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論文名稱(外文):Develop a force density assessment model for predicting environmental vibrations caused by railway systems using the transient finite element method
指導教授(外文):HSU, WEI-LUN
外文關鍵詞:railway systemforce density levelthe ground vibration transmission mobilityvibration predictionFTA
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近年來振動陳情事件頻傳,而振動產生後往往難以解決,因此在公共建設評估階段,會先對周遭環境進行振動預估,所以準確的振動預估方法是一門重要的課題。其中軌道系統因列車軸距固定及軸重較公路車輛大等因素,相對產生出較大的振動,因此在規劃階段針對軌道系統產生的振動反應進行預估尤為重要。臺灣現今預估方法多半依據美國聯邦交通運輸局(Federal Transit Administration, FTA)所建議的模式來預測軌道系統對於環境造成的振動,該模式預估的振動由列車力密度(Force Density Level, FDL)及大地線源振動傳遞動性(Line Source Mobility, LSM)兩者推估而得[1],其中FDL代表列車給予軌道的作用力,而LSM則是用大地點源振動傳遞動性(Point Source Mobility, PSM)所推導出來的,其中PSM是大地受到衝擊力時所引起地面振動的關係,而FTA建議的模式預估結果與完工後真實列車所產生的振動反應在相關文獻上仍較少被驗證及探討。因此本研究針對傳統鐵路系統進行實際列車通過振動反應(VReal)量測,並依據前述FTA所建議之模式進行振動(VPre)預估,最終比較實際振動與預估結果之差異,以探討該方法之可靠度。

Vibration complaints have occurred frequently in recent years, and it is often difficult to solve vibrations after they occur. Therefore, during the public construction assessment stage, vibration predictions of the surrounding environment are first carried out. Therefore, accurate vibration prediction methods are an important topic. Among them, the railway system produces relatively large vibrations due to factors such as the fixed wheelbase of trains and the larger axle load than road vehicles. Therefore, it is particularly important to predict the vibration response of the railway system during the planning stage. Most of Taiwan's current prediction methods are based on the model recommended by the U.S. Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to predict the vibration of the railway system to the environment. The vibration estimated by this model is estimated based on the force density level (FDL) and ground line source mobility (LSM)[1], where FDL represents the force exerted by the train on the track. The LSM is derived using Point Source Mobility (PSM), where PSM is the relationship between the ground vibration caused by the impact force on the ground. However, the model prediction results suggested by FTA and the vibration response generated by the real train after completion are still rarely verified and discussed in the relevant literature. Therefore, this study measures the actual train vibration response (VReal ) of a conventional railway system and predicts the vibration (VPre) based on the model suggested by the FTA mentioned above. Finally, the difference between the actual vibration and the predicted results is compared, and the reliability of this method is explored.
First, on-site measurements are used to obtain the actual vibration caused by the passing train and the parameters required to estimate the vibration. In the area around Yilan Sicheng Station, the ground vibration caused by the train passing and the sleeper LSMFDL were measured to calculate the FDL. Then, at the same location, similar climatic conditions and different time points, obtain the ground's LSMgnd and the aforementioned FDL for vibration prediction and compare it with the actual train vibration of the day, and then find that there are obvious differences between the two in certain frequency bands. Therefore, the impact of FDL and LSMgnd in vibration prediction will be further explored. It was found that FDL had a large standard deviation, so the FDL was further examined separately, including train vibration and LSMFDL of sleepers. Finally, it was found that the difference in train vibration was small, while the difference in LSMFDL of different sleepers was large, so it can be inferred that the FDL was caused by The reason for the big difference comes from the LSMFDL of different sleepers, which leads to obvious errors between the environmental vibration prediction results of the track system recommended by FTA and the actual vibration.
In the FDL estimation model, it is found that there are many variables in measuring LSMFDL. The reasons may be due to soil moisture content, ballast track condition, or the force of the hammer falling, etc. Therefore, after understanding the main reasons for the error, the transient finite element method was used to calculate FDL, hoping to obtain a more reliable FDL. However, the FTA mentioned that because the contact time of the hammer drop test is short, the data at frequencies 6Hz ~ 400Hz are more reliable. Within the above frequency range, the results of the numerical analysis were finally compared with the actual measurement results. The difference from the actual results is within 5 dB at most center frequencies. Make changes to parameters such as track support stiffness and train speed, and simulate the impact of these parameters on FDL. The stronger the track support stiffness, the smaller the FDL will be. As for the speed of the train, it has no effect on FDL. There is an obvious effect, but the faster the train speed, the higher the peak frequency of the FDL. Finally, the parameters closest to the actual FDL can be found from the track support stiffness and train speed to facilitate future numerical analysis calculations. Follow-up work hopes to understand the causes affecting FDL in more detail and develop numerical analysis methods to more accurately calculate FDL in the future.

第一章 緒論
第二章 振動預估模式
2.2 FTA預估模式
第三章 現場量測說明及結果
第四章 暫態模擬與驗證
第五章 結論與未來展望

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