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論文名稱(外文):Application of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensing in Insulating Oil Quality Deterioration Detection
外文關鍵詞:Fiber Bragg grating sensorEffective refractive indexInsulating oil quality testing
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  With the continuous development of the power system, the operational reliability of electrical equipment such as transformers is increasingly emphasized. Insulating oil, serving as the primary insulation and cooling medium within transformers, directly affects their normal operation when its quality deteriorates, potentially leading to serious equipment failures. Therefore, real-time detection and early warning of insulating oil quality have become critical issues for ensuring the safe operation of power systems. Traditional methods for assessing insulating oil quality primarily rely on chromatographic analysis and oil testing, which suffer from drawbacks such as time consumption, high costs, and long detection cycles, making real-time detection impractical. Due to its unique advantages, fiber optic grating sensing technology provides a novel and effective solution for real-time detection of insulating oil degradation. Fiber optic gratings are characterized by their small size, high sensitivity, and immunity to electromagnetic interference. Fiber Bragg grating (FBG), as a typical application of fiber optic grating technology, detects parameters such as temperature through changes in spectral response characteristics and is suitable for distributed measurement of multiple points and parameters.
  This thesis explores the application of fiber optic grating sensing technology in detecting insulating oil degradation, providing an efficient and reliable new approach for monitoring the operational status and preventive maintenance of electrical equipment, with broad prospects for application. Future research will focus on further optimizing sensor deployment and data processing algorithms to enhance system performance overall, thereby advancing its practical application in the power industry.

誌謝 I
摘要 II
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2研究動機 2
1-3研究架構 4
第二章 基礎理論 5
2-1油浸式變壓器的基本原理 5
2-1-1油浸式變壓器的構造 7
2-1-2變壓器絕緣油的介紹 8
2-2光纖感測基本原理 8
2-2-1光纖基本原理 8
2-2-2光纖光柵基本原理 9
2-2-3光纖光柵感測系統 11
2-2-4 光纖披覆層蝕刻結構(cladding-depleted) 12
2-2-5 光纖光柵折射率量測 13
第三章 實驗架構 15
3-1變壓器絕緣油蒐集 15
3-1-1絕緣油樣本採集程序 15
3-1-2變壓器採集樣本選取 16
3-1-3變壓器絕緣油數據蒐集 17
3-2光纖準備和儀器設備準備 18
3-2-1消除包層的光纖光柵(Cladding Depleted FBG)傳感器程序 18
3-2-2實驗流程與儀器介紹 21
3-3折射率匹配液基礎分析 22
3-4絕緣油折射率分析 24
3-5實驗流程 25
第四章 實驗結果與分析 26
4-1實驗結果 26
4-1-1比較組實驗 26
4-1-2絕緣油劣化程度於不同溫度下檢測結果 28
4-1-3絕緣油油品檢測-實驗數據整合 32
4-1-4 實驗驗證結果 33
第五章 結論與未來展望 34
5-1 研究光纖光柵檢測實驗總結 34
5-2 光纖光柵感測技術未來展望 35
參考文獻 36

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