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研究生(外文):LIN, YU-HSIN
論文名稱(外文):Using Support Vector Machine and Linear Regression Models to Predict the Effluent Wastewater Quality from a Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant in Taichung City
指導教授(外文):PAI, TZE-YI
外文關鍵詞:Support Vector MachineLinear RegressionEffluent Water Quality
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本研究對台中市某都市污水處理廠出流水水質建立支持向量機及線性回歸模型。其結果顯示,出流水pH預測值支持向量機之MAPE (Mean absolute percentage error)值最佳為0.68%,線性回歸之MAPE值最佳為0.59%。出流水水溫預測值支持向量機之MAPE值最佳為0.80%,線性回歸MAPE最佳為0.77%。出流水BOD5預測值支持向量機之MAPE值最佳為19.22%,線性回歸之MAPE值最佳為20.11%。出流水COD預測值支持向量機之MAPE值最佳17.56%為,線性回歸之MAPE值最佳為20.60%。出流水DO預測值支持向量機之MAPE值最佳5.20%為,線性回歸之MAPE值最佳為5.45%。出流水SS預測值支持向量機之MAPE值最佳為4.01%,線性回歸之MAPE值最佳為4.92%。出流水導電度預測值支持向量機之MAPE值最佳為1.75%,線性回歸之MAPE值最佳為1.96%。
This study applies support vector machine and linear regression algorithms to analyze and predict the effluent water quality of an urban wastewater treatment plant in Taichung City. By collecting various water quality data and operational parameters of the influent water at the treatment plant, the study investigates the impact of influent data on effluent water quality.
The study establishes support vector machine and linear regression models for predicting the effluent water quality of the urban wastewater treatment plant. The results indicate that the best MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) value for predicting effluent pH using the support vector machine is 0.68%, while the best MAPE value using linear regression is 0.59%. For predicting effluent water temperature, the best MAPE value using the support vector machine is 0.80%, and the best MAPE value using linear regression is 0.77%. The best MAPE value for predicting effluent BOD5 using the support vector machine is 19.22%, while the best MAPE value using linear regression is 20.11%. For predicting effluent COD, the best MAPE value using the support vector machine is 17.56%, and the best MAPE value using linear regression is 20.60%. The best MAPE value for predicting effluent DO using the support vector machine is 5.20%, while the best MAPE value using linear regression is 5.45%. For predicting effluent SS, the best MAPE value using the support vector machine is 4.01%, and the best MAPE value using linear regression is 4.92%. The best MAPE value for predicting effluent conductivity using the support vector machine is 1.75%, while the best MAPE value using linear regression is 1.96%.
This study utilizes support vector machine and linear regression models to predict the effluent water quality of urban sewage treatment plants. By screening highly correlated data through correlation coefficients for analysis, the results demonstrate that the support vector machine achieves high precision in predicting water temperature, pH, DO, SS, and conductivity, with excellent predictions for COD and BOD5. Linear regression also achieves high precision in predicting water temperature, pH, DO, SS, and conductivity, with reasonable predictions for COD and BOD5. Both prediction models demonstrate a certain level of effectiveness in predicting effluent water quality.
目錄 i
表目錄 ii
圖目錄 iii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 名詞釋義 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
第一節 都市污水廠 5
第二節 支持向量機 10
第三節 線性回歸 15
第三章 研究方法 19
第一節 研究架構與流程 19
第二節 支持向量機 24
第三章 線性回歸 29
第四節 模式預測與分析 33
第五節 模式預測效能之評估 34
第六節 R語言 38
第四章 結果與討論 41
第一節 支持向量機與線性回歸模型參數篩選 41
第二節 支持向量機模型預測結果 47
第三節 線性回歸預測結果 69
第五章 結論與建議 91
第一節 結論 91
第二節 建議 93
參考文獻 94

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