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研究生(外文):WU, CHUN-YI
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Corporate Sustainability Attitude on the Implementation of Carbon Footprint Programs
外文關鍵詞:Carbon Inventory PlanCorporate Sustainability AttitudeEmployee CognitionOrganizational CommitmentClimate Change Policy
  • 被引用被引用:2
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As global climate change becomes increasingly severe, businesses play a central role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Taiwan, as a nation actively participating in international climate action, finds that the sustainable development attitudes of its businesses are crucial to the successful implementation of carbon inventory programs. This study aims to explore the impact of corporate sustainability measures and environmental values on the introduction of carbon inventory programs, with a particular focus on employee education and its correlation with the effectiveness of these programs.
The study collected data through extensive quantitative surveys conducted across various industries in Taiwan, gathering employees' perceptions of corporate sustainability policies. The results show that corporate sustainability measures and environmental values have a significant positive impact on employee education. When companies actively promote sustainable development policies and emphasize environmental values, employees' understanding and awareness of these measures significantly increase. This indicates that companies should prioritize and continually engage in the advocacy and education of sustainability measures and environmental values to enhance employees' environmental awareness and knowledge.
However, the study also found that corporate sustainability measures and environmental values do not have a significant impact on the effectiveness of implementing carbon inventory programs. Despite companies' efforts in promoting sustainable development and environmental values, these measures have not directly translated into the practical success of carbon inventory programs. This suggests that in addition to emphasizing sustainable development and environmental values, companies need to develop more specific operational strategies and implementation plans to ensure the successful execution of carbon inventory programs.
This study confirms the importance of corporate sustainability measures and environmental values in employee education and highlights the critical role of management in promoting corporate sustainable development.

摘要 ii
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 研究架構 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 企業永續發展態度與實踐 8
第二節 企業推動碳盤查之策略與挑戰 10
第三節 員工認知與企業實施碳盤查計畫之成效 17
第三章 研究方法 19
第一節 研究架構及假設 19
第二節 研究對象 20
第三節 研究變項操作性定義與衡量 21
第四節 分析方法 23
第四章 資料分析與討論 25
第一節 描述性統計 25
第二節 信效度分析 26
第三節 相關分析 31
第四節 迴歸分析 32
第五節 假設驗證結果 34
第五章 結論與建議 35
第一節 研究結論及發現 35
第二節 管理實務意涵 36
第三節 研究範圍與限制 37
第四節 未來研究方向 37
參考文獻 39
一、 中文部份 39
二、 英文部份 41
附錄 44
附錄一 事業應盤查登錄及查驗溫室氣體排放量之排放源 44
附錄二 金管會指定揭露對象之揭露時程 46
附錄三 氣候變遷因應法 47
附錄四 溫室效應氣體排放量盤查登錄及查驗管理辦法 60
附錄五 量化問卷資料記錄 64

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