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研究生(外文):You-Qing Zhang
論文名稱(外文):The serial mediation effect of self-efficacy and job crafting in the relationship of job autonomy and self-perceived employability
外文關鍵詞:job autonomyself-perceived employabilityself-efficacyjob craftingserial mediation modelquantitative researchemployee developmentorganizational effectiveness
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本研究主要探討(1)工作自主性和自我覺知就業力之間的關係;(2)自我效能感是否對自我覺知就業力以及工作自主性產生中介效果;(3)同時也探究工作形塑是否對工作自主性以及自我覺知就業力帶來中介效果:(4)自我效能感和工作形塑在工作自主性以及自我覺知就業力之間,是否產生雙中介效果。本研究使用連續雙中介模型並且採用問卷調查法進行定量分析,在知名社群媒體平台中發送電子問卷,最後在回收350份問卷中,篩選出324份有效問卷(n = 324)。最終結果發現:(1)工作自主性對自我覺知就業力有顯著關聯性;(2)自我效能感在工作自主性和自我覺知就業力之間的關係中,無中介效果;(3)工作形塑在工作自主性和自我覺知就業力的關係中,存在著中介效果;(4)自我效能感和工作形塑在工作自主性和自我覺知就業力的研究模型中,有雙中介效果。此研究結果呼應現今變化快速的就業環境中的議題,例如:員工留任、員工發展和組織效能。
Self-perceived employability has recently received a remarkable attention in organizations due to the dynamics in the workplace. This study concentrated on (1) analyzing the relationship between job autonomy and self-perceived employability; (2) exploring whether self-efficacy mediates the link between job autonomy and self-perceived employability; (3) also exploring whether job crafting mediates the link between job autonomy and self-perceived employability; (4) finally examining whether the relationship between job autonomy and self-perceived employability is sequentially mediated by self-efficacy and job crafting. To achieve these goals, this study used a serial mediation model and conducted a quantitative research using survey method and electronic questionnaire instrument to deliver the electronic questionnaire via various social media platforms, finally this study generated the data of 350 and 324 valid data at hand (n = 324). The results demonstrated that (1) job autonomy has significant effect on self-perceived employability; (2) self-efficacy does not have mediation effect upon the relationship between job autonomy and self-perceived employability; (3) job crafting has a mediating effect upon the relationship between job autonomy and self-perceived employability; (4) the relationship between job autonomy and self-perceived employability is sequentially mediated by self-efficacy and job crafting. These results have insightful meaning to the recent organizational behavior literature that can address the nowadays volatile working environment to retain employees and enhance employee development and organizational effectiveness.

Keywords: job autonomy, self-perceived employability, self-efficacy, job crafting, serial mediation model, quantitative research, employee development, organizational effectiveness
Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
table of contents iv
1.1 research background and motivation 1
1.2 research gap and objectives 3
1.3 research scope 5
2.1 Job autonomy 6
2.2 Self-perceived employability 8
2.3 Job autonomy and self-perceived employability 10
2.4 The mediator: self-efficacy 12
2.5 The mediator: job crafting 14
2.6 A serial and double-mediation effect 18
3.1 Research model 20
3.2 Research design and procedures 21
3.3 Research sampling and data collection 22
3.4 Measurement of variables 22
3.4.1 Dependent variable: self-perceived employability 23
3.4.2 Independent variable: job autonomy 23
3.4.3 Mediator: self-efficacy 24
3.4.4 Mediator: job crafting 24
4.1 Descriptive statistics and analysis 26
4.2 first order factor assessment – reliability and validity 30
4.3 discriminant validity 33
4.4 Second order factor – reliability and validity 35
4.5 assessment of the r-square, r-square adjusted, and q-square predict 35
4.6 the measurement of f-square 37
4.7 path coefficient result 37
4.8 hypotheses testing 39
4.9 common method variance 42
Chapter V. CONCLUSION 44
5.1 Summary and interpretation of findings 44
5.2 implications 48
5.2.1 Theoretical implication 48
5.2.2 practical implication 48
5.3 suggestions and future research 50
refferences 52
appendix 58

Table of Figures
figure 1.1 meta-analysis by rudolph et al., 2017 15
figure 2.1 theoretical framework 20
figure 3.1 theoretical framework demonstrating path coefficient and p value 39

Table of Tables
table 4.1 descriptive analysis (n=324) 29
table 4.2 first order factor 31
table 4.3 the fornell-larker (1981) criterion-discriminant validity 33
table 4.4 discriminant validity – cross loadings 34
table 4.5 second order factor – reliability and validity 35
table 4.6 r-square, r-square adjusted and q-square predict 36
table 4.7 f-square 37
table 4.8 path coefficient result 38
table 4.9 hypotheses testing result 42
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