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研究生(外文):Lu, Guan-Xun
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Effect of Micro-shot Peening and Laser Surface Melting on Fatigue Properties of High Strength Copper Alloys
指導教授(外文):Tsay, Leu-Wen
口試委員(外文):Lee, Hung-BinShiue, Ren-Kai
外文關鍵詞:Ni-Al bronzemicro-shot peenlaser-surface-meltingrotating bending fatigue
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  實驗結果顯示:經雷射表面重熔後之鎳鋁青銅, 表面形成一均勻層具方向性凝固之柱狀晶顯微組織,並伴隨殘留張應力分佈,重熔層結構經XRD繞射分析為具18R疊差類型的β1’介穩麻田散體。經珠擊處理之鎳鋁青銅表面仍殘存層狀κIII相,表層有高的殘留壓應力分佈與細化晶粒,三種表面改質處理試件中具最低粗糙度,並顯示最好的疲勞性能。經雷射表面重熔處理後其疲勞性能相比母材有顯著退化,且破斷面最外層顯現出明顯的方向性破裂形貌。而雷射重熔後再珠擊僅能將疲勞效能提升至與母材相同或略優於母材。

The main goal of this study is to investigate the high-cycle fatigue performance and fatigue fracture mechanism of a high strength copper alloy Ni-Al Bronze (NAB) treated by two surface modification processes, namely, micro-shot peening (MSP) and laser surface melting (LSM). Distinct samples include the as-received substrate (NBM), with the MSP (NSP), with the LSM (LSM), and combined LSM and MSP (LSP) treatments. The microstructure and fatigue-fractured appearance were examined with an SEM. Quantitative chemical compositions of different phases in the examined specimens were analyzed with an electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA) equipped with a wavelength-dispersive spectroscope (WDS). The surface metrology of the treated NAB was detected with a 3D contour profiler. The refined microstructure after MSP and re-melted microstructure after LSM were identified by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). The fatigue performance of the treated NAB was evaluated by rotating bending fatigue tests in laboratory air and compared with the as-received one.
LSM could homogenize the NAB into a uniform microstructure with refined columnar grains in the laser-melt zone, but introduced residual tensile stress (RTS). The generated heat and bombardment induced by MSP could not wholly remove the granular κII precipitates and lamellar κIII phase in the peened zone of the NAB alloy but introduced residual compressive stress (RCS) into the treated sample under the peening intensity of this work. The results of fatigue tests revealed that the LSM sample had the poorest, but the shot-peened (NSP) sample showed the best fatigue performance among the tested samples. Moreover, the fatigue performance of the LSP (LSM+MSP) sample was equivalent to or a little better than that of the NBM sample. The RTS and aligned columnar grains accounted for the degraded fatigue resistance of the LSM sample. The high RCS and the refined structure were responsible for the improved fatigue strength/life of the NSP sample relative to that of the other samples.

第一章 前言
第二章 文獻回顧
2-1 鋁青銅介紹
2-1-1 合金元素對鋁青銅的影響
2-2 鎳鋁青銅
2-2-1 鑄造鎳鋁青銅之顯微組織與析出相
2-2-2 鎳鋁青銅之腐蝕機構
2-3-1 疲勞破斷面特徵
2-3-2 疲勞裂縫的誘發
2-3-3 疲勞裂縫的擴展與動力學
2-3-4 旋轉疲勞試驗(Rotating bending fatigue)
2-3-5 S-N曲線
2-3-6 鎳鋁青銅之疲勞行為
2-4 珠擊簡介
2-4-1 傳統珠擊與微粒子珠擊
2-5 雷射表面改質簡介
第三章 實驗流程與方法
3-1 實驗材料
3-2 實驗流程
3-3 金相製備方式
3-4 旋轉疲勞試驗流程
3-5 微小維克式硬度(Vickers hardness test)實驗
3-6 奈米壓痕(Nano-indentation)實驗
3-7 殘留應力(Residual stress)分佈量測
3-8 X光晶體繞射(XRD)分析
3-9 顯微組織與破斷面觀察(SEM、TEM)
3-10 電子背像散射繞射(EBSD)分析
3-11 電子微探針(EPMA)分析
3-12 表面粗糙度量測
第四章 實驗結果與討論
4-1 顯微組織觀察
4-2 表面粗糙度分析
4-3 硬度分析
4-4 XRD晶體結構與殘留應力分析
4-5 電子背向散射繞射分析
4-6 旋轉疲勞S-N曲線
4-7 疲勞破斷面觀察
第五章 結論

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