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研究生(外文):LI, GUAN-YI
論文名稱(外文):DCT-PRB: A Dynamic Conflict Tracker Model for Drone-Based Traffic Hotspot Detection
指導教授(外文):TSAI, YU-SHIUAN
外文關鍵詞:UAVSmall object detectionMulti-Object TrackingReal-Time Traffic Hotspot Detection
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首先,我們設計了一種簡單又有效的小物件注意力模組SWS(SimAM With Slicing),並在PRB-FPN的基礎上整合了CBAM和DSConv,進一步提升模型性能,改進後的模型稱為DCT-PRB。在VisDrone2019-testset-dev數據集上的大量實驗表明,DCT-PRB在各項指標上均優於目前主流的單階段檢測模型,比YOLOv10x、RT-DETR-X、YOLOv7x、PRB-FPN分別高出5.7%、8.3%、1.2%和0.7%的mAP,且FPS保持在101。在注意力模組的對比實驗中,SWS也達到了最佳效能,超越了CBAM、SE、SimAM等主流注意力模組,其參數量只占評分第二名Biformer的10.15%,顯示出SWS模組在小物件辨識上的強大實力。


Drones provide a comprehensive perspective for observing the environment, significantly reducing object deformation and occlusion issues, and making them advantageous for monitoring traffic and safety conditions. In this study, we propose a dynamic pedestrian-vehicle collision detection model based on drone perspectives for quickly and accurately detecting potential pedestrian risks on roads. To enhance detection performance, we have made improvements to the model, particularly augmenting its capability to detect small objects, thereby increasing the accuracy and stability of the model in real-time applications.

Firstly, we designed a simple yet effective small object attention module called SWS (SimAM With Slicing) and integrated CBAM and DSConv into the PRB-FPN foundation to enhance model performance further. The improved model is named DCT-PRB. Extensive experiments on the VisDrone2019-test set-dev dataset show that DCT-PRB outperforms current mainstream single-stage detection models, exceeding YOLOv10x, RT-DETR-X, YOLOv7x, and PRB-FPN by 5.7%, 8.3%, 1.2%, and 0.7% in mAP, respectively, while maintaining an FPS of 101. In the attention module comparison experiments, SWS also achieved the best performance, surpassing mainstream attention modules such as CBAM, SE, and SimAM, with its parameter count being only 10.15% of the second-ranked Biformer, demonstrating the strong capability of the SWS module in small object recognition.

Additionally, we combined the object tracking model SMILEtrack with DCT-PRB, designing multiple constraints and dynamic collision tracking frames to achieve potential pedestrian-vehicle collision detection applicable in streaming environments. Compared to previous accident point detection studies, our detection strategy is no longer confined to specific regions or situations, showcasing its broad application potential.

摘要 I
Abstract II
目次 III
表目錄 V
圖目錄 VI
第一章、緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究問題與重要性 3
1.3研究貢獻 4
1.4論文架構 4
第二章、文獻回顧 5
2.1物件辨識任務的演進和種類 5
2.1.1卷積神經網路的演進 5
2.1.2雙階段目標檢測 7
2.1.3單階段目標檢測 9
2.2卷積結構的改進 11
2.3單階段物件辨識模型的改進 13
2.4圖像注意力機制的改進 15
2.5多目標追蹤 17
2.6 智慧交通系統 18
2.6.1基於感測數據與模擬 18
2.6.2基於平面道路影像 19
2.6.3基於無人機影像 20
第三章、研究方法 23
3.1數據預處理 23
3.1.1取得資料集 23
3.1.2 標註訊息處理 24
3.1.3 訓練資料隨機減半 27
3.1.4 數據可視化 28
3.2建立檢測模型 29
3.2.1 DCT-PRB網路結構 29
3.2.2 無參數注意力模組SWS 29
3.2.3 ELAN-S模組 31
3.2.4 ELAN-D模組 32
3.2.5 S2PC-CBAM模組 33
3.3 道路人車衝突偵測模型 34
3.3.1 物件檢測與匹配系統 36
3.3.2 互動式車道輪廓繪制介面 36
3.3.3 衝突檢測規則 37
3.3.4 生成潛在衝突熱點圖 38
第四章、實驗結果與討論 39
4.1實驗環境與實驗參數 39
4.2評估指標 40
4.3模型對比實驗 41
4.4注意力模組對比實驗 43
4.5消融性實驗 44
4.6動態人-車潛在衝突檢測模型成果 45
4.6.1互動式道路輪廓繪製介面效果 45
4.6.2追蹤模型效果 47
4.6.3約束效果 48
4.6.4潛在衝突熱點圖-案例分析 49
第五章、結論與未來展望 53
特別感謝 54
參考文獻 55

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