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論文名稱:以科技接受模型探討資訊科技變項對於學生數學素養與科學素養影響之多層次分析–以PISA 2022為例
論文名稱(外文):Using the Technology Acceptance Model to Explore the Impact of Information Technology Variables on Students' Mathematical and Scientific Literacy: Multilevel Analysis of PISA 2022
指導教授(外文):Wu, Huey-Min
口試委員(外文):Shih, Shu-ChuanCheng, Chien-MingWu, Huey-Min
中文關鍵詞:數學素養科學素養PISA 2022多層次模型科技接受模型
外文關鍵詞:Mathematics literacymultilevel modelingPISAScience literacyTAM
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本研究使用 PISA 2022 年的資料庫,探討資訊科技融入教學對於學生數學素養與
科學素養表現之影響。使用學生問卷、ICT 問卷、學校問卷,樣本經遺漏值處理後,
共計學生人數 5814 位、學校數 182 所。本研究以科技接受模型為基礎架構,透過模型
選取適合的 ICT 變項,利用多層次模型進行分析,探討學生層次變項對數學及科學素
一、學生層次變項中,「ICT 設備使用品質」、「ICT 數位資源品質」、「ICT 學校資源」、
「ICT 資源」、「ICT 的自我效能」、「學生辨別網路資訊方面的能力」、「學生對於學
校使用 ICT 規定的看法」、「課堂外使用 ICT 進行學校活動」、「平日使用 ICT 的頻
率」、「假日使用 ICT 的頻率」對學生數學素養表現有顯著影響。
三、學校層次中的「學校提供遠距教學支持的程度」與學生層次的「ICT 數位資源品
四、學生層次變項中,「ICT 設備使用品質」、「ICT 數位資源品質」、「ICT 學校資源」、
「ICT 資源」、「ICT 的自我效能」、「學生辨別網路資訊方面的能力」、「學生對於學
校使用 ICT 規定的看法」、「課堂外使用 ICT 進行學校活動」、「平日使用 ICT 的頻
六、學校層次中的「學校提供遠距教學支持的程度」與學生層次的「ICT 數位資源品
質」與「ICT 資源」對科學素養表現具有跨層次的交互作用影響。
資源並作為學習的管道,另外學校可加強 ICT 設備資源品質,提供學生穩定的網路資
探討我國與其他國家使用 ICT 的變項於數學素養及科學素養研究結果,找出教育政策
This study utilized data from the Programme for International Student Assessment
(PISA) 2022 to explore the impact of integrating information and communication technology
(ICT) into teaching students mathematical and scientific literacy. The data were collected
through student, ICT, and school questionnaires. After handling missing values, the sample
comprised 5,814 students from 182 schools.
This study selected appropriate ICT variables based on the Technology Acceptance
Model (TAM). It employed a multilevel model to analyze the effects of student-level variables
on mathematical and scientific literacy, the effects of school-level variables on mathematical
and scientific literacy, and whether there are cross-level interactions between school-level and
student-level variables. The findings are as follows:
1. Among student-level variables, "quality of ICT equipment usage," "quality of ICT digital
resources," "ICT school resources," "ICT resources," "ICT self-efficacy," "students' ability
to discern online information," "students' views on school ICT usage regulations," "use of
ICT for school activities outside the classroom," "frequency of ICT use on weekdays," and
"frequency of ICT use on holidays" have significant effects on students' mathematical
2. Among school-level variables, "Problems with Schools’ Capacity to Provide Remote
Instruction" significantly influences students' mathematical literacy performance.
3. A significant cross-level interaction effect exists between the school-level variables,
"Problems with Schools’ Capacity to Provide Remote Instruction," and the student-level
variables, "Quality of ICT digital resources," on students' mathematical literacy.
4. Among student-level variables, "quality of ICT equipment usage," "quality of ICT digital
resources," "ICT school resources," "ICT resources," "ICT self-efficacy," "students' ability to discern online information," "students' views on school ICT usage regulations," "use of
ICT for school activities outside the classroom," and "frequency of ICT use on weekdays"
have significant effects on students' scientific literacy.
5. Among school-level variables, "Problems with Schools’ Capacity to Provide Remote
Instruction" significantly affect students' scientific literacy.
6. There exists a significant cross-level interaction effect between the school-level variables,
"Problems with Schools’ Capacity to Provide Remote Instruction," and the student-level
variables, "Quality of ICT digital resources" and "ICT resources," on students' scientific
This study proposes practical learning and future research recommendations based on
the findings. In terms of practical learning, suggestions include encouraging teachers and
students to utilize the advantages of the internet for teaching activities and completing
assignments, thus familiarizing themselves with digital resources and using them as learning
channels. Additionally, schools can enhance the quality of ICT equipment resources to
provide students with a stable learning environment with reliable internet resources and speed.
Regarding future research, subsequent researchers could attempt comparative studies
across different countries to investigate the variables of ICT usage in mathematics literacy
and scientific literacy research results, identifying areas for educational policy reference.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機
第二節 研究目的
第三節 名詞釋義
第四節 研究範圍與限制
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 科技接受模型
第二節 PISA的資料庫與科技輔助學習之相關研究
第三節 多層次模型
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構與研究流程
第二節 研究對象
第三節 研究變項
第四節 資料處理與分析
第四章 研究結果
第一節 學生於數學素養之不同層次分析結果
第二節 學生於科學素養之不同層次分析結果
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 研究結論
第二節 研究建議
附錄一 PISA 2022 學生ICT問卷題目
附錄二 PISA 2022 學生問卷題目
附錄三 PISA 2022 學校問卷題目
附錄四 共線性診斷評估

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