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研究生(外文):Mei-Yun Xiao
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Spatiotemporal Variation and Transport Routes of Atmospheric Speciated Mercury Transported from the East and West Channels of Taiwan Island to South China Sea
指導教授(外文):Chung-Shin Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Atmospheric speciated mercury (ASM)Long-range transport (LRT)Spatiotemporal variationGas-solid partitionSource apportionment
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東亞地區和中國大陸的快速工業和經濟增長,導致化石燃料消耗量和人為污染物排放量的急劇增加,進而惡化空氣品質。在全球環境污染問題中,大氣型態汞(atmospheric speciated mercury, ASM)污染日益備受關注,由於大規模的人為活動,如:工業製程和燃料燃燒,導致地殼中原本存在的含汞物質被高溫燃燒釋放到空氣中,形成全球ASM污染。
本研究團隊先前曾針對南海(South China Sea;SCS)海域大氣污染物的時空分佈和傳輸機制進行一系列研究,結果顯示來自中國華北和華中地區、日本、韓國等北方人為污染源排放的空氣污染物,可以透過台灣海峽長程傳輸至南海北部(西通道)。因此,本研究乃進一步針對台灣西側海域(西通道)的澎湖群島(台灣海峽),台灣東側海域(東通道)的綠島(西太平洋)和下風處之東沙島(南海北部),同步進行ASM之採樣和分析,以探討ASM的長程傳輸及其對目標海域空氣品質的影響。本研究擬進行更深入和更完整的調查,期能釐清台灣島東、西通道至南海北部海域的大氣汞污染傳輸現況,並研究其可能的污染源和貢獻率,同時探討污染氣團的傳輸路徑。
總大氣汞(total atmospheric mercury, TAM)季節變化趨勢為春季>冬季>秋季>夏季,氣態元素汞(gaseous elemental mercury, GEM)、氣態氧化汞(gaseous oxidized mercury, GOM)及顆粒態汞(particulate-bound mercury, PBM)的平均濃度分別為2.36 ± 0.71 ng/m3、22.12 ± 6.44 pg/m3及150.69 ± 93.52 pg/m3。空間分佈結果顯示,澎湖群島之GEM、GOM及PBM平均濃度分別為3.03 ± 0.65 ng/m3、27.81 ± 6.07 pg/m3及247.87 ± 64.27 pg/m3;綠島之GEM、GOM及PBM平均濃度分別為2.19 ± 0.41 ng/m3、22.30 ± 3.54 pg/m3及126.63 ± 62.23 pg/m3;而東沙島之GEM、GOM及PBM平均濃度分別為1.84 ± 0.41 ng/m3、16.25 ± 2.98 pg/m3及77.58 ± 54.26 pg/m3。三種大氣汞之最高平均濃度均位於澎湖群島,推測係受到盛行風向及鄰近地區人為污染的疊加效應之影響。此外,氣固相分佈結果顯示,三處採樣站均以GEM為主要物種,約佔TAM的 91.33~97.50%,反應性汞(reactive mercury, RM = GOM + PBM)則佔 2.51~8.70%。
另與東亞海島及海岸地區ASM濃度比較發現,台灣島西通道受到中國沿岸人為和工業的影響,其中澎湖群島受到人為污染源的影響較大,導致ASM濃度較高。台灣島東通道的ASM濃度受到東北季風的影響,來自中國華東地區和朝鮮半島的亞洲大陸污染出流(Asian continental outflow, ACO)傳輸至綠島,另有來自菲律賓海的氣團直接進入,因此東通道的ASM濃度較低。
Rapid industrial growth in East Asia and mainland China has led to an increase in the consumption of fossil fuels and the emissions of anthropogenic pollutants, thereby deteriorating ambient air quality. Among global environmental issues, atmospheric mercury pollution is a growing concern due to large-scale anthropogenic activities such as industrial processes and fuel burning, which release mercury from Earth''s crust to the atmosphere, forming global atmospheric mercury pollution.
Our research team has conducted many studies focusing on the spatiotemporal distribution and transport of atmospheric pollutants in South China Sea (SCS). The results indicated that air pollutants from anthropogenic sources in North China, Central China, Japan, and South Korea can be long-range transported through Taiwan Strait to northern SCS (i.e. West Channel). Therefore, this study further focused on simultaneous sampling and analysis of atmospheric speciated mercury (ASM) at Penghu Islands in Taiwan Strait on the waters of western Taiwan (i.e. West Channel). Green Island is located in West Pacific on the eastern side of Taiwan (i.e. East Channel), while Dongsha Island is located in northern SCS. This study aims to explore the long-range transport of ASM and its impact on ambient air quality in the target areas. We investigated the current status of ASM transported from the East and West Channels of Taiwan Island to northern SCS. Using source apportionment techniques, we identified potential sources and their contributions, and further clustered the transport routes/channels.
