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研究生(外文):TSAI, XIN-YUAN
論文名稱(外文):An Empirical Study of Applying Multi-layer QFD Method to Explore the Strategies of Decarbonization by Combining the Perspectives of Liner Shipping Companies and Policy Makers
外文關鍵詞:International Maritime OrganizationMaritime Decarbonization StrategyLiner Shipping CompanyAnalytic Hierarchy ProcessMulti-layer Quality Function DeploymentAlternative Fuels
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近年來,全球海上貿易持續增長,根據國際海事組織 (International Maritime Organization, IMO)於2020年發布的第四次溫室氣體研究報告 (Fourth Greenhouse Gas Study 2020),溫室氣體排放量從2012年的9.77億噸增長至2018年的10.76億噸,增長9.6%。為了加以管制,IMO制訂了「2023年國際海事組織船舶溫室氣體排放減量策略」 (2023 IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships)。此策略規範航運業碳排放量相比2008年,2030年須降低20-30%,並使用(近)零排放技術、燃料或能源之比例達到5-10%;2040年須減少70-80%之碳排放量;2050年則須實現國際航運的淨零排放目標 (Net-Zero)。
In recent years, global maritime trade has continued to grow. According to the International Maritime Organization's "Fourth IMO GHG Study 2020," greenhouse gas emissions increased from 9.77 billion tonnes in 2012 to 10.76 billion tonnes in 2018 (9.6% increase). To address this issue, the IMO has established the "The 2023 IMO GHG Strategy". Set targets for 2030 to reduce carbon emissions in the shipping industry by 20-30% compared to 2008 levels, with 5-10% of (almost)zero-emission technologies, fuels, or energy sources to be used; 70-80% reduction by 2040; and achieving net-zero emissions for international shipping by 2050.
This study aims to explore empirical research on the development of decarbonization strategies by liner shipping companies and policy makers. It is based on literature related to decarbonization and incorporates the opinions of experts from academia and industry. Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) combined with the Multi-layer Quality Function Deployment (QFD), the study analyzes the perspectives of liner shipping companies and policy makers to enhance the effectiveness of their strategies. It converts their demands for developing decarbonization strategies into improvements in existing technological requirements.
The results indicate that the key technological requirements and priority execution sequence for decarbonization strategies are “Developing more efficient and low-carbon engines and propulsion systems”, “Implementing alternative fuel propulsion technologies”, and “Implementing renewable energy power technologies”. These findings are expected to serve as a reference for enhancing the effectiveness of decarbonization strategies, with the hope that future strategies will be further refined.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目次 IV
圖次 VI
表次 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究獨創性與貢獻 3
1.4 研究架構與流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 全球運輸產業減碳政策現況統整 5
2.2 海洋運輸產業減碳政策現況 5
2.2.1 定期(線)航商 6
2.2.2 政策制定者 10
2.3 航運產業減碳方法 12
2.3.1 替代燃料 (Alternative Fuels) 12
2.3.2 再生能源 (Renewable Energy) 16
2.3.3 科技創新 (Technological Innovation) 17
2.3.4 綠色航運廊道 (Green Shipping Corridor, GSC) 18
2.3.5 技術方法 (Technical Methods) 19
2.3.6 市場營運方法 (Market- Based Measures, MBM) 21
2.3.7 能源效率與碳排放指標 (Energy Efficiency and Carbon Emission Indicators) 22
2.4 航空運輸產業 23
2.5 陸上運輸產業 23
2.6 文獻回顧小結 24
第三章 研究方法 25
3.1 層級分析法 (Analytic Hierarchy Process) 25
3.1.1 層級分析法 (AHP)之分析步驟 26
3.2 品質機能展開法 (Quality Function Deployment) 31
3.2.1 品質機能展開法 (QFD)之起源 31
3.2.2 品質機能展開法 (QFD)之概念與架構 31
3.2.3 品質機能展開法 (QFD)之分析步驟 33
3.3 多層次品質機能展開法 (Multi-layer Quality Function Deployment) 33
3.3.1 交叉合成矩陣分析 34
3.3.2 技術需求 36
第四章 結果分析 38
4.1 問卷架構與設計 38
4.2 AHP層級分析法之問卷分析 40
4.2.1 問卷對象 40
4.2.2 AHP層級分析法之問卷分析 43
4.2.3 定期(線)航商AHP問卷分析結果 44
4.2.4 政策制定者AHP問卷分析結果 45
4.3 多層次品質機能展開法 (Multi-layer QFD)之問卷分析 46
4.3.1 關係矩陣 46
4.3.2 技術方法之優先排序 51
第五章 結論與建議 52
5.1 結論 52
5.2 研究限制與未來研究方向 53
5.3 具體政策建議 53
參考文獻 55
附錄一 前測問卷 61
附錄二 定期(線)航商AHP問卷 67
附錄三 政策制定者AHP問卷 74
附錄四 Multi-layer QFD專家問卷 81

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