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研究生(外文):Hsin-Ying Juan
論文名稱(外文):Multi-sourcing Procurement strategy with Considering Purchasing Contracts and Transportation Modes under Price and Demand Fluctuations
指導教授(外文):Yan-Kwang Chen
口試委員(外文):Hung-Chang LiaoWen-Hsiang Lin
外文關鍵詞:Raw Material Procurement StrategyProcurement Risk ManagementCost EfficiencySimulation Analysis
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The noodle industry holds a significant position in the global food market, especially in Taiwan, where it demonstrates remarkable growth potential. This study focuses on a medium-sized noodle manufacturing company in Taiwan, delving into its raw material procurement strategies, particularly addressing challenges such as raw material price fluctuations, transportation cost variations, and market demand uncertainties. Through simulation analysis, eight different procurement strategy combinations are designed and compared, including strategies based on different suppliers, transportation modes, multi-sourcing procurement, and contract management, aiming to find the optimal cost-efficiency and supply chain stability.
Firstly, the study introduces the background information of the case company, its product range and market positioning, as well as its production and operation modes. Following this, the design and simulation methods of each procurement strategy are detailed, including data collection and organization, simulation tools and methods. In the results and analysis section, the study finds that strategies S3 and S4, which involve purchasing a portion of Australian wheat flour, effectively reduce total costs and enhance cost stability. Additionally, contract-based strategies (S5, S6, S7, S8) show stronger cost control capabilities, with strategy S7 standing out for its ability to significantly lower total costs while maintaining high cost stability.
Furthermore, the study analyzes the implementation effects of strategy S2, which the case company has recently adopted. It is found that while this strategy offers some flexibility in the short term, it may increase supply chain uncertainties during peak seasons. Based on these findings, the study suggests that the company should reassess the cost-effectiveness of northern transportation, explore more cost-effective transportation methods, and strengthen risk management in the transportation process.
The results and recommendations of this study are of significant reference value and practical application for the noodle manufacturing industry and the broader food manufacturing industry when facing challenges related to raw material price and demand uncertainties, multi-sourcing procurement scenarios, and other related issues. Through the methods and strategies provided by this research, enterprises can maintain competitive advantages in dynamic market environments, achieving cost control and efficiency improvements.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致謝 iv
目次 v
表目次 vii
圖目次 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 研究流程與架構 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 採購風險管理 8
第二節 採購合約 11
第三節 採購績效評估 16
第三章 研究方法 21
第一節 個案研究法概述 21
第二節 個案研究法的步驟 22
第三節 個案研究法的優缺點 24
第四節 個案研究法的應用 26
第四章 個案研討與實施 28
第一節 個案公司背景介紹 28
4.1.1 公司歷史與規模 28
4.1.2 生產與營運模式 28
4.1.3 現行策略介紹 32
第二節 策略設計 33
4.2.1 策略設計原則 33
4.2.2 策略介紹 34
第三節 實施方法 38
4.3.1 數據收集與整理 38
4.3.2 模擬運算的工具和方法 41
第四節 策略S2的實施效果分析 48
4.4.1實施效果分析 48
4.4.2對策與建議 49
第五章 結論與建議 51
第一節 結論 51
第二節 建議 52
參考文獻 54

表 1 2019年~2023年(速食)麵粉條類食品銷售額 2
表 2採購策略模型 37
表 3 2020年~2022年運輸成本相關數據 39
表 4策略S1與策略S2的基本統計數據 50
表 5策略S1與策略S2的獨立樣本t檢定結果 50

圖 1 2019年~2023年(速食)麵粉條類食品銷售額 3
圖 2研究流程與架構圖 7
圖 3採購合約的類型 12
圖 4 2019年~2023年採購單價 29
圖 5 2019年~2023年進貨數量 30
圖 6供應鏈運作流程 31
圖 7 2024年1月~4月油價 40
圖 8 採購策略的成本效益與穩定性比較 43
圖 9 運輸模式對週平均成本的影響 45
圖 10 澳麥麵粉對週平均成本的影響 45
圖 11 澳麥麵粉對成本穩定性的影響 46
圖 12 合約策略對成本的影響 47
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