The seasonal variation of total atmospheric mercury (TAM) was ordered as: spring > winter > fall > summer. The average concentrations of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM), gaseous oxidized mercury (GOM), and particulate-bound mercury (PBM) were 2.36 ± 0.71 ng/m³, 22.12 ± 6.44 pg/m³, and 150.69 ± 93.52 pg/m³, respectively. It showed that the average concentrations of GEM, GOM, and PBM at Penghu Islands were 3.03 ± 0.65 ng/m³, 27.81 ± 6.07 pg/m³, and 247.87 ± 64.27 pg/m³, respectively. At Green Island, the averages were 2.19 ± 0.41 ng/m³, 22.30 ± 3.54 pg/m³, and 126.63 ± 62.23 pg/m³, respectively. At Dongsha Island, the averages were 1.84 ± 0.41 ng/m³, 16.25 ± 2.98 pg/m³, and 77.58 ± 54.26 pg/m³, respectively. The highest ASM concentrations were observed at Penghu Islands, primarily due to the co-effects of prevailing wind directions and nearby anthropogenic sources. The gas-solid partition showed that GEM was the predominant species at the three remote islands, accounting for 91.33-97.50% of TAM. Reactive mercury (RM=GOM+PBM) accounted for 2.51-8.70% of TAM.
Based on the results from backward trajectories, global fire maps, and pollution roses, we found that fire points during spring and winter appeared mainly in Indochina Peninsula, the Philippines, North China, East China, and South China, coinciding with prevailing winds, which transported ASM to the target islands, thus increasing atmospheric mercury levels. In contrast, during summer and fall, fire points appeared mainly in Vietnam, North China, and East China. The prevailing wind during summer was a clean southward wind, which carried less mercury-containing pollutants, resulting in relatively lower concentrations of ASM.
Comparing with East Asian islands and coastlines, we found that the West Channel of Taiwan Island was highly influenced by industrial emissions from both sides of Taiwan Strait, causing higher ASM concentrations at Penghu Islands. In contrast, the East Channel of Taiwan Island was mainly affected by Asian continental outflow (ACO) blown from East China and Korean Peninsula, transported to Green Island via the Philippine Sea, resulting in lower ASM concentrations.
第一章 前言1
1.1 研究緣起1
1.2 研究目的2
1.3 研究範圍與架構3
第二章 文獻回顧5
2.1 海島環境概況5
2.1.1 澎湖群島5
2.1.2 綠島7
2.1.3 東沙島7
2.2 汞之基本物化特性9
2.3 汞之型態與特徵12
2.3.1 汞之生成、轉化與全球循環機制13
2.3.2 汞之毒理性質與暴露標準16
2.4 大氣型態汞之採集、量測與分析方法18
2.5 污染傳輸路徑解析模式之原理與應用24
2.5.1 逆軌跡模式模擬24
2.5.2 風玫瑰圖與污染玫瑰圖25
2.5.3 全球火點分佈圖27
2.6 東亞海島及沿岸地區之大氣型態汞相關研究28
第三章 研究方法36
3.1 大氣型態汞之採樣規劃36
3.1.1 採樣地點之規劃36
3.1.2 採樣時間之規劃38
3.2 大氣型態汞之採樣方法與步驟39
3.2.1 大氣型態汞之採樣方法39
3.2.2 大氣型態汞之採樣步驟42
3.3 大氣型態汞之分析方法48
3.3.1 總氣態汞(TGM)之分析方法49
3.3.2 氣態氧化汞(GOM)之分析方法51
3.3.3 顆粒態汞(PBM)之分析方法52
3.4 冷蒸氣原子螢光光譜儀(CVAFS)之分析原理54
3.5 品保與品管(QA/QC)54
3.5.1 大氣型態汞採樣與分析之人員資格要求55
3.5.2 大氣型態汞採樣與分析方法之品保品管55
3.6 大氣型態汞之污染源解析方法59
3.6.1 逆軌跡模式模擬(Backward Trajectory Simulation)59
3.6.2 全球火點分佈圖(Global Fire Map)60
3.6.3 相關性分析(Correlation Analysis)60
第四章 結果與討論62
4.1 台灣島東、西部海域至南海海域氣象參數觀測結果62
4.1.1 環境氣溫62
4.1.2 相對濕度63
4.1.3 風速及風向64
4.1.4 降雨量66
4.2 採樣方法之驗證與測試結果67
4.2.1 總氣態汞採樣方法之驗證與試驗結果67 金汞齊吸附管之空白測試結果67 金汞齊吸附管之穿透率測試結果68
4.2.2 氣態氧化汞採樣方法之驗證與試驗結果69 鍍KCl環狀擴散管之空白測試結果70 鍍KCl環狀擴散管之穿透率測試結果70 鍍KCl環狀擴散管之平行比對測試結果71
4.3 台灣島東、西部海域至南海海域大氣型態汞濃度時空變化趨勢分析72
4.3.1 大氣型態汞濃度之季節變化趨勢分析72
4.3.2 大氣型態汞濃度之空間分佈趨勢分析75
4.4 大氣型態汞氣固相分佈特徵77
4.5 不同大氣型態汞發生頻率分佈79
4.6 台灣島東、西部海域至南海海域大氣型態汞污染源解析82
4.6.1 東亞地區火點分佈83
4.6.2 污染氣團傳輸路徑解析84
4.6.3 採樣期間之污染玫瑰圖90
4.6.4 大氣型態汞、氣象參數及空氣污染物之相關性分析91
4.7 與其他東亞地區大氣型態汞濃度之比較94
第五章 結論與建議98
5.1 結論98
5.2 建議100
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