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研究生(外文):LIN, CHIH-YI
論文名稱(外文):Inland Container Terminal Transformation and Its Impact on the Operational Direction of Keelung Port
指導教授(外文):TSAI, FENG-MING
外文關鍵詞:Inland container depotsKeelung metro planningFuzzy Analytic Hierarchy ProcessFuture development suggestions for Keelung Port
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基隆港作為我國重要的海港之一,因天然地形阻礙、腹地狹小等因素,需仰賴內陸貨櫃集散站解決港區貨櫃儲放等問題,為解決港口貨櫃集散站容量不足,周邊地區設立了11家內陸貨櫃集散站,主要集中在瑞芳、五堵和汐止區域。為探討內陸貨櫃集散站轉型對基隆港營運走向的影響與方針,本研究以質性分析,提出政策法規、經濟發展、社會責任、技術轉型為四大構面,提出十五個評估指標,為解決PEST分析方法缺少量化分析,與撇除問卷填寫者在填寫問卷時的模糊和不確定性與增加決策的準確程度,故本研究建立一套多準則的模糊層級結構,探討各種因素對於港口營運的複雜影響,本研究以模糊層級分析法(Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process,FAHP)為研究方法,以了解內陸貨櫃集散站轉型對基隆港營運的實質影響。經研究結果發現,基隆港之港口作業,港口貨櫃集散站占總體作業48%、內陸貨櫃集散站占52%,其中內陸集散站短期受捷運規劃影響約為30.7%、中長期受地價影響約為60.0%。考量到內陸貨櫃集散轉型對於貨物之影響,貨主若以成本為考量,傾向選擇未受影響的集散站,若以服務品質為考量,本研究提出十五個評估準則,根據FAHP結果,短期內建議穩定貨櫃量、發展多元服務、推動智慧物流和資訊平台,中長期則重點在城市經濟、國際合作、自動化碼頭、通關便利、就業機會、公路規劃等方面,以上之短、中長期準則方針建議,期許研究結果可為港務公司、政府機構以及相關利害關係者提供了有價值的參考,促使更有效的港口管理和決策。
Keelung Port, as one of the important seaports in our country, faces challenges such as natural terrain obstructions and limited hinterland. To solve the issue of container storage in the port area, it relies on inland container depots. To address the insufficient capacity of port container depots, 11 inland container depots have been established in the surrounding areas, mainly concentrated in Ruifang, Wudu, and Xizhi areas. This study employs qualitative analysis to explore the impact and policies of the transformation of inland container depots on the operation of Keelung Port. It proposes four major dimensions: policy and regulations, economic development, social responsibility, and technological transformation, along with fifteen evaluation indicators. To address the lack of quantitative analysis in the PEST method and to eliminate the ambiguity and uncertainty of respondents when filling out questionnaires, thereby increasing the accuracy of decision-making, this study establishes a multi-criteria fuzzy hierarchical structure to explore the complex impacts of various factors on port operations. The research method used is the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) to understand the substantial impact of the transformation of inland container depots on the operation of Keelung Port.
The study found that port operations in Keelung Port involve 48% of port container depot operations and 52% of inland container depot operations. The short-term impact of MRT planning on inland depots is approximately 30.7%, and the medium to long-term impact of land prices is about 60.0%. Considering the impact of the transformation of inland container depots on cargo, shippers tend to choose unaffected depots if cost is the consideration. If service quality is the consideration, this study proposes fifteen evaluation criteria. Based on the FAHP results, it is recommended to stabilize container volume, develop diversified services, and promote smart logistics and information platforms in the short term. In the medium to long term, the focus should be on urban economy, international cooperation, automated terminals, customs clearance facilitation, employment opportunities, and highway planning. These short, medium, and long-term guideline suggestions are expected to provide valuable references for port companies, government agencies, and related stakeholders, thereby promoting more effective port management and decision-making.
謝辭 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目次 IV
圖次 VI
表次 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 7
1.3研究範圍 7
1.4研究流程 8
第二章 文獻回顧 9
2.1貨櫃集散站的定義 9
2.1.1法規定義 9
2.1.2成立要件 9
2.2內陸貨櫃集散站的涵義 12
2.2.1北部(基隆港、臺北港)港口作業能量現況 12
2.2.2基隆港、臺北港進儲內陸貨櫃集散站作業量估算 13
2.3內陸貨櫃集散站轉型 13
2.3.1臺北港的啟用 13
2.3.2基隆捷運計畫規劃作業 15
2.3.3基隆港整體貨櫃裝卸量趨勢 21
2.4 PEST分析 21
2.4.1政策法規 23
2.4.2經濟發展 25
2.4.3社會責任 26
2.4.4技術轉型 27
2.5評估準則彙整 28
第三章 研究方法 32
3.1研究架構 32
3.2分析層級程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP) 32
3.3模糊集合理論(Fuzzy Set Theory) 33
3.4模糊層級分析法(Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, FAHP) 35
第四章 研究分析 40
4.1問卷發放對象 40
4.2模糊層級分析法結果分析 42
4.2.1評估構面結果分析 42
4.2.2評估指標結果分析-政策法規 46
4.2.3評估指標結果分析-經濟發展 50
4.2.4評估指標結果分析-社會責任 54
4.2.5評估指標結果分析-技術轉型 58
4.2.6 CRH一致性 62
4.2.7層級串聯 63
4.3管理意涵 63
第五章 結論與建議 65
5.1研究結論 65
5.2未來研究建議 66
參考文獻 67
中文文獻 67
英文文獻 69
附件 內陸貨櫃集散站轉型對於基隆港營運走向之方針問卷 76


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