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論文名稱(外文):Cross-border Shareholding and Tariff Policies in Vertically Related Markets
外文關鍵詞:ad valorem tariffspecific tariffcross-border shareholdingvertically related market
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本文發現,當本國將從量關稅改成從價關稅,亦即關稅簡化,且使得市場均衡的總產量維持不變時,本國最終財廠商的要素價格將會降低;若本國上游廠商對於外國最終財廠商的持股比例較小(大)於 56,外國最終財廠商的要素價格將會降低(提高)。本國最終財廠商的產量及利潤將會提高,外國最終財廠商的產量及營運利潤將會下降。本國上游廠商的利潤將會降低,而關稅收入將會提高。此外,若本國原料供應商未持股外國最終財廠商,則從價關稅的本國福利大於從量關稅。若本國原料供應商完全持股外國最終財廠商,則當外國廠商的生產產品的製程成本高(低)於本國廠商時,從價關稅的本國福利高(低)於從量關稅。
This research establishes a vertical related market model, where a domestic upstream raw material supplier provides inputs to a domestic and a foreign firm to produce final goods and engage in Cournot competition in the domestic market. The domestic government imposes either a specific or an ad valorem tariff on the foreign firm's products to compare the welfare effects of these two types of tariffs.
This research finds that when the domestic country switches from a specific tariff to an ad valorem tariff—thereby simplifying tariffs—and keeps the total market equilibrium output unchanged, the input price for the domestic final goods firm will decrease. If the domestic upstream firm’s shareholding in the foreign final goods firm is less (more) than 5/6, the input price for the foreign final goods firm will decrease (increase). The output and profit of the domestic final goods firm will increase, while the output and operating profit of the foreign final goods firm will decrease. The profit of the domestic upstream supplier will decline, but tariff revenue will increase. Moreover, if the domestic raw material supplier does not hold shares in the foreign final goods firm, the welfare of the domestic country is greater under an ad valorem tariff than under a specific tariff. If the domestic raw material supplier fully owns the foreign final goods firm, then when the production process cost of the foreign firm is higher (lower) than that of the domestic firm, the domestic welfare under an ad valorem tariff is higher (lower) than under a specific tariff.
中文摘要 ....................................................................................................................... I
英文摘要 .................................................................................................................... III
第壹章 緒論............................................................................................................ 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 .................................................................................... 1
第二節 參考文獻 ................................................................................................ 1
第三節 研究方法 ................................................................................................ 3
第貳章 模型設定與市場均衡................................................................................ 5
第一節 基本模型 ................................................................................................ 5
第二節 從量關稅下的市場均衡 ........................................................................ 6
第三節 從價關稅下的市場均衡 ...................................................................... 10
第參章 兩種關稅政策下的福利比較分析.......................................................... 16
第肆章 結論 .......................................................................................................... 22
參考文獻 .................................................................................................................... 24
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