1退火製程對元件電性的影響分析 48
6-2蝕刻參數對元件電性的影響分析 51
6-3 ε-氧化鎵磊晶參數對元件電性的影響分析 53
6-4上層錫摻雜沉積時間對元件電性的影響分析 54
6-5雙層埋入式錫摻雜掘入閘極ε-氧化鎵MESFET基本電性 58
第七章 實驗結果與比較 60
7-1不同結構之ε-氧化鎵功率元件基本電性比較 61
7-1-1特徵導通電阻(Ron,sp)之比較 62
7-1-2閘極漏電流(IGS,off)之比較 66
7-1-3開關電流比(Ion/Ioff current ratio)之比較 69
7-1-4崩潰電壓(Vbr)之比較 70
7-1-5功率品質因素(PFOM)之比較 73
7-2 ε-氧化鎵功率元件穩定性-汲極偏壓應力測試 75
7-3氧化鎵功率元件之比較 78
第八章 結論與未來展望 81
8-1結論 81
8-2未來展望 83
第九章 參考文獻 84
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