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論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Podcast Host Styles and Types of Advertisement on Advertising Effectiveness
外文關鍵詞:Podcast AdvertisingHumorPlot ConnectionAdvertising AttitudeAdvertising AvoidancePurchase Intention
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在過去以聲音為傳播媒介的主要媒體是廣播電台,隨著網路的興起,經歷過MP3的世代,至今,僅需使用行動裝置即可收聽廣播,於2020年時因為疫情影響,臺灣的聲音媒體產業,帶起Podcast風潮,四面八方的人紛紛投入其中,使得Podcast成為一種新興的廣告媒體,由於Podcast廣告的需求量與日俱增,廣告商不再忽視這個金流量,開始重視在Podcast的行銷中。然而,在學術上Podcast廣告相關的實證研究仍然相當缺乏,尤其是針對Podcast的廣告形式以及節目的主持風格對廣告效果的影響研究更是稀少。因此本研究將以聲音平台Podcast作為本研究主題,採取受測者間的實驗設計方式,探討廣告形式(劇情連結有vs. 無)與節目主持風格(幽默vs.非幽默)等二項因素對Podcast廣告效果的影響。經本研究實驗結果顯示,廣告形式中的劇情連結能夠顯著提升聽眾的吸引力與廣告涉入程度,不僅聽眾對廣告的態度和購買意願產生正向影響,還能降低聽眾對廣告的迴避。相反地,若廣告缺乏劇情連結,則聽眾對廣告的干擾會增加,進而影響其廣告態度正面表現,但在本研究中對購買意願和廣告迴避的影響並不顯著。此外,研究還顯示,於幽默的節目中能夠增加聽眾的吸引力和廣告涉入程度,同時提高聽眾對廣告的態度及購買意願,並減少對廣告的迴避。然而,儘管聽眾感受到廣告干擾有所降低,對廣告態度的提升,但在廣告迴避和購買意願方面卻沒有顯著影響。
In the past, radio was the primary medium for audio-based communication. With the rise of the internet and the MP3 era, people can now listen to radio broadcasts on mobile devices. In 2020, due to the impact of the pandemic, the voice media industry in Taiwan saw a surge in podcast popularity. People flocked to this new medium, making podcasts a burgeoning platform for advertising. As the demand for podcast advertising continues to grow, advertisers can no longer ignore this revenue stream and are beginning to pay more attention to marketing within podcasts. However, empirical research on podcast advertising is still quite limited, particularly studies examining how different types of advertisements and the host's style affect advertising effectiveness.

This study employs a between-subjects experimental design to explore the effects of two factors on podcast advertising effectiveness: advertising format (with vs. without plot connection) and host style (humorous vs. non-humorous). The results indicate that a connection between the product and the podcast's plot significantly enhances both the attractiveness to listeners and their involvement with the advertisement. This plot connection not only positively affects listeners' attitudes toward the advertisement and their purchase intentions but also reduces ad avoidance. Conversely, when an advertisement lacks a plot connection, listeners' perceived irritation increases, negatively impacting their attitude toward the advertisement. However, the effects on purchase intention and ad avoidance are not significant in this study. Additionally, humorous programs increase both the attractiveness to listeners and their involvement with the advertisement, improve listeners' attitudes toward the ad and their purchase intentions, and reduce ad avoidance. Despite the reduction in perceived ad irritation and improvement in ad attitudes, there are no significant effects on ad avoidance and purchase intention.
摘要 I
目錄 III
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
第一章緒論 1
第一節研究背景 1
第二節研究動機 3
第三節研究目的 4
第二章文獻探討 5
2.1.1Podcast的介紹與發展 5
2.1.2Podcast之優點 9
2.1.3Podcast廣告形式 11
第二節劇情連結 12
第三節幽默 16
第四節干擾性 18
第五節吸引力 18
第六節廣告涉入 19
第七節廣告迴避 20
第八節PODCAST廣告效果之影響因素 20
2.8.1劇情連結對廣告效果之影響 20
2.8.2節目幽默對廣告效果之影響 24
第三章研究方法 27
第一節研究架構 27
第二節變數之操作型定義及衡量 28
第三節研究假設 32
第四節研究設計 33
3.4.1實驗設計 33
3.4.2實驗材料與情境 33
第四章 實驗結果與分析 45
第一節樣本數量與敘述性統計 45
第二節信度分析 47
第三節操弄檢核 48
第四節研究假說之驗證 49
4.4.1多變量變異數分析(MANOVA) 49
4.4.2交互作用 51
4.4.3線性迴歸分析 53
4.4.4研究結果小結 55
第五章結論與建議 58
第一節研究結論發現 58
第二節研究貢獻 61
第三節研究限制 62
第四節研究建議 63
參考文獻 64
中文文獻 64
英文文獻 65
圖片來源 73
問卷樣式及題目 74
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