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研究生(外文):LIN, JUE-CHANG
論文名稱(外文):Relationship Lending and Capital Structure: Evidences from Taiwan's Public Listed Firms
指導教授(外文):HUANG, YI-HOU
外文關鍵詞:Relationship lendingBank-firm relationshipsCapital structureLeverageSoft-informationHold-up problem
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關係借貸指的是銀行在授信決策中考慮企業軟資訊的一種技術。軟資訊又稱為質性資訊,如企業主的個性、員工的工作氣氛及銀行職員的判斷等。本研究探討關係貸款如何影響台灣公開發行公司的資本結構。我們利用台灣經濟日報(TEJ)2010年至2022年期間的銀行放款明細資料庫,構建了主要變數——關係持續時間(Duration)、關係數量(Number)和貸款集中度(Loan HHI),共涵蓋12,528個觀察值。同時,我們採用了兩階段最小平方法(2SLS)來解決關係貸款研究中常見的內生性問題。研究結果顯示,台灣公開發行公司普遍符合套牢問題假設:公司與銀行往來時間越久,槓桿越少。我們對利率及抵押比率的分析也支持此一發現:公司與銀行往來時間越久,利率及抵押比率越高。在台灣銀行業競爭激烈的情況下,銀行通常在初期提供優惠貸款條件,但隨著時間推移,逐漸收回優惠,進而導致套牢問題。然而,公司也會透過建立更多且更分散的銀行關係來緩解套牢問題,從而維持槓桿水平。此外,我們對不同類型的企業(如資訊不對稱企業、財務受限企業等)進行了進一步分析,結果顯示,不同類型的公司面對的套牢問題程度不同,且由不同因素所驅動。總而言之,我們的研究幫助公司更好地理解銀行企業關係對資本結構的影響,並進一步分析關係借貸對資本結構的傳導效果,為公司資本結構決策提供重要參考。
Relationship lending refers to a lending practice where banks consider the soft information of a company in their credit decisions. Soft information, also known as qualitative information, includes factors such as the personality of the manager, the work atmosphere among employees, and the judgments of bank officers. This study examines how relationship lending affects the capital structure of publicly listed companies in Taiwan. We utilized data from the Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ) bank loan database spanning 2010 to 2022 to construct our relationship variables: duration of the main bank relationship (Duration), number of relationships (Number), and loan concentration (Loan HHI), covering 12,528 firm-year observations. We employed the two-stage least squares (2SLS) method to address endogeneity issues. Our findings reveal that longer relationships with banks correlate with lower leverage, higher interest rates, and higher collateral rates. In Taiwan's competitive banking sector, initial favorable loan terms are often withdrawn over time, leading to hold-up problems. Companies mitigate this by diversifying their banking relationships. Further analysis shows that the extent of the hold-up problem varies among different types of firms, driven by various factors. Our research helps companies understand the impact of banking relationships on capital structure, providing valuable insights for capital structure decision-making.
List of Tablesv
1. Introduction1
2. Literature Review and Hypothesis2
2.1 Capital Structure Theory2
2.2 Framework of Relationship Lending4
2.3 Relationship Lending Across Various Firm Types6
2.3.1 Information Asymmetry Firms6
2.3.2 Financially Constrained Firms8
2.3.3 Family Firms9
2.4 Hypothesis Development9
3. Data and methodology10
3.1 Data10
3.2 Basic model11
3.3 Measurement of bank-firm relationships11
3.3.1 Duration12
3.3.2 Number13
3.3.3 Loan HHI (Herfindahl-Hirschman Index)13
3.4 Other control variables13
3.5 Instrumental variables14
3.6 Descriptive statistics14
3.6.1 All sample14
3.6.2 Subsample15
3.7 Correlation matrix17
4. Empirical results18
4.1 Basic Model Analysis18
4.1.1 Basic model: pooled OLS18
4.1.2 Basic model: 2SLS19
4.2 Information Asymmetry Firms20
4.2.1 Small firms20
4.2.2 Young firms20
4.2.3 Growth firms21
4.2.4 High R&D firms21
4.3 Financially Constrained Firms22
4.3.1 Low cash firms22
4.3.2 Low FCF firms22
4.4 Characteristics of Taiwan Firms23
4.4.1 Family firms23
4.4.2 Electronic firms23
5. Conclusion25
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