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研究生(外文):ZENG, BO-YAN
論文名稱(外文):Development of An Automatic Testing System for IC Electrical Characteristics
指導教授(外文):HSIAO, YU-HUNG
外文關鍵詞:Integrated circuit electrical testingflying probe testembedded systemsparametric measurement units
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在直流電氣特性相關測試技術中,飛針測試技術具有高靈活性、速度快,以及低成本等優點,因此常被應用於開發初期與少量產品的測試作業。有鑑於此,本研究利用 Raspberry Pi 4、Espressif ESP32 與 Arduino Mega 2560 等嵌入式系統,搭配參數量測單元等相關硬體設備,設計與開發一套整合飛針測試架構的自動化積體電路電性測試系統。為考量多部測試設備同時運作以提供擴充性的需求,本系統作業環境可提供多套主控設備,並分別控制數千套受控設備。其中,主控設備部分利用資料庫管理系統記錄系統所需的相關資訊,並提供以網頁為基礎的圖形化介面,讓使用者可利用連網設備完成系統的各項操作與管理作業。
受控設備部分可依功能分為探針移動與積體電路測試等兩種模組。在探針移動模組部分,我們利用鋁擠型材料、步進馬達、螺絲紋桿、光桿與線性軸承等零件建立設備平台與三軸移動機構,其可提供 0.01 mm 的定位精準度,以方便使用者搭配積體電路治具進行不同封裝規格的測試作業。在積體電路測試模組部分,我們將採用 AD5522 參數量測單元、繼電器與 ADC 等元件進行開發與設計,完成 14-pin 小型積體電路之 TTL 製程的輸入接腳電流和輸出接腳電壓,以及 CMOS 製程的輸入接腳漏電流和輸出接腳電壓等直流參數測試作業。
在通訊作業部分,本研究將採用 Wi-SUN 無線通訊技術,且使用 Modbus 協定完成主控設備與受控設備之間的資料傳遞作業。因此,本系統可具備數千套設備與數十公里範圍的通訊能力,並提供業界常用的通訊協定標準,以及滿足工業物聯網中低功耗、長距離傳輸的通訊要求,進而增加系統的可擴充性。
其次,為說明本系統的操作流程並驗證測試功能的正確性,我們將利用市售之 SN74LS08、SN74LS04、SN74HC08 與 SN74HC32 等四種邏輯 IC 作為範例,並測試其 IIH、IIL、VOH 和 VOL 等四項直流電氣特性參數。經實驗證明,本研究所提出之測量系統均可符合相關規格書指定的規範值。最後,我們將提出結論作為本論文的結束。

With the rapid advancement and the increasing complexity in integrated circuit manufacturing technology, the semiconductor manufacturing industry faces challenges in reducing testing costs and enhancing precision. To verify the accuracy of integrated circuit functionalities, electrical testing holds a significant position within its industrial chain. However, traditional manual testing methods struggle to meet the rapid production and diversified demands of modern enterprises. Therefore, the integration and implementation of automated testing have become a shared goal in the semiconductor industry. Automated testing equipment offers advantages such as high reliability, fast testing speeds, scalability, and the capability to effectively reduce labor costs and error rates, and thus significantly reducing product development time for companies.
Within the realm of direct current electrical characteristic testing techniques, flying probe testing stands out for its high flexibility, speed, and cost-effectiveness, and often is applied in the early stages of development or for limited production quantities. In this study, we utilize embedded systems, include Raspberry Pi 4, Espressif ESP32, and Arduino Mega 2560, and related hardware components, such as parameter measurement units, to design and develop an automated electrical testing system for integrated circuits using flying probe testing. To meet the requirement of scalability and multiple testing devices operating concurrently, the system proposed accommodates multiple sets of master devices that individually manage thousands of slave devices. The master devices utilize a database management system to record necessary information and offer a web-based graphical interface for users to perform system operations and management tasks using networked devices.
The slave devices are split into two modules: probe movement and integrated circuit testing. The probe movement module utilizes components like aluminum extrusions, stepper motors, threaded rods, optical rods, and linear bearings to build a device platform and a three-axis movement mechanism, which can provide a positioning precision of 0.01 mm. This allows users to conduct tests on various packaging specifications using integrated circuit fixtures. In the integrated circuit testing module, the AD5522 parameter measurement unit, relays, and ADC module will be employed to accomplish direct current parameter tests for 14-pin small-scale integrated circuits. This involves measuring the input-pin current and output-pin voltage for TTL, as well as the input-pin leakage current and output-pin voltage for CMOS.
In the inter-network communication, we adopt the Wi-SUN wireless communication technology and utilize the Modbus protocol for data transmission between the master and slave devices. As a result, the system can communicate with thousands of devices over tens of kilometers, offer industry-standard communication protocol standards, and meet the low-power, long-distance transmission requirements in industrial IoT, and thereby enhance system scalability.
Additionally, to demonstrate the usage of this system and validate the correctness of the testing functions, commercially logic ICs like SN74LS08, SN74LS04, SN74HC08, and SN74HC32 will be used as examples and measure their four direct current electrical characteristic parameters: IIH, IIL, VOH, and VOL. Experimental results show that the systems proposed in this study can meet the specified values outlined in the relevant datasheets. Finally, a conclusion is given.

致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 論文架構 2
第二章 相關技術 3
2.1 自動測試設備 3
2.2 直流參數測試 4
2.3 參數量測單元 AD5522 6
2.4 嵌入式系統 9
2.5 Wi-SUN 通訊技術 11
2.6 Modbus 通訊協定 13
第三章 系統架構 15
3.1 系統架構 15
3.2 主控設備設計 16
3.3 受控設備規劃 18
3.4 測試資料檔案說明 24
3.5 測量電路校正作業 25
第四章 系統使用說明 28
4.1 系統雛型 28
4.2 使用者介面與管理功能 29
4.3 測試範例 38
第五章 結論 42
參考文獻 44

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