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論文名稱(外文):Discussing Carbon Emission and Management Strategies for Road Construction from a Life Cycle Perspective
外文關鍵詞:Life CycleCarbon Emission Assessment ModelRoad EngineeringCarbon Emission Management Strategy
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As global climate change becomes increasingly severe, reducing carbon emissions has become a common goal across industries. As an important part of infrastructure construction, the carbon emissions of road engineering throughout its life cycle have an enormous impact on the environment. This study explores the carbon emission management strategies of road engineering from the perspective of the life cycle, aiming to propose scientific and effective carbon reduction measures, provide theoretical basis and practical guidance for the green and sustainable development of road engineering, and put forward several important conclusions and suggestions, in order to contribute to the carbon reduction of road engineering. Based on specificity, representativeness, scope of influence and possibility of improvement, this study selects county road type road engineering as the research object.
For the first time in Taiwan's road engineering field, this study conducts carbon emission assessment from a life cycle perspective, breaking through the traditional limitation of focusing only on the construction stage, and establishes a carbon emission assessment model for each stage of the road engineering life cycle. According to the scope defined by this study, the carbon emissions throughout the life cycle are calculated, among which the "raw material acquisition stage", "construction stage" and "operation and maintenance stage" account for 98.5% of the total emissions, indicating that these three stages almost cover the entire life cycle of road engineering. At the same time, through the verification of the research model, the rationality of the road engineering carbon inventory model is verified, and a reliable basis is provided for subsequent research, which can provide reference for several types of road engineering.
Through the calculation of carbon emissions, the main carbon emission sources of road engineering are identified, especially in the raw material acquisition stage, thereby providing carbon emission management strategies for road engineering. At the same time, it emphasizes the importance of sustainable development and considers the impact of climate change on road engineering. Throughout the life cycle of the project, the spirit of sustainable development should be maintained. The results of this study not only help to understand the carbon emissions of road engineering throughout its life cycle, but also provide empirical evidence for formulating effective carbon emission management strategies. We hope that the findings of this study will attract more attention and promote carbon emission reduction work in Taiwan's road engineering field. Only through comprehensive and accurate carbon emission assessment, and the formulation and implementation of effective carbon reduction strategies, can provide the sustainable development of road engineering and cope with the challenges brought by global climate change.
謝誌 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1. 1 研究動機 1
1. 2 研究目的 2
1. 3 研究方法與架構 3
1. 4 研究章節內容 6
第二章- 文獻回顧 7
2. 1 公共工程全生命週期碳排放探討 7
2. 2 碳足跡評估方法 9
2.2.1排放係數法(Emission Factor Method) 12
2.2.2質量平衡法(Mass Balance Method) 14
2.2.3 直接監測法(Direct Monitoring Method) 15
2. 3 國內減碳相關規範 16
2.3.1公共工程委員會 16
2.3.2中華民國內政部建築研究所 19
2.3.3經濟部水利署 20
2.3.4環境部氣候變遷署 24
2. 4 國內外道路工程減碳政策 36
2. 5 小結 43
第三章- 建立道路工程全生命週期碳排放評估模式 46
3. 1 道路工程概述 46
3. 2 碳排放計算方式 47
3. 3 碳排量放計算流程 51
3. 4 建立道路工程全生命週期碳排放評估模式 52
第四章- 道路工程生命週期碳排放案例分析 64
4. 1 研究目標與範疇 64
4. 2 資料盤查 65
4. 3 道路工程碳排放案例結果研析 69
4. 4 碳排放管理策略探討 73
第五章- 結論與建議 78
5. 1 結論 78
5. 2 建議 79
參考文獻 80

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