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論文名稱(外文):UCED:Underwater Color Enhancement Model Based on U-Shape Transformer and Depth Classification
指導教授(外文):TSAI, YU-SHIUAN
外文關鍵詞:Deep LearningColor RestorationUnderwater Image Color RestorationDepth GradingTransformer
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為了解決這些問題,我們提出了UCED水下影像色彩還原模型。首先,我們提出了Mish激勵多層感知器(Mish Activation Multilayer Perceptron,MAMP)。與一般的MLP相比,MAMP在反向傳播過程中能夠保持穩定的梯度流動,避免梯度消失或爆炸的問題,同時保留負區間的部分資訊,有助於神經網路學習更複雜的特徵。接著,我們提出了LAB-RRBP(LAB Loss with Red-Reward and Blue-Penalty)和LCH-CR(LCH Loss with Chroma Reward)損失函數。LAB-RRBP損失函數能夠突出水下影像中的紅色部分,抑制藍色偏移的問題,而LCH-CR損失函數則提高了影像的色彩飽和度。

In the current field of underwater research, underwater images often encounter issues of color distortion, primarily due to the absorption and scattering of natural light in water, as well as variations in water quality across different bodies of water. Notably, red light is absorbed at the fastest rate, resulting in the darkening or even disappearance of red hues in underwater images. In contrast, blue and green light have stronger penetration capabilities, causing images in deeper water areas to predominantly exhibit blue-green tones. These phenomena, compounded by the scattering effects of suspended particles, further reduce the clarity and contrast of the images.
To address these challenges, we propose the UCED model for underwater image color restoration. First, we introduce the Mish Activation Multilayer Perceptron (MAMP). Compared to conventional MLPs, MAMP ensures stable gradient flow during the backpropagation process, mitigating issues such as gradient vanishing or explosion, while also retaining information in the negative region, which aids the neural network in learning more complex features. Furthermore, we propose two loss functions: LAB Loss with Red-Reward and Blue-Penalty (LAB-RRBP) and LCH Loss with Chroma Reward (LCH-CR). The LAB-RRBP loss function enhances the red components in underwater images and suppresses the issue of blue shift, while the LCH-CR loss function improves color saturation in the images.
Furthermore, we propose a depth grading method based on the attenuation ratio of red light, categorizing underwater images into three levels according to the degree of red light absorption. Corresponding color restoration models are then applied to address the issue of suboptimal color enhancement across different marine environments. These approaches significantly enhance the visual quality and detail presentation of underwater images, enabling a more accurate observation of the underwater world. This advancement has profound implications for other scientific fields, including marine biology, geology, archaeology, and environmental monitoring. By improving image quality, we can observe and analyze underwater structures, relics, and ecosystems with greater clarity, thereby further advancing these disciplines.


中文摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章、研究背景與動機 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.1.1機器學習歷史 1
1.1.2機器學習類別 2
1.1.3機器學習應用 3
1.2研究動機 4
1.2.1水下機器學習應用 4
1.2.2水下影像顏色失真原因 5
1.3研究問題 7
1.4研究重要性 8
1.5論文架構 9
第二章、文獻回顧 10
2.1基於非物理模型 10
2.2基於物理模型 11
2.3基於深度學習 12
第三章、研究方法 17
3.1資料集準備 17
3.2網路架構 19
3.3損失函數 21
3.3.1 LAB顏色空間損失函數(LossLAB_RRBP) 22
3.3.2 LCH顏色空間損失函數(LossLCH_CR) 23
3.4水深分級 24
第四章、實驗結果與討論 28
4.1實驗設備與開發環境 28
4.2水下影像評估指標 29
4.2.1峰值訊噪比(PSNR) 29
4.2.2結構相似性指標(SSIM) 29
4.2.3水下影像品質測量(UIQM) 30
4.2.4水下顏色影像品質評估(UCIQE) 30
4.3水下顏色增強方法比較 31
4.3.1顏色增強後影像效果比較 31
4.3.2評估指標比較 38
4.4消融實驗 39
4.4.1閾值比較(Tchroma、Tred和Tblue) 39
4.4.2水深分類比較 41
第五章、結論 44
參考文獻 45
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