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研究生(外文):Hsu, Chen-Rui
論文名稱(外文):Residual-Based EWMA Methodology Integrated with Time Series Models : Application in Covid-19
指導教授(外文):Wang, Hsiu-Ying
口試委員(外文):Wang, Hsiu-YingChen, Yi-HauChen, Lin-An
外文關鍵詞:Covid-19ARIMAVARMAControl ChartResiduals
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Acknowledgement .......... i
Chinese Abstract .......... ii
English Abstract .......... iii
Contents .......... iv
List of Figures .......... vi
List of Tables .......... vii
1. Introduction ..........1
2. Literature Review ..........3
3. Research Design ..........5
3.1 Framework ..........5
3.2 Data Description ..........6
3.2.1 India ..........7
3.2.2 Malaysia ..........9
3.2.3 Thailand ..........12
4. Methodology ..........15
4.1 Time Series Model ..........15
4.1.1 ARIMA Model ..........15
4.1.2 VARMA Model ..........16
4.2 Model Selection ..........17
4.3 Control Charts ..........19
4.3.1 Shewart Control Chart ..........19
4.3.2EWMA Control Chart ..........19
5. Results ..........22
5.1 Covid-19 in India ..........22
5.2 Covid-19 in Malaysia ..........26
5.3 Covid-19 in Thailand ..........30
6. Conclusion ..........34
References ..........35
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