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論文名稱:尋家── 害怕失敗心理如何影響人生決定之自我敘說研究
論文名稱(外文):Exploring Home: A Self-Narrative Study on How Fear of Failure Influences Life Decisions
指導教授(外文):Bi-Shiang Chen
外文關鍵詞:fear of failurelife decisionsself-narrative
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This thesis aims to explore how the fear of failure influences life decisions. The study employs a self-narrative research method, where the researcher organizes significant life events into a coherent and systematic life journey using a timeline, covering family life, educational experiences, and work history. The researcher previously worked as a substitute teacher in elementary school for four years, with three years also serving in an administrative role. During two of these years, the researcher simultaneously pursued a master's degree and an education program in a daytime course. However, due to fears of not completing the studies on time and concerns about maintaining high work and teaching quality, the researcher continuously cut down on rest time, leading to rapid deterioration of both physical and mental health.
Thus, after experiencing the lowest point in life, the researcher chose to embark on a journey of narrative. Reflecting from the stages of "child" and "adolescent" schooling, the researcher examined what events or reasons drove various life decisions. During the journey, the researcher saw the fear born from corporal punishment in childhood; how loneliness made one start to care about others' opinions; how witnessing bullying revealed the unconscious behavioral inheritance from original family experiences; how new thinking patterns were learned to avoid failure; the efforts and helplessness in protecting relationships; and the choices made during the highs and lows of a four-year teaching career, which implied hidden shackles.
Finally, after concluding the journey, the researcher found a direction forward. By practicing "unconditional self-acceptance," "redefining failure to cultivate a growth mindset," "externalizing problems," and "cherishing friendships," the researcher aimed to face the past, present, and future, hoping to restart and face every moment with oneself. It is hoped that this study can resonate or spark thoughts among readers who have experienced or are experiencing similar situations through the interaction of narrative and reading. By reading this life journey, readers might find some inspiration for facing life and conversing with themselves.

第一章 那天,我直面了恐懼 1
第一節 追不到的落後人生 1
第二節 承認、面對、溯源 5
第三節、內在旅程的開始 6
第二章 後來,我選擇了敘說 8
第一節 為何選擇敘說 8
第二節 自我敘說 9
第三節 敘說品質與研究倫理 11
第四節 說什麼? 13
第三章 孩子 19
第一節 舉手 19
第二節 獨子 26
第三節 春捲 32
第四節 家 41
第四章 少年 49
第一節 重生 49
第二節 愛戀 57
第三節 戀愛 66
第五章 我 77
第一節 陽光 77
第二節 烈日 95
第三節 驟雨 104
第六章 此刻 111
第一節 看見 111
第二節 前行 114
參考文獻 118

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